Akciğer kanserli hastalarda eritrosit arginaz aktivitesi
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada, akciğer kanserli hastalarda kanda eritrosit arginaz aktivitesi ve hücre tipi ve ekstrapulmoner metastazın bu aktiviteye etkisi incelendi. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya akciğer kanserli 46 hasta (ort. yaş 63.1) ve sağlıklı 29 birey (ort. yaş 57.2) alındı. Eritrosit arginaz aktivitesi Geyer ve Dabich yöntemi ile ölçüldü. Ayrıca, küçük hücreli akciğer kanserli 15 hasta, küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanserli 31 hasta, ekstrapulmoner metastazı olan 23 hasta ve metastazı olmayan 23 hastanın eritrosit arginaz aktiviteleri karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Sağlıklı kontroller ile karşılaştırıldığında, akciğer kanserli tüm hastaların (p<0.01), küçük hücreli akciğer kanserli hastaların (p<0.05), küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanserli hastaların (p<0.01), ekstrapulmoner metastazı olan (p<0.01) ve olmayan (p<0.01) hastaların eritrosit arginaz aktiviteleri anlamlı derecede yüksek bulundu. Öte yandan, küçük hücreli ve küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanserli hastalar arasında ve metastazı olan ve olmayan hastalar arasında eritrosit arginaz aktivitesi yönünden anlamlı farklılık görülmedi. Sonuç: Akciğer kanserli hastalarda eritrosit arginaz aktivitesinde sağlıklılara göre anlamlı bir artış olduğunu; ancak, hücre tipi veya ekstrapulmoner metastazın bu artış üzerinde etkisi olmadığını söyleyebiliriz.
Objectives: We investigated blood erythrocyte arginase activity in lung cancer patients and the effect of cell type and extrapulmonary metastasis on this activity. Patients and Methods: The study included 46 lung cancer patients (mean age 63.1 years) and 29 healthy subjects (mean age 57.2 years). Erythrocyte arginase activity was determined with the use of the Geyer-Dabich method. Erythrocyte arginase activity was compared between patients with small cell lung cancer (n=15), non-small cell lung cancer (n=31), extrapulmonary metastases (n=23), and no metastasis (n=23). Results: Compared to healthy controls, erythrocyte arginase activity was significantly increased in all lung cancer patients (p<0.01), and in patient groups with small cell lung cancer (p<0.05), non-small cell lung cancer (p<0.01), extrapulmonary metastases (p<0.01), and no metastasis (p<0.01). On the other hand, erythrocyte arginase activity did not differ significantly between patients with small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, and between patients with and without extrapulmonary metastases. Conclusion: Our data suggest that, compared to healthy subjects, erythrocyte arginase activity is significantly increased in lung cancer patients, with no additional effect of cell type or extrapulmonary metastases.
Objectives: We investigated blood erythrocyte arginase activity in lung cancer patients and the effect of cell type and extrapulmonary metastasis on this activity. Patients and Methods: The study included 46 lung cancer patients (mean age 63.1 years) and 29 healthy subjects (mean age 57.2 years). Erythrocyte arginase activity was determined with the use of the Geyer-Dabich method. Erythrocyte arginase activity was compared between patients with small cell lung cancer (n=15), non-small cell lung cancer (n=31), extrapulmonary metastases (n=23), and no metastasis (n=23). Results: Compared to healthy controls, erythrocyte arginase activity was significantly increased in all lung cancer patients (p<0.01), and in patient groups with small cell lung cancer (p<0.05), non-small cell lung cancer (p<0.01), extrapulmonary metastases (p<0.01), and no metastasis (p<0.01). On the other hand, erythrocyte arginase activity did not differ significantly between patients with small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, and between patients with and without extrapulmonary metastases. Conclusion: Our data suggest that, compared to healthy subjects, erythrocyte arginase activity is significantly increased in lung cancer patients, with no additional effect of cell type or extrapulmonary metastases.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gastroenteroloji ve Hepatoloji, Tıbbi Laboratuar Teknolojisi, Onkoloji, Radyoloji, Nükleer Tıp, Tıbbi Görüntüleme, Solunum Sistemi
Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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