Edirne ili merkez ve köylerinde Von Willebrand hastalığı sıklığının saptanması
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Von Willebrand hastalığı kalıtsal kanama diyatezlerinin en sık görülenidir. Dünyada geniş bir dağılıma sahiptir ve tüm etnik grupları etkilemektedir. Bu hastalık ilk olarak 1926 yılında Erik von Willebrand tarafından tanımlanmıştır. Yapılan bazı epidemiyolojik çalışmalarda von Willebrand Hastalığının prevalansı %0.1-2 arasında bulunmuştur. Ülkemizde von Willebrand Hastalığının prevalansını belirlemeye yönelik iki çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalardan Ankarada yapılmış olan da von Willebrand Hastalığının prevalansı %0.7, îzmirde yapılmış olan da prevalansı %0.44 olarak bulunmuştur. Biz bu çalışmayı Edirne bölgesinde von Willebrand Hastalığının prevalansını belirlemek amacı ile yaptık. 6-14 yaş arası 1 194 çocuk ve ailesi kanamaya yatkınlık açısından bir anket formu ile sorgulandı. Kanama semptomu olan 171 çocuğun Ristosetin KoFaktör Aktivitesi ve von Willebrand Antijen seviyesi ölçüldü. Kanama semptomu olup Ristosetin KoFaktör Aktivitesi %50 IU/dl'nin, von Willebrand Antijen seviyesi %50 IU/dPnin altında olan olgular Tip 1 von Willebrand Hastalığı olarak kabul edildi. Tip 1 von Willebrand Hastalığı olan olgu sayısı 7 ve bunun oram %0.6 olarak bulundu. Kanama semptomu olup Ristosetin KoFaktör Aktivitesi %50 IU/dl'nin, Ristosetin KoFaktör/von Willebrand Antijen oranı 0.7'nin altında olan olgular Tip 2 von Willebrand Hastalığı olarak kabul edildi.Tip 2 olan olgu sayısı 4 ve bunun oranı %0.3 olarak bulundu. Klinik ve laboratuvar incelemeler sonucunda Tip 2B, 2N, 2M ve Tip 3 von Willebrand Hastalığı ile uyumlu olgu saptanmadı. Ristosetin KoFaktör Aktivitesi ve von Willebrand Antijen değerlerinin 0 ve nonO kan grubuna göre ortalama değerlerinin saptanması sonucunda Ristosetin KoFaktör Aktivitesi için alt sımr, 0 kan grubunda %45 IU/dl, nonO kan grubunda %68 IU/dl olarak saptanmıştır, von Willebrand Antijen için alt sımr 0 kan grubunda %50 IU/dl, nonO kan grubunda %65 IU/dl 44olarak bulunmuştur. Bu değerler göz önüne alınarak tanısı konulduğunda ise 12 olgunun Tip 1, 4 olgunun Tip 2A von Willebrand Hastalığı ile uyumlu olduğu saptandı. Sonuçta toplam 16 (16/1 194; %1.3) olguya von Willebrand Hastalığı tanısı konuldu. Son olarak Edirne İl merkez ve köylerinde bizim yaptığımız çalışmaya göre von Willebrand Hastalığı prevalansı %0.9 olarak bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmada von Willebrand Hastalığının genel populasyonda sık görülen bir hastalık olduğunu ve von Willebrand Hastalığı prevalansını belirlemeye yönelik daha kapsamlı çalışmalar yapılması gerektiğini göstermiştir.Anahtar sözcük: von Willebrand Hastalığı-Prevalans-Kan grupları
Von Willebrand disease is by far the most common of the hereditary disorders of the coagulation system. It is worldwide in distribution and affects all racial groups. This disorder was first described in 1926 by Dr Erik von Willebrand. In some epidemiological investigations, the prevalence of von Willebrand's disease was found to be 0.1-2%. There are two studies to show the prevalence of von Willebrand's Disease in our country. In one of these studies which was from Ankara the prevalence of von Willebrand's Disease was 0.7% and in the other study from Izmir, the prevalence was found to be 0.44%. We carried out this study to determine the prevalence of von Willebrand's Disease in 1194 children between the ages of 6-14 years. Both the children and their family members were interrogated by a questionnaire form for the presence of a bleeding tendency. Ristocetin CoFactor activity and von Willebrand Factor Antigen levels are measured in 171 children with bleeding symptoms. Children who had bleeding symptoms with Ristocetin CoFactor activity less than 50% KJ/dl and von Willebrand Antigen less than 50% IU/dl were diagnosed as having Type 1 von Willebrand's Disease. The number of cases having Type 1 von Willebrand's Disease was found to be 7 (0.6%). Patients with bleeding symptoms with Ristocetin CoFactor Activity less than 50% and a ratio of Ristocetin CoFactor Activity/von Willebrand Factor Antigen less than 0.7 were diagnosed as having Type 2 von Willebrand's Disease. The number of cases as having Type 2 von Willebrand's Disease was found to be 4 (0.3%). Based on our clinical investigations and available laboratory tests we failed to diagnose no cases with Type 2B, 2N, 2M and Type 3 von Willebrand's Disease. 