The Determining Physiological Maturity Time in Sunflower
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Trakya Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ayçiçeğinde genetik faktörler olgunlaşma zamanının belirlenmesinde önemli rol oynamasına rağmen, bu öğenin oluşmasında ayrıca sıcaklık, ekim zamanı ve ekildiği yer gibi çevresel faktörlerin etkisi büyüktür. Olgunluğun ayçiçeği bitkisinde belirlemenin en kolay ve ekonomik yolu fenolojik ve görsel gözlemlerdir. Fizyolojik olgunluğun belirlenmesinde en önemli özellik; ayçiçeği tablasının arka kısımlarının % 10 civarında kahverengine döndüğü zamandır. Araştırmada; ayçiçeği tanelerinin maksimum yağ oranına ulaşması ve nem oranının fenolojik gözlemler ile kullanılarak fizyolojik olgunluk zamanının belirlenmesi en uygun metot olarak bulunmuştur. Bu zamanda tanelerde 300-400 g/kg nem oranı mevcut olup, tanelerde yağ oranı maksimum seviyeye ulaşmıştır. Araştırmadaki korelasyon sonuçlarında, hem gün, hem de gün derece toplamlarında fizyolojik olgunluk zamanında benzer sonuçlar elde edilmiş olup, olgunluğun en erken % 50 çiçeklenme zamanında doğru olarak tahmin edilebileceğini belirlenmiştir. Denemelerde fizyolojik olgunluk gün süreleri, gün derece toplamlarına göre daha az değişkenlik göstermiştir.
The genotype of sunflover (Helianthus annuus L.) affects maturity time but maturity is also influenced by environmental conditions such as temperature, planting date and location. The easiest and most economical method for delennining nıaturity was phenological or visual observation. The best character to define physiological maturity (PM) was head first stage, when the brown color (1 to 10 %) was visually observed at back of sunflower heads in visual observations. Determination of PM with phenological observation and seed moisture or seed maximum oil content together was the most accurate method for evaluation of physiological maturity. Hybrids decreased to about 300-400 g/kg moisture and reached maximum oil content at physiological maturity. Correlation results at physiological maturity showed that hybrids usually displayed similar days and heat unit accumulations at flowering and other early stages. Therefore, the earliest stage to accurately predict PM was 50 % blooming stage for most hybrids. Day accumulations were found to be less variable than heat unit accumulations in this study.
The genotype of sunflover (Helianthus annuus L.) affects maturity time but maturity is also influenced by environmental conditions such as temperature, planting date and location. The easiest and most economical method for delennining nıaturity was phenological or visual observation. The best character to define physiological maturity (PM) was head first stage, when the brown color (1 to 10 %) was visually observed at back of sunflower heads in visual observations. Determination of PM with phenological observation and seed moisture or seed maximum oil content together was the most accurate method for evaluation of physiological maturity. Hybrids decreased to about 300-400 g/kg moisture and reached maximum oil content at physiological maturity. Correlation results at physiological maturity showed that hybrids usually displayed similar days and heat unit accumulations at flowering and other early stages. Therefore, the earliest stage to accurately predict PM was 50 % blooming stage for most hybrids. Day accumulations were found to be less variable than heat unit accumulations in this study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ayçiçeği, Fizyolojik Olgunluk, Gelişme Devreleri, Sunflower, Physiological Maturity, Growth stages
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