Karbamazepin ve valproat tedavisi alan çocuklarda immunolojik parametrelerin değerlendirilmesi
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Amaç: Antiepileptik ilaçlardan karbamazepin ve sodyum valproatın immun sisteme etkilerini araştırmak. Gereç ve Yöntem: Anabilim Dalımız Nöroloji Polikliniğinden karbamazepin ve valproat tedavisi başlanan 64 olguda bu ilaçların immun sisteme etkilerini belirlemek için serum IgG, IgA, IgM, kompleman 3 (C3), kompleman 4 (C4) düzeyleri saptandı. Günlük doz, kullanım süresi, kan ilaç düzeyi ile olan ilişkisi araştırıldı. Kontrol grubu olarak 25 non-epileptik hasta seçildi. Bulgular: Valproat grubunda serum IgG, IgA, IgM düzeylerinde kontrol ve karbamazepin grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktu. Karbamazepin grubunda serum IgM düzeyleri, kontrol ve valproat grubuna göre anlamlı düşüktü (p<0,05). IgG ve IgA düzeylerinde ise farklılık yoktu. Valproat ve karbamazepin grubunda C4 düzeyi kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı düşüktü (p<0,05). C3 düzeyleri arasında farklılık bulunamadı. Günlük doz, ilaç kan düzeyi ve kullanma süresiyle parametreler arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunamadı. Sonuç: Uzun dönem antikonvülsif ilaç kullanımı sırasında, bu ilaçların immünolojik sistem üzerine etkilerinin göz önünde bulundurulmasının uygun olacağı sonucuna varıldı.
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of carbamazepine and valproate on immune system. Methods: Serum concentrations of immunglobuline G (IgG), immunglobuline M (IgM), immunglobiiline A (IgA), complement factor 3 (C3), complement factor 4 (C4) and their relation with daily dosage, duration of usage and scrum levels of these drugs were determined in 64 epileptic patients who were followed up by the Neurology out-patient clinic. Control group consisted of 25 non-epileptic patients. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the valproate and the control groups in terms of serum IgG, IgM, IgA levels, whereas serum IgM levels were significantly lower in carbamazepine group when compared with the valproate and control groups (p<0.05). Serum C4 levels were significantly lower in both study groups when compared with the control group (p<0.05). No difference was noted among the groups with respect to C3 levels. Besides no correlation has been detected among serum concentrations of these parameters, duration of usage and serum levels of these drugs. Conclusion: During long term usage of these anti-epileptic drugs, their effect on immunologic system must he taken into consideration.
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of carbamazepine and valproate on immune system. Methods: Serum concentrations of immunglobuline G (IgG), immunglobuline M (IgM), immunglobiiline A (IgA), complement factor 3 (C3), complement factor 4 (C4) and their relation with daily dosage, duration of usage and scrum levels of these drugs were determined in 64 epileptic patients who were followed up by the Neurology out-patient clinic. Control group consisted of 25 non-epileptic patients. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the valproate and the control groups in terms of serum IgG, IgM, IgA levels, whereas serum IgM levels were significantly lower in carbamazepine group when compared with the valproate and control groups (p<0.05). Serum C4 levels were significantly lower in both study groups when compared with the control group (p<0.05). No difference was noted among the groups with respect to C3 levels. Besides no correlation has been detected among serum concentrations of these parameters, duration of usage and serum levels of these drugs. Conclusion: During long term usage of these anti-epileptic drugs, their effect on immunologic system must he taken into consideration.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mühendislik, Biyotıp, Klinik Nöroloji, Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma, Gastroenteroloji ve Hepatoloji, Genel ve Dahili Tıp, Nörolojik Bilimler, Pediatri
Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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