Edirne ilinde asemptomatik erişkinlerde kolelitiazis sıklığı
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Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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Safra kesesi taşı hastalığı hem ülkemiz hem de dünya genelinde sık karşılaşılan bir sağlık sorunudur. Literatür taramasında Edirne iline ait safra taşı prevalansına ait veri bulunmamaktadır. Çalışmamızda Edirne ilinde yaşayan sağlıklı bireylerde safra taşı prevalansını belirlemek ve safra taşı riskini artıran faktörleri ortaya koymayı amaçladık. Gönüllüler yaş ve cinsiyet aralıklarına göre tabakalandırıldı. TÜİK 2014 nüfus verilerine göre gönüllülelerin ait olduğu grupların örneklem büyüklüğü hesaplandı. Bu plan dahilinde çalışmaya 865 gönüllü alındı. Gönüllülerin 575'i kadın (%66,5) ve 290'ı (%33,5) erkek idi. Gönüllülerin yaş ortalaması 46,1± 16,4 (20-88), boy ortalaması 165,1±7,5 cm. (150-188), kilo ortalaması 62,4±10,4 kg. (43-96) olarak bulundu olarak bulundu. Sağlıklı gönüllülerde safra taşı sıklığını %6, kadınlarda %7,1 erkeklerde %3,8 olarak saptandı. Kadın cinsiyete sahip olmanın safra taşı sıklığını 1.9 kat artırdığı görüldü (p<0,5) . BMI'teki her 1 birimlik artışın safra taşı varlığı riskini anlamlı olarak artırdığı (p?0,01), yaş ile birlikte safra taşı varlığı sıklığının arttığı saptandı (p<0,01). Safra taşı sıklığının en fazla 55-64 yaş arasında olduğu görüldü. Alkol kullanımı ile safra taşı varlığı arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmadı (p>0,5). Safra taşı olan sağlıklı gönüllülerde en sık rastlanan kronik hastalığın D. Mellitus olduğu görüldü. Diyabetik olmanın, diyabetik olmamaya göre safra taşı sıklığını 7.2 kat artırdığı ve bunun istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu (p<0,01) tespit edildi. Safra taşı oluşumunda pekçok faktör rol oynamaktadır. Bunlar içinde özellikle obezite, yaş ve kadın cinsiyetin ön planda olduğu çalışmalarda gösterilmiştir. Diyabet ve obezitenin safra taşları, özellikle kolesterol nedenli safra taşları açısından bir risk faktörü olduğu çoğu çalışmada gösterilmiştir. Risk faktörlerinin çoğu belirlenmiş olsa da safra taşı hastalığı sıklığı bölgesel farklılılar gösterebilmektedir. Bu çalışma ile Edirne ilinde sağlıklı gönüllülerde safra taşı sıklığını ve etki eden faktörleri tespit etmeyi amaçladık
Gallstone disease is a frequently observed health problem in both our country and though out the world. There is no data about the prevalence of cholelithiasis in Edirne. The aim of our study is to investigate the frequency of gallstone disease and the risk factor in healthy volunteers in Edirne. The volunteers were stratified according to age and gender. The sample size of the groups were calculated according to the population data of Turkish Statistic Institute. 865 volunteers were enrolled to the study. There were 575 female (66.5%) and 290 male (33.5%) individual in the study. The mean age was 46,1± 16,4 years (20-88), mean height was length 165,1±7,5 cm (150-188), and the mean weight was found as 62,4±10,4 kg. (43-96). The frequency of cholelithiasis was 6% in all groups and was 7.1% in females, and 3.8% in males. Every 1 unit increase in BMI showed a significant increase of cholelithiasis presence (p ? 0.01), and the frequency of gallstones increased with the age (p < 0.01) cholelithiasis was observed most frequent between 55-64 ages. There were no correlation with alcohol assumption and cholelithiasis. D.Mellitus was the common chronic disease observed in healthy individuals with cholelithiasis. Compared to healty individuals frequency of cholelithiasis increased 7.2 fold in diabetic volunteers and this statistical data was found significant (p<0,01). Many factors play a role in the formation of gallstones. These are in particular, obesity, age and female gender is at the forefront of studies. Diabetes Mellitus and obesity-induced, especially cholesterol gallstones. Although most of the risk factors determined the frequency of gallstone disease regional differences may occur. The aim of our trial is to identify the factors that affect the frequency and the risk factors of gallstones in the province of Edirne in healthy volunteers.
Gallstone disease is a frequently observed health problem in both our country and though out the world. There is no data about the prevalence of cholelithiasis in Edirne. The aim of our study is to investigate the frequency of gallstone disease and the risk factor in healthy volunteers in Edirne. The volunteers were stratified according to age and gender. The sample size of the groups were calculated according to the population data of Turkish Statistic Institute. 865 volunteers were enrolled to the study. There were 575 female (66.5%) and 290 male (33.5%) individual in the study. The mean age was 46,1± 16,4 years (20-88), mean height was length 165,1±7,5 cm (150-188), and the mean weight was found as 62,4±10,4 kg. (43-96). The frequency of cholelithiasis was 6% in all groups and was 7.1% in females, and 3.8% in males. Every 1 unit increase in BMI showed a significant increase of cholelithiasis presence (p ? 0.01), and the frequency of gallstones increased with the age (p < 0.01) cholelithiasis was observed most frequent between 55-64 ages. There were no correlation with alcohol assumption and cholelithiasis. D.Mellitus was the common chronic disease observed in healthy individuals with cholelithiasis. Compared to healty individuals frequency of cholelithiasis increased 7.2 fold in diabetic volunteers and this statistical data was found significant (p<0,01). Many factors play a role in the formation of gallstones. These are in particular, obesity, age and female gender is at the forefront of studies. Diabetes Mellitus and obesity-induced, especially cholesterol gallstones. Although most of the risk factors determined the frequency of gallstone disease regional differences may occur. The aim of our trial is to identify the factors that affect the frequency and the risk factors of gallstones in the province of Edirne in healthy volunteers.