Atypical celiac disease and concomitant autoimmune hepatitis
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Burada tedaviye dirençli demir eksikliği, transaminaz yüksekliği ve boy kısalığı ile başvuran, çölyak serolojisi pozitif saptanan ve ince bağırsak biyopsisi ile çölyak hastalığı tanısı alan 10 yaşında olgu sunuldu. Anemi sadece glutensiz diyet ile bir ay içerisinde düzeldi. Başvuru anında hipergamaglobülinemi ve anti-düz kas antikor pozitifliği nedeniyle yapılan karaciğer biyopsisinde portal lenfoplazmositer infiltrasyon saptandı. Histolojik, klinik ve laboratuar bulgular ile otoimmün hepatit tanısı aldı ve immünsüpresif tedavi başlandı. Olgu, atipik prezentasyonun yanında eşlik eden otoimmün hepatitin glutensiz diyet altında immunsüpresif tedaviye alışılagelmişin dışında hızlı yanıt vermesi nedeniyle sunuma değer bulunmuştur.
Celiac disease (CD) was diagnosed in a 10-year-old boy who was presented with refractory iron deficiency anemia (IDA), hypertransaminasemia and short stature. Anemia resolved within one month after the institution of gluten-free diet. We performed liver biopsy because of hypergamaglobulinemia and high titers of smooth muscle antibody. On the basis of histologic findings together with clinical and laboratory findings, type 1 autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) was diagnosed. We aimed to report a CD case displaying more than one type of atypical pictures. Concomitant AIH and unusual rapid response of hepatitis to conventional treatment are also emphasized.
Celiac disease (CD) was diagnosed in a 10-year-old boy who was presented with refractory iron deficiency anemia (IDA), hypertransaminasemia and short stature. Anemia resolved within one month after the institution of gluten-free diet. We performed liver biopsy because of hypergamaglobulinemia and high titers of smooth muscle antibody. On the basis of histologic findings together with clinical and laboratory findings, type 1 autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) was diagnosed. We aimed to report a CD case displaying more than one type of atypical pictures. Concomitant AIH and unusual rapid response of hepatitis to conventional treatment are also emphasized.
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Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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