Kırklareli Hapishanesi
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1858 Ceza Kanunu’yla hapis cezası asli bir ceza olarak Osmanlı Hukuku’nda yer almaya başlayınca, asli bir ceza infaz kurumu olarak da hapishaneler inşa edilmeye başlanmıştır. Osmanlı Dönemi’nde modern anlamdaki hapishanelerin yapılanması, Tanzimat ve Sultan II. Abdülhamit dönemlerine rastlar. Sultan II. Abdülhamit döneminde ülkenin pek çok yerinde kâgir, tek veya iki katlı, eski binalardan dönüştürülen veya şahıslardan kiralanan hapishaneler yaygınlaşmaya başlamıştır. Bu dönemde inşa edilen Kırklareli Hapishanesi de bunlardan biridir. Kırklareli’de 1867 yılında bir hapishane inşaatına başlanmış ancak bu hapishane,1888 yılında ihtiyaca cevap veremez hale gelmiştir. Zamanla tamir edilse de yeterli gelmemiş, Hasip Paşa’nın mutasarrıflığı döneminde Hükümet Konağı ve Jandarma Dairesiyle birlikte hapishane yeniden inşa edilerek 1892 yılında tamamlanmıştır. Zamanla eklemelerle özgün planı değişen Kırklareli Hapishanesi, dönemin hapishane binalarıyla benzer özellikleri ve plan şemasıyla önemli bir kamu yapısıdır. Daha önce mimari açıdan incelenmeyen Kırklareli Hapishanesi detaylı olarak ele alınmıştır.
With the 1858 Criminal Code, when the prison sentence began to be included in the Ottoman Law as a basic penalty, prisons started to be built as a primary penal institution. Structuring of modern prisons in the Ottoman Period, Tanzimat and Sultan II. It coincides with the times of Abdülhamit. Sultan II. During the reign of Abdülhamit, prisons of masonry, one or two floors, converted from old buildings or rented from individuals, started to spread in many parts of the country. Kırklareli Prison, which was built during this period, is one of them. Construction of a prison was started in 1867 in Kırklareli, but this prison became unable to meet the needs in 1888. Although it was repaired in time, it was not sufficient, and the prison was rebuilt together with the Government House and Gendarmerie Office during the governor of Hasip Pasha and was completed in 1892. Kırklareli Prison, whose original plan changed with additions over time, is an important public building with similar features and plan scheme with the prison buildings of the period. Kırklareli Prison, which has not been studied architecturally before, has been discussed in detail.
With the 1858 Criminal Code, when the prison sentence began to be included in the Ottoman Law as a basic penalty, prisons started to be built as a primary penal institution. Structuring of modern prisons in the Ottoman Period, Tanzimat and Sultan II. It coincides with the times of Abdülhamit. Sultan II. During the reign of Abdülhamit, prisons of masonry, one or two floors, converted from old buildings or rented from individuals, started to spread in many parts of the country. Kırklareli Prison, which was built during this period, is one of them. Construction of a prison was started in 1867 in Kırklareli, but this prison became unable to meet the needs in 1888. Although it was repaired in time, it was not sufficient, and the prison was rebuilt together with the Government House and Gendarmerie Office during the governor of Hasip Pasha and was completed in 1892. Kırklareli Prison, whose original plan changed with additions over time, is an important public building with similar features and plan scheme with the prison buildings of the period. Kırklareli Prison, which has not been studied architecturally before, has been discussed in detail.
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