46When the mean values for Ristocetin CoFactor Activity and von Willebrand Factor Antigen levels in 0 and nonO blood types were determined, it was seen that the lowest value for Ristocetin CoFactor Activity was 45% IU/dl in 0 blood type and 68% IU/dl in nonO blood types. It was detected that the lowest value of von Willebrand Factor Antigen was 50% IU/dl in 0 blood type and 65% IU/dl in nonO blood types. When von Willebrand' s Disease was diagnosed considering these data, it was seen that 12 children had Type 1 von Willebrand's Disease and 4 children had Type 2A von Willebrand's Disease. As a result 16 (16/1194; 1.3%) children were diagnosed with von Willebrand's Disease. Finally as to our study we found the prevalence of von Willebrand's Disease to be 0.9% in the province of Edirne and its villages. In addition, our study shows that von Willebrand's Disease is a frequent disorder in general population and we think that much more detailed studies are required to determine the prevalence of von Willebrand's Disease in different geographical regions of our country.Keywords: von Willebrand's Disease-Prevalence-Blood type 47
Von Willebrand disease is by far the most common of the hereditary disorders of the coagulation system. It is worldwide in distribution and affects all racial groups. This disorder was first described in 1926 by Dr Erik von Willebrand. In some epidemiological investigations, the prevalence of von Willebrand's disease was found to be 0.1-2%. There are two studies to show the prevalence of von Willebrand's Disease in our country. In one of these studies which was from Ankara the prevalence of von Willebrand's Disease was 0.7% and in the other study from Izmir, the prevalence was found to be 0.44%. We carried out this study to determine the prevalence of von Willebrand's Disease in 1194 children between the ages of 6-14 years. Both the children and their family members were interrogated by a questionnaire form for the presence of a bleeding tendency. Ristocetin CoFactor activity and von Willebrand Factor Antigen levels are measured in 171 children with bleeding symptoms. Children who had bleeding symptoms with Ristocetin CoFactor activity less than 50% KJ/dl and von Willebrand Antigen less than 50% IU/dl were diagnosed as having Type 1 von Willebrand's Disease. The number of cases having Type 1 von Willebrand's Disease was found to be 7 (0.6%). Patients with bleeding symptoms with Ristocetin CoFactor Activity less than 50% and a ratio of Ristocetin CoFactor Activity/von Willebrand Factor Antigen less than 0.7 were diagnosed as having Type 2 von Willebrand's Disease. The number of cases as having Type 2 von Willebrand's Disease was found to be 4 (0.3%). Based on our clinical investigations and available laboratory tests we failed to diagnose no cases with Type 2B, 2N, 2M and Type 3 von Willebrand's Disease. 46When the mean values for Ristocetin CoFactor Activity and von Willebrand Factor Antigen levels in 0 and nonO blood types were determined, it was seen that the lowest value for Ristocetin CoFactor Activity was 45% IU/dl in 0 blood type and 68% IU/dl in nonO blood types. It was detected that the lowest value of von Willebrand Factor Antigen was 50% IU/dl in 0 blood type and 65% IU/dl in nonO blood types. When von Willebrand' s Disease was diagnosed considering these data, it was seen that 12 children had Type 1 von Willebrand's Disease and 4 children had Type 2A von Willebrand's Disease. As a result 16 (16/1194; 1.3%) children were diagnosed with von Willebrand's Disease. Finally as to our study we found the prevalence of von Willebrand's Disease to be 0.9% in the province of Edirne and its villages. In addition, our study shows that von Willebrand's Disease is a frequent disorder in general population and we think that much more detailed studies are required to determine the prevalence of von Willebrand's Disease in different geographical regions of our country.Keywords: von Willebrand's Disease-Prevalence-Blood type 47
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Hematoloji, Hematology