Mikrodalga ve vakum kurutucuda bazı gıda ürünlerinin kurutulması ve modellenmesi
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Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tezde mikrodalga ve vakum kurutucuda kurutulmuş domates ve elma dilimlerinin kalitesi üzerine araştırma yapılmıştır ve önemli parametreler hakkında temel bilgiler geliştirilmiştir. Kurutma zamanının azalmasının renk kalitesi üzerine etkisi tanımlanmıştır. Ayrıca doğrusal olmayan bir kurutma sürecinin Luikov modeli kullanılarak matematiksel modeli geliştirildi ve kurutma sürecinin enerji maliyetini azaltacak, ürün kalitesini arttıracak ve toplam kurutma zamanını da düşürecek bir kontrol yapısı oluşturulmuştur. Ayrıca matematiksel model ile gerçek davranış arasındaki ilişkiyi daha iyi bir seviyeye çıkarmak ve kurutulan ürünlerin (elma, domates) dinamik davranışlarının önceden belirlenmesi için çalışılmıştır.
In this study, quality of dried tomato and apple slices was investigated using microwave and vacuum dryer and were developed important parameters about basic information. Effective of color quality was described for decreasing of the drying time. Also, The mathematical model was developed using Luikov model. Then, a made of control was made up to be decreased energy cost of drying time and total drying time and to be increased quality of food. Besides, for raising a better level to relation between the mathematical model and real attitude and predefinition of dynamic attitude of drying foods (apple and tomato) was studied.
In this study, quality of dried tomato and apple slices was investigated using microwave and vacuum dryer and were developed important parameters about basic information. Effective of color quality was described for decreasing of the drying time. Also, The mathematical model was developed using Luikov model. Then, a made of control was made up to be decreased energy cost of drying time and total drying time and to be increased quality of food. Besides, for raising a better level to relation between the mathematical model and real attitude and predefinition of dynamic attitude of drying foods (apple and tomato) was studied.
Doktora Tezi
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kurutma, Domates Kurutma, Elma Kurutma, Difüzyon Katsayısı, Mikrodalga, Vakum Kurutucu, Luikov Modeli, Drying, Tomato Drying, Apple Drying, Diffusion Coefficient, Microwave, Vacuum Dryer, Luikov Model