Pirazinamide dirençli mycobacterium tuberculosis kompleks kökenlerinde pncA genindeki mutasyonların araştırılması
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Trakya Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Tüberküloz hala dünyada mortalite ve morbiditerıin en önde gelen nedenlerinden biri olarak bilinmektedir. Mycobacterium tuberculosis'ln ilaç direncinden dolayı tüberküloz kontrolü daha zor olmaktadır. Pirazinamid, tüberküloz tedavisi için kullanılan birinci seçenek ilaçlardan biridir. Mycobacterium tuberculosis pirazinamidi, pirazinamidaz enzimini kullanarak aktif hale çevirir. Bu enzim pncA geninde kodlanır ve pncA genindeki mutasyonlar aktif enzimin yokluğuna ve böylece pirazinamide karşı dirence neden olur. Bu çalışmada, kord oluşumu, NAP testi PCR-RFLP yöntemi ile kökenlerin M. tuberculosis kompleks olduğu gösterilmiştir. BACTEC yöntemiyle ve pirazinamidaz testiyle pirazinamid duyarlılık sonuçları uyumlu bulunan kökenlerde, pncA genindeki mutasyonlar DNA dizi analizi yöntemiyle saptanmıştır. Amacımız klasik duyarlılık testleriyle saptanan pirazinamid dirençli kökenlerdeki pncA gen mutasyonlarını tespit etmek ve literatürdeki mutasyonlarla sonuçlarımızı karşılaştırılmaktır. iki pirazinamid duyarlı kökende ve 10 pirazinamid dirençli kökenin üçünde mutasyon bulunamadı. Pirazinamid dirençli kökenlerin ikisinde aynı bölgede mutasyon(GGC 71 GAC), ikisinde farklı bölgelerde mutasyonlar (ACA479 AAA), (CAC 152 CCC) bulundu. Pirazinamid dirençli kökenlerin üçünde ise aynı bölgede delesyon (CTG-AAT (102-269)) bulundu. Sonuç olarak, çalışmamızda 152. kodondaki mutasyon daha önceki literatürlerde bildirilmişken, iki mutasyon ve bir delesyon daha önceden bildirilmemiştir
.Tuberculosis still remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Controlling tuberculosis becomes more difficult because of the drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Pyrazinamide has become one of the first-line drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis converts pyrazinamide to its active form by using the enzyme pyrazinamidase. This enzyme is coded for on the pncA gene, and mutations in the pncA gene result in absence of active enzyme, conferring resistance to the drug pyrazinamide. In the present study, the strains were identified as M. tuberculosis complex by cord factor, NAP test and PCR-RFLP. Then, pyrazinamide susceptibility was studied by BACTEC methodology and pyrazinamidase test. The mutations of pncA gene have been detected with DNA sequencing. Our aim was to identify the mutation of pncA gene in pyrazinamide resistant isolates detected by the classical susceptibility tests and to compare our results with the mutations in literature reported before. In two PZA susceptible and in three of 10 pyrazinamide resistant strains, no mutations were determined. Two of the pyrazinamide resistant strains had mutations in the same region (GGC 71 GAC). Two of the pyrazinamide resistant strains had different mutations (ACA 479 AAA), (CAC 152 CCC). Three of the pyrazinamide resistant strains had deletion in the same region (CTG-AAT (102-269)). As a result, mutation in 152. codon was reported in previous studies; two new mutations and a deletion were determined responsible for pyrazinamide resistance in our study.
.Tuberculosis still remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Controlling tuberculosis becomes more difficult because of the drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Pyrazinamide has become one of the first-line drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis converts pyrazinamide to its active form by using the enzyme pyrazinamidase. This enzyme is coded for on the pncA gene, and mutations in the pncA gene result in absence of active enzyme, conferring resistance to the drug pyrazinamide. In the present study, the strains were identified as M. tuberculosis complex by cord factor, NAP test and PCR-RFLP. Then, pyrazinamide susceptibility was studied by BACTEC methodology and pyrazinamidase test. The mutations of pncA gene have been detected with DNA sequencing. Our aim was to identify the mutation of pncA gene in pyrazinamide resistant isolates detected by the classical susceptibility tests and to compare our results with the mutations in literature reported before. In two PZA susceptible and in three of 10 pyrazinamide resistant strains, no mutations were determined. Two of the pyrazinamide resistant strains had mutations in the same region (GGC 71 GAC). Two of the pyrazinamide resistant strains had different mutations (ACA 479 AAA), (CAC 152 CCC). Three of the pyrazinamide resistant strains had deletion in the same region (CTG-AAT (102-269)). As a result, mutation in 152. codon was reported in previous studies; two new mutations and a deletion were determined responsible for pyrazinamide resistance in our study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, İlaç Direnci, Pirazinamid, PCR-RFLP, PncA Mutasyonu