Alüminyumun fare karaciğer ve böbrek dokuları üzerindeki histopatolojik etkilerinin incelenmesi
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Trakya Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışmada, farelerde oral yolla verilen alüminyum klorür'ün (AICI3), böbrek ve karaciğer dokuları üzerindeki histopatolojik etkileri incelenmiştir. Işık mikroskobu düzeyinde yapılan incelemelerde AİCb'ün böbrek ve karaciğer dokularının genel histolojik yapılarını bozduğu gözlenmiştir. Karaciğer dokusunda; plazma membranlarında ve nukleus zarında parçalanmalar, piknotik nukleuslar, kromatin yapısında bozulmalar.hücrelerde vakuolizasyon ve dokuda fibrosis en yoğun görülen dejeneratif değişiklikler olarak tespit edilmiştir. Böbrek dokusunda; proksimal ve distal tübüller ile toplayıcı kanalların apikal yüzeylerinde membran hasarı, lümende sitoplazma parçaları ve bozulmuş nukleuslar, glomerular yapıda bozulmalar ve glomeruluslar etrafında fibrosis, piknotik nukleuslar ve nukleus zarında parçalanmalar, hipertrofik hücreler, kromatin mataryalinde düzensizlikler gözlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: AICI3, Böbrek, Karaciğer, Fare.
SUMMARY In this study the toxic effects of aluminium chloride (AICI3) on liver and kidney tissue in mice were investigated. The general histological structure of kidney and liver tissue was investigated using light microscopy. Results showed that the general histological structure of both liver and kidney tissue was damaged by aluminium chloride. In the liver tissue, both the cellular and nuclear membranes were broken and some chromatin loss was observed. Vacuolization, picnotic nuklei and fibrosis was also observed. In the kidney tissue, damage to the apical surface of the proximal and distal collecting tubular membranes occurred. Cytoplasmic loss, damaged nuclei, fibrosis around the glomerulus, picnotic nuclei, ruptured nuclear membranes and hypertrophic cells containing disorganised chromatin was observed. Key Words: AICI3, Liver, Kidney, Mice.
SUMMARY In this study the toxic effects of aluminium chloride (AICI3) on liver and kidney tissue in mice were investigated. The general histological structure of kidney and liver tissue was investigated using light microscopy. Results showed that the general histological structure of both liver and kidney tissue was damaged by aluminium chloride. In the liver tissue, both the cellular and nuclear membranes were broken and some chromatin loss was observed. Vacuolization, picnotic nuklei and fibrosis was also observed. In the kidney tissue, damage to the apical surface of the proximal and distal collecting tubular membranes occurred. Cytoplasmic loss, damaged nuclei, fibrosis around the glomerulus, picnotic nuclei, ruptured nuclear membranes and hypertrophic cells containing disorganised chromatin was observed. Key Words: AICI3, Liver, Kidney, Mice.
Yüksek Lisans
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology