Ülkemizde kanatlı yemlerinde enzim kullanımının durumu
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m ÖZET Ülkemiz kanatlı yemlerinde enzim kullanımın durumu konulu Literatür çalışmasında; yumurta tavuklarında, etlik piliçlerde ve bıldırcınlarda bu enzimlerin karma yemlere ilavesi sonucu etkileri irdelenmiştir. Yapılan literatür araştırmalarında; etlik piliçlerde arpa ve buğday ağırlıklı rasyonlarda barsak içi viskozite, besi performansı, enerjiden yararlanma, besin maddelerinin değerlendirilmesi, canlı ağırlık artışı, yemden yararlanma gibi kriterlerin sonuçlan yer almaktadır. Yumurta tavuklarında ise yumurta ağırlığı, kabuk kalınlığı, yumurta kırılma mukavemeti, yumurta verimi, canlı ağırlık, ve yemden yararlamna gibi kriterler değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca bıldırcınlarda da yine diğer kanatlılarda olduğu gibi enzimlerin canlı ağırlığa, yem tüketimine ve yemden yararlanma oranının etkileri sunulmuştur. Karma yemleri oluşturan yem hammaddelerinden buğday, arpa, yulaf, çavdar gibi tahıllardaki anti besleme faktörleri kanatlılarda bir takım olumsuz etkilere yol açmaktadır. Bu anti besleme faktörleri arabinoksilanlar, f3-glukanlar, selüloz gibi (NOP) bitkilerin hücre duvarında bulunan nişasta olmayan polisakkaritlerdir. Kanatlılarda bu maddeleri parçalayarak enzim salgılaması bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle kanatlı karma yemlerine bu NOP'i parçalayacak enzimler ilave edilmektedir. Bunun sonucunda da hem bunların olumsuz etkisi ortadan kalkmakta hem de bu NOP'den yararlanım sağlamaktadır.IV Yapılan bu literatür çalışmasının sonucunda ülkemizde yürütülen ve ticari olarak piyasada satışı yapılan enzim karışımlarının etkilerinin araştırılması sonucu elde edilen bulguların birbirinden farklılık gösterdiği görülmüştür. Ülkemizde yaygın olarak üretimi yapılan arpa, buğday, yulaf, çavdar gibi tahıllara daha fazla yer verilmesi, enzim katkısı ile mümkün olacaktır. Ancak karmaya girecek tahılların besin madde içeriği tanınarak ve bu tahıla veya tahıllara uygun enzim karışımları kullanılarak enzim katkısındaki başarı arttırabilecektir. Azıahtar sözcükler; Yemlik enzim, anti besleme faktörleri, tahıllar, kanatlı hayvanlar.V SUMMARY At the literature study named the position of the use of the enzyme at the feed for the winged in our country; the effects of these enzymes addition to the mixed feed at the hens, chickens and quails have been researched. At the literature researches having been made; the results of the criteria such as the interior of intestine viscosity, nutrition performance, benefitting from energy, being evaluated of nourishment subitances, the increase of living weight, utilization from the feed appear at the chickens, at the rations which has a certain barley and wheat emphasis. On the other hand; at hens the criteria such as the weight of egg, the thickness of eggshell, the egg refraction resistance, the fertility of egg, living weight and benefitting from the feed have been utilized. Furthermore, the effects of the enzymes to the living weight and, to the proportion of feed consumption and benefitting from the feed have been presented not only at the other wingeds but also at the qualis. The anti-nutrition factors at the grains such as wheat, barley, oat, jye which are the ones of the feed raw materials that constitute the mixed feed cause some negative effects at the wingeds. These anti-nutrition factors are arabinocsilans, P-glucans, polysaccarrits which are sitvated in the cell wall of the plants such as cellulose and which are nut starch (NOP) there is no enzyme secretion which seperates these substances into many small pieces at the wingeds. For that reason, the enzymes which are able to seperate NOP into small pieces are added to the winged mixed feed. As a
VI result, not only do the negative effects of these vanish, but also, NOP is made good use of. As a consequence of this literature study, after having been searched the effects of the enzyme mixtures which are carried on and sold at the market as a trade in our country, that the discoveries differ from each other has been realized. That the grains such as barley, wheat, oat, rye that are produced prevalent in our country are considered more important will be possible with the enzyme contribution. Yet, the accomplishment at the enzyme contribution will be able to be increased by being known the nourishment subtance ingredient of the grain or grains that will be mixed and being used the suitable enzyme mixtures to this grain or these grains. Key Words: Enzyme for the feed, anti-nutrition factors,grains, winged- animals.
VI result, not only do the negative effects of these vanish, but also, NOP is made good use of. As a consequence of this literature study, after having been searched the effects of the enzyme mixtures which are carried on and sold at the market as a trade in our country, that the discoveries differ from each other has been realized. That the grains such as barley, wheat, oat, rye that are produced prevalent in our country are considered more important will be possible with the enzyme contribution. Yet, the accomplishment at the enzyme contribution will be able to be increased by being known the nourishment subtance ingredient of the grain or grains that will be mixed and being used the suitable enzyme mixtures to this grain or these grains. Key Words: Enzyme for the feed, anti-nutrition factors,grains, winged- animals.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture