Bazı çekirdeksiz üzüm çeşitlerinde embriyo abortsiyonu ve nedenleri
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Trakya Üniversitesi
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Bu araştırmada melezleme sonucunda elde edilmiş Barış (Cardinal x Beauty Seedless), Tekirdağ Çekirdeksizi (Alphonse Lavallee x Sultani Çekirdeksiz-41) ve 2B-56 (Elhamra x Perlette-56) ve Trakya İlkeren (Alphonse Lavallee x Perlette-254) çeşitleri kullanılmıştır. Bunların ilk üçü çekirdeksiz, dördüncüsü çekirdekli çeşittir. Bu çeşitlerin öncelikle çiçek tozu canlılık ve çimlenme oranları saptanmıştır. Daha sonra üç çekirdeksiz çeşitte, tam çiçeklenmeden 7 gün önce ve tam çiçeklenme döneminde embriyo kesesi gelişimi incelenmiş; tam çiçeklenmeden 5, 10, 15, 20 ve 25 gün sonra alınan örneklerde ise embriyonun bu gelişme aşamalarının hangi döneminde dumura uğradığı (abortsiyon) araştırılmıştır. Çekirdekli çeşitte de çiçeklenmeden önce ve sonra aynı dönemlerde embriyo gelişmesi izlenmiş ve çekirdeksiz çeşitlerle karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla çeşitlerin önce çiçek tozu canlılık ve çiçek tozu çimlenme gücü oranları saptanmış, belirtilen aralıklarla alınan örneklerin parafin yöntemi ile alınan kesitlerinde embriyo gelişmesi incelenmiştir. Çiçek tozu canlılık oranları Barış, Tekirdağ Çekirdeksizi, 2B-56 ve Trakya İlkeren' de sırasıyla %89.28, %95.36, %97.95 ve %98.25 olarak belirlenmiştir. Çiçek tozu çimlenme oranları Barış ve 2B-56 çeşitlerinde %20 şeker+%1 agar ortamında %51.12 ve %41.86, Tekirdağ Çekirdeksizi ve Trakya ilkeren çeşitlerinde %15 şeker+%1 agar ortamında %34.26 ve %29.87 değerlerini almışlar ve bu çeşitler tozlayıcı olarak tavsiye edilebilir görülmüşlerdir. Embriyo abortsiyonunun incelenen 3 çekirdeksiz çeşitte tam çiçeklenmeden 5 ile 10 gün sonraki dönemlerde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çekirdeksiz çeşitlerde, megasporogenesis aşamalarında yumurtalığın kusurlu gelişme ve oluşumu nedeniyle oluşan embriyonun gelişemediği, korunamadığı ve bu nedenle giderek dumura uğradığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Çekirdeksizlik, stenospermokarpi, çiçek tozu canlılığı, çiçek tozu çimlenme gücü, embriyo, megasporogenez, megagametogenez.
Four hybrids; Barış (Cardinal x Beauty Seedless), Tekirdağ Çekirdeksizi (Alphonse Lavallee x Sultani Çekirdeksiz-41 ) and 2B-56 (Elhamra x Perlette-56) and Trakya İlkeren (Alphonse Lavallee x Perlette-254) were used in this research. One of these hybrids (Trakya ilkeren) was seeded, others were seedless. In the experiment pollen viability and germination ratio were determined. On the samples which were taken 7 days before anthesis and during anthesis; ovule and embryo development was studied on the examples were taken 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days VII after fulbloom; it was studied that in which development stage embryo was aborted. In seeded variety, examples were taken at same development stage with seedless varieties embryo development was studied and it was comparison to seedless varieties. First pollen viability and pollen germination ratio were determined in samples and second the embryo development was examined in thin pieces were taken from the samples by paraffin method. Pollen viability ratios in Baris^ Tekirdağ Seedless^ 2B-56 and Trakya İlkeren varieties were 89.28%, 95.36%, 97.95% and 98.25% respectively. While pollen germination ratios in Barış and 2B-56 hybrids were 51.12% 41.86% (respectively) in 20% sugar+1% agar, in Tekirdağ Seedless and Trakya İlkeren hybrids were 34.26%, 29.87% in 15% sugar+1% agar. According to results all hybrids were seen to be recommendationed as pollinator cultivars. In three seedless varieties which were examined it was founded that the embryo abortion was accured at the development stage of 5 and 10 days after anthesis. It was concluded that in the seedless variety, the embryo abortion was occured at the stage of megasporogenesis, this stage, because of ovary defecting the embryo couldn't show a complete development and finally it was aborted. Key words: Seedlessness, stenospermocarpy, pollen viability, pollen germination capability, embryo, megasporogenesis, megagametogenesis.
Four hybrids; Barış (Cardinal x Beauty Seedless), Tekirdağ Çekirdeksizi (Alphonse Lavallee x Sultani Çekirdeksiz-41 ) and 2B-56 (Elhamra x Perlette-56) and Trakya İlkeren (Alphonse Lavallee x Perlette-254) were used in this research. One of these hybrids (Trakya ilkeren) was seeded, others were seedless. In the experiment pollen viability and germination ratio were determined. On the samples which were taken 7 days before anthesis and during anthesis; ovule and embryo development was studied on the examples were taken 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days VII after fulbloom; it was studied that in which development stage embryo was aborted. In seeded variety, examples were taken at same development stage with seedless varieties embryo development was studied and it was comparison to seedless varieties. First pollen viability and pollen germination ratio were determined in samples and second the embryo development was examined in thin pieces were taken from the samples by paraffin method. Pollen viability ratios in Baris^ Tekirdağ Seedless^ 2B-56 and Trakya İlkeren varieties were 89.28%, 95.36%, 97.95% and 98.25% respectively. While pollen germination ratios in Barış and 2B-56 hybrids were 51.12% 41.86% (respectively) in 20% sugar+1% agar, in Tekirdağ Seedless and Trakya İlkeren hybrids were 34.26%, 29.87% in 15% sugar+1% agar. According to results all hybrids were seen to be recommendationed as pollinator cultivars. In three seedless varieties which were examined it was founded that the embryo abortion was accured at the development stage of 5 and 10 days after anthesis. It was concluded that in the seedless variety, the embryo abortion was occured at the stage of megasporogenesis, this stage, because of ovary defecting the embryo couldn't show a complete development and finally it was aborted. Key words: Seedlessness, stenospermocarpy, pollen viability, pollen germination capability, embryo, megasporogenesis, megagametogenesis.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture