Polimer-surfaktant etkileşimi
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Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada anyonik surfaktant sodyum dodesilsülfatın (SDS), poli (vinilpiroldin) (PVP) ve farklı molekül ağırlıklarında poli (etilenglikol) (PEG) gibi, değişik miktarlarda nötral suda çözünür polimerler içeren çözeltilerindeki agregasyonu yüzey gerilimi, iletkenlik ve boya çözündürme gibi deney teknikleri kullanılarak incelendi. Surfaktant ve polimer arasındaki etkileşimlerin ilk olarak başladığı kritik agregasyon konsantrasyonu (cac) ve alışılmış misellerin oluşmaya başladığı polimerin doygunluk konsantrasyonu (c2), tayin edildi. Agregasyonun termodinamik parametrelerini belirlemek için sistemlerinin tümünün iletkenlikleri farklı sıcaklıklarda ölçüldü. Agregasyonun termodinamik parametreleri (serbest enerji, transfer serbest enerji, entalpi ve entropi) ve iyonizasyon derecesi hesaplandı. Farklı sıcaklıklarda sudan, polimer/su sistemine SDS transferinin standart serbest enerji değişimlerinin bütün sıcaklıklarda negatif olarak bulunması, aynı durumdaki SDS-su ikili sistemleri ile karşılaştırıldığında SDS-su-polimer sistemlerinde SDS miselleşmesinin daha kararlı olduğunu gösterdi. Kritik agregasyon konsantrasyonun polimer konsantrasyonu ve sıcaklık artışı ile azaldığı, polimer doygunluk noktasının polimer konsantrasyonun artması ile arttığı, sıcaklık artışı ile azaldığı ve polimer molekül ağırlığının azalması ile azaldığı gözlenmiştir.
In this study, the aggregation of anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in aqueous solution containing various amount of neutral water-soluble polymers such as poly (vinilypyrrolidone) (PVP) and different-moleculer-weight poly (ethyleneglycol) (PEG) has been investigated using experimental techniques as surface tension, conductivity and dye solubilization. The critical aggregation concentration (cac) at which interaction between surfactant and polymer first occurs, and the polymer saturation concentration where ordinary micelles start forming (c2) has been determined. To determine the thermodynamic parameters aggregation, the conductivity of all systems was measured at differnt temperature. The thermodynamic parameters of aggregation (free energy , free energy transfer, enthalpy and entropy) and the degree of ionization were calculated. The standard free energy of transfer of SDS from water to polymer/water system at different temperatures are found to be negative at all temperatures indicating that the SDS has more stable in micellized form in the SDS?water polymer ternary systems compared to the situation in the corresponding SDS water binary systems. It is observed that the critical aggregation concentration decrease with increasing in polymer concentration and temperature. As to the polymer saturatıon it increasing the polymer concentration, but decrease with increasing temperature and with decreasing the moleculer weight of polymer.
In this study, the aggregation of anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in aqueous solution containing various amount of neutral water-soluble polymers such as poly (vinilypyrrolidone) (PVP) and different-moleculer-weight poly (ethyleneglycol) (PEG) has been investigated using experimental techniques as surface tension, conductivity and dye solubilization. The critical aggregation concentration (cac) at which interaction between surfactant and polymer first occurs, and the polymer saturation concentration where ordinary micelles start forming (c2) has been determined. To determine the thermodynamic parameters aggregation, the conductivity of all systems was measured at differnt temperature. The thermodynamic parameters of aggregation (free energy , free energy transfer, enthalpy and entropy) and the degree of ionization were calculated. The standard free energy of transfer of SDS from water to polymer/water system at different temperatures are found to be negative at all temperatures indicating that the SDS has more stable in micellized form in the SDS?water polymer ternary systems compared to the situation in the corresponding SDS water binary systems. It is observed that the critical aggregation concentration decrease with increasing in polymer concentration and temperature. As to the polymer saturatıon it increasing the polymer concentration, but decrease with increasing temperature and with decreasing the moleculer weight of polymer.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry