Müziğin uyku latansına etkisi
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Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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Sağlıklı genç erişkin bireylerde uyku öncesi müzik dinletisinin uyku latansına etkileri araştırılmıştır. Etik onay ve yazılı bilgilendirilmiş gönüllü onayı alındıktan sonra 10 sağlıklı genç erişkin gönüllü (E/K, 4/6; ortalama yaş 27,7±2,9 yıl) çalışmaya dahil edildi. Pittsburgh Uyku Kalitesi İndeksi ve Müzik Anamnezi değerlendirmesi sonrası beş ardışık gün uyku günlüğü tutulan ve uykusunun düzenli olduğu görülen bireyler bir gece polisomnografik uyku tetkikine alındı. PSG sonrası sabah 07:00’de kaldırılan gönüllüler saat 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 ve 16:00’da olmak üzere çoklu uyku latansı testine alındı. Yine ardışık iki gün düzenli uyku sonrası saat 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 ve 16:00’da olmak üzere uyanıklığı sürdürme testi yapıldı. Çoklu uyku latansı ve uyanıklığı sürdürme testleri dört farklı koşul altında (müzik, sesli kitap, beyaz gürültü ve sessizlik) gerçekleştirildi. Testler sırasında kalp hızı değişkenliği analizi de yapıldı. Çoklu uyku latansı testlerinde müzik, sesli kitap, beyaz gürültü ve sessizlik koşullarında uykuya dalma süresi sırasıyla 12,5±6,0; 9,8±3,9; 9,2±5,1; 9,5±4,6 dakika saptandı (p>0,05). Uyanıklığı sürdürme testinde müzik, sesli kitap, beyaz gürültü ve sessizlik koşullarında maksimum uyanıklık süresi sırasıyla 24,0±11,8; 32,0±10,6; 25,0±13,8; 22,1±13,8 dakika bulundu (p>0,05). HRV analizinde sempatovagal denge (LF/HF) hem MSLT hem de MWT testlerinde dört farklı koşulda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark göstermedi. Bu bulgulara göre müzik varlığında uykuya dalma süresinin sessizlik durumuna göre anlamlı derecede kısalma göstermediği bulundu. HRV analizi ile incelenen sempatovagal dengenin de dört farklı uykuya dalma koşulunda benzer olduğu görüldü.
The effects of pre-sleep music on sleep latency were investigated in healthy young adults. After obtaining ethical approval and written informed consent, 10 healthy young adult volunteers (M/F, 4/6; mean age 27.7±2.9 years) were included in the study. After completing Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and taking music history, individuals with regular five-day sleep documented on sleep diary underwent one-night polysomnographic sleep examination. Following PSG night, volunteers waked at 07:00 and were taken to multiple sleep latency test at 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 and 16:00. Again, after two consecutive days of regular sleep, the maintenance of wakefulness test was performed at 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 and 16:00. Multiple sleep latency and maintenance of wakefulness tests were performed under four different conditions (music, audiobook, white noise, and silence). Heart rate variability analysis was also performed during the tests. In multiple sleep latency tests, the time to fall asleep under music, audiobook, white noise and silence conditions were 12.5±6.0, 9.8±3.9, 9.2±5.1, 9.5±4.6 minutes, respectively (p>0.05). In the maintenance of wakefulness test, the maximum wakefulness time under music, audiobook, white noise and silence conditions were 24.0±11.8, 32.0±10.6, 25.0±13.8, 22.1±13.8 minutes, respectively (p>0.05). Sympathovagal balance (LF/HF) in HRV analysis revealed no significant difference among four different conditions in both MSLT and MWT. It was found that the duration of falling asleep in the presence of music did not shorten significantly compared to the silence condition. Sympathovagal balance shown by HRV analysis was also found to be similar in four different falling asleep conditions.
The effects of pre-sleep music on sleep latency were investigated in healthy young adults. After obtaining ethical approval and written informed consent, 10 healthy young adult volunteers (M/F, 4/6; mean age 27.7±2.9 years) were included in the study. After completing Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and taking music history, individuals with regular five-day sleep documented on sleep diary underwent one-night polysomnographic sleep examination. Following PSG night, volunteers waked at 07:00 and were taken to multiple sleep latency test at 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 and 16:00. Again, after two consecutive days of regular sleep, the maintenance of wakefulness test was performed at 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 and 16:00. Multiple sleep latency and maintenance of wakefulness tests were performed under four different conditions (music, audiobook, white noise, and silence). Heart rate variability analysis was also performed during the tests. In multiple sleep latency tests, the time to fall asleep under music, audiobook, white noise and silence conditions were 12.5±6.0, 9.8±3.9, 9.2±5.1, 9.5±4.6 minutes, respectively (p>0.05). In the maintenance of wakefulness test, the maximum wakefulness time under music, audiobook, white noise and silence conditions were 24.0±11.8, 32.0±10.6, 25.0±13.8, 22.1±13.8 minutes, respectively (p>0.05). Sympathovagal balance (LF/HF) in HRV analysis revealed no significant difference among four different conditions in both MSLT and MWT. It was found that the duration of falling asleep in the presence of music did not shorten significantly compared to the silence condition. Sympathovagal balance shown by HRV analysis was also found to be similar in four different falling asleep conditions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Uykuya dalma süresi, Çoklu uyku latansı testi, Uyanıklığı sürdürme testi, Kalp hızı değişkenliği, Sempatovagal denge, Sleep latency, Multiple sleep latency test, Maintenance of wakefulness test, Heart rate variability, Sympathovagal balance