Türkiyede albinizmli bireylerin eğitim ve sosyal hayata katılımda karşılaştıkları sorunlar ve baş etme yöntemleri
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Türkiye’de yaşamakta olan albinizmli bireylerin eğitim ve sosyal hayata katılımda karşılaştıkları sorunlar ve baş etme yöntemlerinin araştırıldığı bu çalışma, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışmasına göre desenlenmiştir. Araştırmada görüşme türlerinden standartlaştırılmış açık uçlu görüşme yaklaşımından yararlanılırken yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Önceden belirlenen ölçütleri karşılayan ilkokula ya da ortaokula devam eden 7 albinizmli çocuğun öğretmeni, liseye devam eden 4 albinizmli birey, üniversiteye devam eden 4 albinizmli birey ve meslek sahibi 5 albinizmli birey olmak üzere toplam 20 katılımcı araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veriler ilk aşamada betimsel analiz yöntemi ile analiz edilerek katılımcıların cümlelerinden doğrudan alıntılara yer verilmiştir. İkinci aşamada ise elde edilen veriler içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırmada ulaşılan bulgulardan öne çıkanlar: Albinizmli öğrencilerin öğretmenlerinin görüşleri incelendiğinde eğitim konusunda yaşanan sorunların genelde albinizmli öğrencilerin görme problemlerine bağlı olarak ortaya çıktığı görülmüştür. Okuma hızının düşük olmasından dolayı albinizmin akademik başarıyı olumsuz etkilediği de belirtilmiştir. Öğretmenlerin sınıfın fiziki durumu ile ilgili önerileri incelendiğinde daha çok oturma düzenini değiştirmeye vurgu yapıldığı görülmüştür. Bunun dışında, arkadaşlarının yardım etmesini sağlama, daha koyu renkli çizgili defterler, büyük puntolu kitap, büyüteç ve teleskop, tırtıklı kâğıt ve evaların kullanımından da bahsedilmiştir. Sosyal hayata dâhil olma bağlamında katılımcılar, albinizmli öğrencilerin mevsimsel geçişlerde dış görünüşleri ile ilgili problemlerin yanı sıra sınıf dışı etkinliklere dâhil olmada da sorunlar yaşandığını belirtmişlerdir. Albinizmli çocuklarla çalışan tüm katılımcılar, öğrencilerinin başlarda bir şekilde ayrımcı bir dile maruz kaldıklarını ifade etmişlerdir. Tüm eğitim kademelerindeki albinizmli bireylerin ortak problemlerinin görme ile ilişkili olduğu II ve akademik başarılarının olumsuz yönde etkilendiği görülmüştür. Lise öğrencisi katılımcıların ders materyallerine erişim konusunda karşılaştıkları sorunlar incelendiğinde daha çok küçük puntolu kitapları okumakta ve derslerde not tutmakta zorlandıkları, resimlerin küçük olmasının onları yorduğuna ilişkin bulgulara ulaşılırken sınıflarında veya okullarında sınava yönelik yapılan uyarlamalara ilişkin görüşleri incelendiğinde daha çok kâğıtların büyük puntolu basılması ve oturma düzeninin değiştirilmesi gibi uygulamaların yapıldığı görülmektedir. Araştırmaya konu olan tüm albinizmli bireyler albinizmli olma açısından dalga geçilme veya dışlanma ya da fiziksel nedenlerle dışarda kalma gibi problemler yaşamaktadır. Bunun dışında albinizmli bireylerin görme problemleriyle ilgili sorunları ifade etme konusunda çekinceli oldukları görülmüştür. Lise, üniversite öğrencileri ve çalışan albinizmli bireylerin birçoğu görme problemleri nedeniyle mesleki kariyer seçimlerinin bir şekilde etkilendiğini belirtmiştir.
