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Modern Yunan şiirinin öncüsü olarak görülen ve şiirleri güncelliğini koruyarak hala ilgi ile okunan Konstantinos Kavafis, dili, üslubu ve ifade teknikleri ile kendine özgü bir şair olarak kabul edilmektedir. İskenderiye'de doğmuş ve 70 yıllık ömrünün büyük bir bölümünü aynı şehirde geçirmiştir. Şiirlerinin tamamı ölümünden sonra 1935 yılında İskenderiye'de yayımlanmış ve edebiyat çevreleri bir bütün olarak onun eseriyle ancak bu tarihten sonra tanışmıştır. Kendisi hayattayken şiirlerini tematik olarak "felsefi", "tarihsel" ve "hedonist" şeklinde kategorize etmiştir. Kavafis'in şiirleri arasında en önemli grubu tarihsel şiirleri oluşturmaktadır. "Sembolist şiir metodunun" unsurlarını kullanarak şiirlerinde çok geniş ölçüde tarihsel öğelere ve imgelere yer vermiştir. Zaman, mekân ve özel adlar onun şiirinde kendilerine yüklenen özel anlamlar nedeniyle büyük önem taşımaktadır. Şair tarihsel şiirlerinde esin kaynağının ortaya çıkmasını önlemek için sembollere yönelmiştir. Tarihsel şiirlerindeki coğrafya ağırlıklı olarak Akdeniz havzasıdır, izlekler ise Geç Antik dönem ile Helenistik ve Roma dönemi ile Bizans'ın son dönemindendir. Kahramanları mitolojiden, Truva ve Pers Savaşlarından, Roma ve Bizans İmparatorluğundan bilinen ya da uydurulmuş figürlerdir. Kavafis'in gözünde tarih tanınmayan ya da kısmen bilinen insanların yaşamlarından oluşan bir antolojidir. O tarihi kişilikleri ve olayları şiirlerinde farklı bir işlev için kullanmaktadır
Konstantinos Kavafis, considered as the pioneer of modern Greek poetry and read with great interest by continuing to be relevant, is regarded as a unique poet with his language, style and expression techniques. He was born in Alexandria and spent most of his 70 year lifetime in the same city. All of his poems were published in Alexandria in 1935 after his death, and the literary circles, as a whole, met his work after this date. When he was alive, he categorized his poetry thematically as "philosophical", "historical" and "hedonist". The most important category of his poetry is historical poems. By using the elements of “method of symbolist poetry”, he extensively included historical items and imagery in his poems. Time, space and proper names are of great importance as they bear meaning in his poems. The poet concentrated on symbols in order to prevent the emergence of inspiration in his historical poems. While the geography of the historical poetry is predominantly the Mediterranean basin, the traces are from the Late Ancient period, the Hellenistic and the Roman period, and the last period of Byzantine. Heroes of the poems are either common or fictious figures known from the mythology, the Trojan and Persian Wars, the Roman and Byzantine Empires. According to Kavafis, the history is an anthology of the lives of people who is known or partly known. He uses historical personalities and events for a different function in his poems
Konstantinos Kavafis, considered as the pioneer of modern Greek poetry and read with great interest by continuing to be relevant, is regarded as a unique poet with his language, style and expression techniques. He was born in Alexandria and spent most of his 70 year lifetime in the same city. All of his poems were published in Alexandria in 1935 after his death, and the literary circles, as a whole, met his work after this date. When he was alive, he categorized his poetry thematically as "philosophical", "historical" and "hedonist". The most important category of his poetry is historical poems. By using the elements of “method of symbolist poetry”, he extensively included historical items and imagery in his poems. Time, space and proper names are of great importance as they bear meaning in his poems. The poet concentrated on symbols in order to prevent the emergence of inspiration in his historical poems. While the geography of the historical poetry is predominantly the Mediterranean basin, the traces are from the Late Ancient period, the Hellenistic and the Roman period, and the last period of Byzantine. Heroes of the poems are either common or fictious figures known from the mythology, the Trojan and Persian Wars, the Roman and Byzantine Empires. According to Kavafis, the history is an anthology of the lives of people who is known or partly known. He uses historical personalities and events for a different function in his poems
Anahtar Kelimeler
Antropoloji, Arkeoloji, Sanat, Kültürel Çalışmalar, Tarih, Edebiyat, Edebi Teori ve Eleştiri
Trakya Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri