Faz değiştiren malzemeyle pasif soğutmanın incelenmesi
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Trakya Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada herhangi bir ısı kaynağı kullanmadan, başlangıçta ortam sıcaklığını kullanarak, içinde levha bulunan bir faz değiştiren malzeme (FDM)-hava ünitesinin termal analizi incelenmiştir. Ayrıca seri dizilimli levhalar arasındaki mesafenin, ünite performansı üzerindeki etkileri de incelenmiştir. Bu analizlerde, parafin bazlı iki farklı malzeme kullanılmıştır. Bu malzemeler, küçük bir faz değişim sıcaklık aralığında büyük miktarda termal enerjiyi depolamaktadır. Kompakt depolama modülleri içerisine yerleştirilen malzemeler, ünite içerisinde tekli ve çoklu kombinasyonlar olmak üzere beş farklı şekilde konumlandırılmıştır. Hava giriş sıcaklığı ile hızının, sistem başlangıç sıcaklığının, Stefan sayısının ve faz değiştiren malzemelerin kanal içerisindeki konumlarının; sistemin çıkış sıcaklığı, soğutma gücü, etkenliği ve FDM tarafından absorbe edilen ısı miktarı üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar, pasif soğutma sistemlerinde, FDM seçiminde faz değişim sıcaklık aralığı ile erime gizli ısısının uygun bir şekilde seçilmesi gerektiğini ortaya koyarken, hava giriş sıcaklık ve hızının, sistemin termal performansını belirlemede önemli parametreler olduğunu göstermektedir. Tekli FDM dizilimlerinde, iki farklı malzeme üzerinde elde edilen sonuçlara göre, giriş hızında 0,5 m/s'lik artışın erime süresini %53, giriş sıcaklığında 2°C'lik artışın ise erime süresini %60 oranında azalttığı ortaya konmuştur. Çoklu FDM kullanımının, ünitenin ortalama etkenliğini %13 ve ortamdan çekilen toplam ısıyı da %43 artırdığı, ayrıca seri dizilimli plakalar arasındeki mesafe artışının ortalama etkenliği %12, çekilen ısı miktarını ise %18 oranında artırdığı gözlemlenmiştir. Nümerik sonuçların, deneysel sonuçlarla uyum içinde olduğu da görülmüştür.
In this study, thermal analysis of a phase change material (PCM)-air unit with a plate inside was investigated, using the ambient temperature at the beginning, without using any heat source. In addition, the effects of the distance between the plates arranged in series on the performance of the unit were also examined. In these analyses, two different paraffin-based materials were used. These materials store large amounts of thermal energy in a small phase change temperature range. Materials placed in compact storage modules are positioned in five different cases in the unit as single and multiple combinations. The effects of air inlet temperature and velocity, system initial temperature, Stefan number and the positions of the phase change materials in the duct on the outlet temperature, cooling power, efficiency and the amount of heat absorbed by the PCM were investigated. The results show that the phase change temperature range and the latent heat of melting should be selected appropriately in passive cooling systems in PCM selection, while the air inlet temperature and velocity are important parameters in determining the thermal performance of the system. In single PCM configurations, according to the results obtained on two different materials, it was observed that an increase of 0.5 m/s in the inlet velocity decreased the melting time by 53%, and an increase of 2°C in the inlet temperature decreased the melting time by 60%. It has also been shown that these increases in the inlet speed and temperature reduce the total amount of heat absorbed by the PCM by approximately 20%. It has been observed that the use of multiple PCMs increased the average efficiency of the unit by 13% and the total heat extracted from the environment by 43%, and the increase in the distance between the serially arrayed plates increased the average efficiency by 12% and the amount of heat drawn by 18%. It has also been observed that the numerical results are in agreement with the experimental results.
In this study, thermal analysis of a phase change material (PCM)-air unit with a plate inside was investigated, using the ambient temperature at the beginning, without using any heat source. In addition, the effects of the distance between the plates arranged in series on the performance of the unit were also examined. In these analyses, two different paraffin-based materials were used. These materials store large amounts of thermal energy in a small phase change temperature range. Materials placed in compact storage modules are positioned in five different cases in the unit as single and multiple combinations. The effects of air inlet temperature and velocity, system initial temperature, Stefan number and the positions of the phase change materials in the duct on the outlet temperature, cooling power, efficiency and the amount of heat absorbed by the PCM were investigated. The results show that the phase change temperature range and the latent heat of melting should be selected appropriately in passive cooling systems in PCM selection, while the air inlet temperature and velocity are important parameters in determining the thermal performance of the system. In single PCM configurations, according to the results obtained on two different materials, it was observed that an increase of 0.5 m/s in the inlet velocity decreased the melting time by 53%, and an increase of 2°C in the inlet temperature decreased the melting time by 60%. It has also been shown that these increases in the inlet speed and temperature reduce the total amount of heat absorbed by the PCM by approximately 20%. It has been observed that the use of multiple PCMs increased the average efficiency of the unit by 13% and the total heat extracted from the environment by 43%, and the increase in the distance between the serially arrayed plates increased the average efficiency by 12% and the amount of heat drawn by 18%. It has also been observed that the numerical results are in agreement with the experimental results.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering