Karın travmalı hastalara yaklaşım: Son 3 yıllık deneyimimiz
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Amaç: Travma, özellikle genç nüfus ölümlerinin en sık nedenleri arasında ön sıralardaki yerini korumaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı son 3 yıllık dönemde travma nedeniyle ameliyat edilen hastaların tedavisindeki deneyimimizin retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada 6.1.95.- 10.12.98. tarihleri arasında travma nedeniyle opere ettiğimiz 65 hasta yaş, cinsiyet, travma cinsi, preoperatif tanı yöntemleri, ameliyat bulguları ve postoperatif erken dönem sonuçları açısından retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Hastaların 54'ü (%83) erkek, 11'i kadın ve yaş ortalaması 31.1'di. Hastaların 34'ü (%53) künt travma, 15'i (%23) kesici-delici alet yaralanması (KDAY), 16'sı (%29) ateşli silah yaralanması (ASY) nedeniyle opere edildi. Künt travmalarda tanıda radyolojik görüntüleme yöntemleri ve diagnostik peritoneal lavaj öncelik kazanırken KDAY ve ASY'da lokal eksplorasyon ve fizik muayene en çok yararlanılan tanı yöntemleri oldu. Bulgular: Künt travmalarda dalak (%32.5), ASY'da ince barsak (%21.4), KDAY'da ise omentum (%27.2) en sık yaralanan organdı. Negatif laparatomi oranımız %16.9 olarak bulundu. Mortalite %3, morbidite ise %15.6 idi. Sonuç: Negatif laparatomi oranlarımız literatürden yüksek olmakla beraber mortalite ve morbidite oranlarımız literatüre göre daha düşüktür.
Purpose: Trauma still causes a great majority of deaths especially among young people. The aim of this study was to evaluate our experience in the treatment of patients injured from trauma trough the last 3 years. Methods: In this study 65 patients who were operated on because of trauma through 1995-1998 were evaluated retrospectively on the aspects of age, sex, type of trauma, preoperative diagnostic technique, exploration results and postoperative early results. Fifty four of patients (83%) were male, 11 of them were female. Mean age was 31.1. Thirty-four of the patients (57%) were operated because of blunt trauma, 15 (23%) were operated because of stab wounds, 16 (29%) were operated because of gun shut wounds. While in diagnosis of blunt trauma radiological techniques and diagnostic peritoneal lavage had the priority, in stab wounds and gun shot wounds local exploration a/id physical examination were the most useful methods. Results: The spleen (32.5%) in blunt traumas, small intestine (21.4%) in gun shots wounds, and the omentum in stab wounds were the most common organs that were injured. Our negative laparatomy ratio was 16.9%. The mortality rate was 3%. The morbidity was 15.6%. Conclusion: The ratio of our negative laparatomy is higher than the literature, but our mortality and morbidity ratio is lower than the literature.
Purpose: Trauma still causes a great majority of deaths especially among young people. The aim of this study was to evaluate our experience in the treatment of patients injured from trauma trough the last 3 years. Methods: In this study 65 patients who were operated on because of trauma through 1995-1998 were evaluated retrospectively on the aspects of age, sex, type of trauma, preoperative diagnostic technique, exploration results and postoperative early results. Fifty four of patients (83%) were male, 11 of them were female. Mean age was 31.1. Thirty-four of the patients (57%) were operated because of blunt trauma, 15 (23%) were operated because of stab wounds, 16 (29%) were operated because of gun shut wounds. While in diagnosis of blunt trauma radiological techniques and diagnostic peritoneal lavage had the priority, in stab wounds and gun shot wounds local exploration a/id physical examination were the most useful methods. Results: The spleen (32.5%) in blunt traumas, small intestine (21.4%) in gun shots wounds, and the omentum in stab wounds were the most common organs that were injured. Our negative laparatomy ratio was 16.9%. The mortality rate was 3%. The morbidity was 15.6%. Conclusion: The ratio of our negative laparatomy is higher than the literature, but our mortality and morbidity ratio is lower than the literature.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kalp ve Kalp Damar Sistemi, Periferik Damar Hastalıkları, Cerrahi
Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri