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Erişim Hakkı



Introduction: The violations are known to be quite more than it is expected in scientific research and principles of publishing ethics. Many people and institutions that have the good sense to do the right thing on this matter want to determine the written rules clearly and certainly, make the ethics education obligatory, make the written texts prepared, which scientists should take an oath. The most common non-ethical attitude towards scientific publications is based on the authorship. In a study among scientists in the USA (n= 3247), a few scientists stated that some people are held the title of author unfairly, and it is the 10% of all. During the ethics workshops, the information about their countries presented by foreign guest lecturers is not quite different from the workshops in Turkey. Who should be the authors in a manuscript? This issue is classified by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors as followings: -substantial contributions to conception and design, -acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data, -drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, the revising of the last format and agreeing with the comments and final approval of the version to be published. On the other hand, there are some guidelines which are insufficient for being an author: -being responsible for the department in the case of a research report, -funding for the conduct of the research, -making contributions to the collection of data and general supervision of the research group, -making statistical evaluations, -making contributions to the others' study only in writing stage The first author is the person who has done the thesis in the articles created by the theses. Thesis consulters could be the second or third name. The student would become a co-author and the owner of the research idea would be a principal author if the thesis was not the student's idea and the majority of the study was carried out by the idea developer (consulter, administrator). The most common non-ethic behavior is that some people making no or less contribution to the scientific research are considered to be an author such as ghost, honorary and gift authorship due to merely their titles and positions. Moreover, there are some non-ethic conduct such as the ones not written despite deserving (missing authorship), the ones not written in their deserved order, the changes in the order, the removal of the name, the addition of a new author. As a precaution, a protocol should be identified and put the signatures to the protocol before starting to analyze the main ethic principles such as the determination of the authors to be taken part in the publish, the order of the names, the coherence of the authors during the assessment of the data, writing a letter of thanks to the contributions undeserving the authorship.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Ethic, Right Of Author


Turkish Journal Of Urology

WoS Q Değeri


Scopus Q Değeri




