Ratlarda curcumin'in kolon anastomozu iyileşmesi üzerine etkinliğinin araştırılması
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Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Kolon anastomoz kaçakları cerrahide önemli morbidite ve mortalite nedenleridir. Bu calışmamızda amacımız curcumin'in sıçanlarda kolon anastomozu iyileşmesi üzerine etkisini incelemektir. Çalışma Trakya Üniveritesi Tıp Fakültesi Deney Hayvanları Araştırma Biriminde yapıldı. 28 adet Sprague-Dawley cinsi erkek sıçan kullanıldı. Sıçanlar 4 gruba ayrıldı (n:7). Tüm gruplara distal colon anastomozu yapıldı. Grup 1 ve 2'ye postop 3. gün, grup 3 ve 4'e postop 7. gün; anastomoz patlama basıncı, perianastomotik doku hidroksiprolin düzeyi, kan glutatyon, malonil dialdehit düzeyi ve perianastomotik doku histopatolojik değerlendirme skorlarına bakıldı. Grup 2 ve 4'e 1 hafta boyunca orogastrik tüp ile oral 200 mg/kg/gün curcumin verildikten sonra anastomoz yapıldı. Patlama basınçları curcumin verilen gruplarda verilmeyen gruplardan anlamlı derecede yüksek bulunmustur (p<0.05). Perianastomotik doku hidroksiprolin, kan glutatyon, malonildialdehit düzeyi ve perianastomotik doku histopatolojik değerlendirme skorlarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktu (p>0.05). Sonuç olarak curcumin verilen gruplardaki anastomoz patlama basınçlarındaki artıslar curcumin'in kolon anastomozu iyilesmesine katkısı olabileceğini düsündürdü.
Leakage of colonic anastomosis is an important factor for mortality and morbidity in surgery. In this article, we investigate the effect of curcumin on the healing of colonic anastomosis in rats. The study was carried out at Trakya University Experimental Research Center. Sprague-Dawley rats were used in this study. The rats were divided into 4 groups (n:7). The distal colon was anastomosed in the each groups. Anastomosis bursting pressure, the level of perianastomotic tissue hydroxiprolin, the level of blood glutathione and malonyl dialdehyde, and the score of histopathological evaluation of perianastomotic tissue were measured on the postoperative 3rd day in the group 1 and 2, on the postoperative 7th day in the group 3 and 4. The colon was anastomosed after 1 week of oral 200 mg/kg/day curcumin administration via orogastric tube in the group 2 and 4. Bursting pressures were significantly higher in the groups that the curcumin was given than the groups that was not given (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the groups according to the level of perianastomotic tissue hydroxiprolin, the level of blood glutathione and malonyl dialdehyde, and the score of histopathological evaluation of perianastomotic tissue. As a result, bursting pressures of anastomosis improved at the groups that curcumin were given, so we concluded that curcumin may have a contribution on the healing of colonic anastomosis.
Leakage of colonic anastomosis is an important factor for mortality and morbidity in surgery. In this article, we investigate the effect of curcumin on the healing of colonic anastomosis in rats. The study was carried out at Trakya University Experimental Research Center. Sprague-Dawley rats were used in this study. The rats were divided into 4 groups (n:7). The distal colon was anastomosed in the each groups. Anastomosis bursting pressure, the level of perianastomotic tissue hydroxiprolin, the level of blood glutathione and malonyl dialdehyde, and the score of histopathological evaluation of perianastomotic tissue were measured on the postoperative 3rd day in the group 1 and 2, on the postoperative 7th day in the group 3 and 4. The colon was anastomosed after 1 week of oral 200 mg/kg/day curcumin administration via orogastric tube in the group 2 and 4. Bursting pressures were significantly higher in the groups that the curcumin was given than the groups that was not given (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the groups according to the level of perianastomotic tissue hydroxiprolin, the level of blood glutathione and malonyl dialdehyde, and the score of histopathological evaluation of perianastomotic tissue. As a result, bursting pressures of anastomosis improved at the groups that curcumin were given, so we concluded that curcumin may have a contribution on the healing of colonic anastomosis.
Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anastomoz, Kolon, Yara İyileşmesi, Anastomosis, Colon, Wound Healing