The goal of this study is to examine the coping strategies and problems experienced in the social lives of individuals with albinism living in Turkey. This study was designed as a case study, which is one of the qualitative research methods. A semi-structured interview form and a standardized open-ended interview approach were used in the study. The sample group of the study consists of 4 high-school students with albinism, 4 university students with albinism, 5 individuals with albinism who have different jobs, and 7 primary and secondary school teachers who have students with albinism in their class, totally 20 participants. In this research, the data were analyzed with the descriptive analysis method. In the first stage of the study, direct quotations from the sentences of the participants were included and in the second stage of the study, the data which is obtained in the first stage were subjected to content analysis. Some of the prominent results of the study: When the opinions of the teachers who have students with albinism in their classroom were examined, it was seen that the problems with their education processes generally occurred due to the visual problems of the students. It was also stated that albinism negatively affects academic success due to the low reading speed. When the teachers' suggestions about the physical condition of the classroom were examined, it was observed that more emphasis was placed on changing the seating arrangement of the students with albinism. In addition to this, the use of darker colored notebooks, books with big points, magnifying glass and telescope, serrated paper, and EVA paper that enable their friends to help them were also mentioned by the teachers. In the context of social inclusion, the participants stated that there were problems related to the outward appearance of the students with albinism in seasonal transitions and being involved in extra-class activities All of the participant teachers who have students with albinism in their classroom stated that their students were exposed to a discriminatory language at first. IV It was observed that common problems of individuals with albinism in all educational levels were associated with visual disturbances, as a consequence of this, their academic success was negatively affected. When the problems encountered by high school students in accessing the course materials were examined, it was found that they had difficulties in reading books with small fonts, taking notes during the lessons, and they got tired because of the small pictures in the books. When their opinions about the adaptations made for the exam in their schools were examined, it was seen that their suggestions were printing of papers in large size and changing the sitting order. All individuals with albinism who are the subject of this research experience problems such as being excluded due to having albinism or being alienated because of their physical appearances. Moreover, it was observed that individuals with albinism were reluctant to express their problems related to vision problems. Most of the individuals with albinism who study in high school or the university and working albinism individuals stated that their career choice was somehow affected due to vision problems.
The goal of this study is to examine the coping strategies and problems experienced in the social lives of individuals with albinism living in Turkey. This study was designed as a case study, which is one of the qualitative research methods. A semi-structured interview form and a standardized open-ended interview approach were used in the study. The sample group of the study consists of 4 high-school students with albinism, 4 university students with albinism, 5 individuals with albinism who have different jobs, and 7 primary and secondary school teachers who have students with albinism in their class, totally 20 participants. In this research, the data were analyzed with the descriptive analysis method. In the first stage of the study, direct quotations from the sentences of the participants were included and in the second stage of the study, the data which is obtained in the first stage were subjected to content analysis. Some of the prominent results of the study: When the opinions of the teachers who have students with albinism in their classroom were examined, it was seen that the problems with their education processes generally occurred due to the visual problems of the students. It was also stated that albinism negatively affects academic success due to the low reading speed. When the teachers' suggestions about the physical condition of the classroom were examined, it was observed that more emphasis was placed on changing the seating arrangement of the students with albinism. In addition to this, the use of darker colored notebooks, books with big points, magnifying glass and telescope, serrated paper, and EVA paper that enable their friends to help them were also mentioned by the teachers. In the context of social inclusion, the participants stated that there were problems related to the outward appearance of the students with albinism in seasonal transitions and being involved in extra-class activities All of the participant teachers who have students with albinism in their classroom stated that their students were exposed to a discriminatory language at first. IV It was observed that common problems of individuals with albinism in all educational levels were associated with visual disturbances, as a consequence of this, their academic success was negatively affected. When the problems encountered by high school students in accessing the course materials were examined, it was found that they had difficulties in reading books with small fonts, taking notes during the lessons, and they got tired because of the small pictures in the books. When their opinions about the adaptations made for the exam in their schools were examined, it was seen that their suggestions were printing of papers in large size and changing the sitting order. All individuals with albinism who are the subject of this research experience problems such as being excluded due to having albinism or being alienated because of their physical appearances. Moreover, it was observed that individuals with albinism were reluctant to express their problems related to vision problems. Most of the individuals with albinism who study in high school or the university and working albinism individuals stated that their career choice was somehow affected due to vision problems.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Albinizm, Eğitim, Sosyal hayata katılım, Meslek seçimi, Görme engelli, Albinism, Education, Participation in social life, Career choice, Visually impaired