Determination of dynamic viscosity and stability for single and hybrid nanofluids of SiO2, TiO2, MWCNT and ZnO nanoparticles

dc.authoridDalkılıç, Ahmet Selim/0000-0002-5743-3937
dc.authorwosidDalkılıç, Ahmet Selim/G-2274-2011
dc.contributor.authorAtmaca, Baran
dc.contributor.authorYalcin, Gokberk
dc.contributor.authorKucukyildirim, Bedri Onur
dc.contributor.authorArkadumnuay, Thana
dc.contributor.authorLeunanonchai, Witsawat
dc.contributor.authorManova, Stephen
dc.contributor.authorDalkilic, Ahmet Selim
dc.departmentTrakya Üniversitesien_US
dc.description.abstractIn this study, the stability and viscosity of four different nanoparticles are discussed in conjunction with the physical properties of these nanoparticles. The aim is to provide guidance for nanoparticle selection in future nanofluid applications. Additionally, our goal is to examine hybrid nanofluids in comparison to single nanofluids, exploring their potential benefits and evaluating their industrial applications. A two-stage approach was employed, using ethylene glycol (EG) as a base fluid, to create these nanofluids. Single nanofluids were formed with SiO2, TiO2, MWCNT, and ZnO nanoparticles at 0.1%, 0.5%, and 1% volume concentrations. Additionally, binary (SiO2-TiO2/EG), ternary (SiO2-TiO2-MWCNT/EG), and quaternary (SiO2-TiO2-MWCNT-ZnO/EG) hybrid nanofluids were formed with 0.1% volume concentrations. The dynamic viscosity of all nanofluids was evaluated over the temperature range of 20-50 degrees C. Analysis of nanofluids was extended by characterization studies using field emission transmission electron microscopy (FE-SEM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-TEM), Zeta potential testing, and visual inspection. SiO2 nanoparticles exhibited the greatest stability, remaining in suspension for more than 28 days without sedimentation, while ZnO nanoparticles were the least stable, collapsing in < 7 days. Compared to ethylene glycol, ZnO/EG had the most increased viscosity (42.79%) at 20 degrees C and a 1% volume concentration. However, SiO2-TiO2-MWCNT/EG showed the largest decrease in viscosity (9.99%) at 20 degrees C. Hybrid nanofluids exhibit better viscosity performance compared to their base fluids and single nanofluids, enhancing the thermal efficiency of these heat transfer fluids. Additionally, this study is groundbreaking research as it emphasizes the efficiency of hybrid nanofluids as well as introducing quaternary nanofluids to the literature.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNSTDA; NSTDA under the Research Chair Grant, Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI); National Science, Research and Innovation Fund (NSRF) [B40G660039]; NSRF via the Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovationen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThe first, second and seventh authors are thankful for financial support during their research at KMUTT. The authors acknowledge the support provided by NSTDA under the Research Chair Grant, Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI), and National Science, Research and Innovation Fund (NSRF) Fiscal year 2024 and the NSRF via the Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation [Grant Number B40G660039]. The authors would like to thank the Department of Chemistry, Kasetsart University for helping to capture the FE-SEM and FE-TEM images of dried nanofluids, as well as Mahidol University for helping to measure the Zeta potential of nanofluids.en_US
dc.indekslendigikaynakWeb of Scienceen_US
dc.relation.ispartofJournal Of Thermal Analysis And Calorimetryen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectSingle Nanofluidsen_US
dc.subjectHybrid Nanofluidsen_US
dc.subjectZeta Potentialen_US
dc.subjectEthylene Glycolen_US
dc.subjectThermophysical Propertiesen_US
dc.subjectRheological Behavioren_US
dc.titleDetermination of dynamic viscosity and stability for single and hybrid nanofluids of SiO2, TiO2, MWCNT and ZnO nanoparticlesen_US
