Safahat'ın sistematik sözlüğü
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Trakya Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET "Safahat'ın Sistematik Sözlüğü" adını alan bu çalışma, Teşekkür bölümü dışında üç ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş bölümünde, sözlük çalışmalarının bir dilin gelişmesindeki önemi vurgulanarak, Tanzimat'tan günümüze kadar yapılmış belli başlı sözlüklerimiz kısaca incelenmiş ve Mehmet Akif Ersoy'un Safahat adlı eseri hakkında kısaca bilgi verilmiştir. İkinci bölümü, Safahat'ta geçen bütün kelime ve tamlamalar ile yine Safahat'ta geçen bazı kavramları içine alan sözlük kısmı oluşturmaktadır. Bu bölümde, Safahat'ta geçen bütün Arapça, Farsça kelime ve tamlamalarla birlikte bazı Türkçe kelimelere anlamları ile birlikte yer verilmiştir. Ayrıca her kelimenin geçtiği mısralardan biri örnek olarak gösterilmiştir. Yine Safahat'ta geçen ve Mehmet Akif Ersoy'un fikir yönünü açığa kavuşturan kavramlar ayrıca incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümü ise, bu çalışma sırasında faydalanılan eserlerin oluşturduğu Kaynakça kısmı oluşturmaktadır. "Safahat'ın Sistematik Sözlüğü" adını alan bu çalışma, Mehmet Akif Ersoy'un şiirlerinin ve bugün de tartışılan bazı fikirlerinin daha iyi ve doğru anlaşılmasını amaçlamaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler : Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Safahat, Sözlük, Kelime, Kavram.
SUMMARY This study named " The Systematical Dictionary Of Safahat " includes three basic sections except the section of giving thanks. In the introductory section, the notable dictionories from Tanzimat till today are shortly examined with noticing importance of the studies of a dictionary in order to upgrade a language. And also, a short knowledge about M.Akif Ersoy's Safahat is presented. The second part is existed by the dictionory which includes all of the words and modifiers and also some of the concepts of Safahat, In this part, all of the Arabian and Persian words and modifiers are taken place with some Turkish words passing in which peage and line is stated was shown as an example. The concepts passing in Safahat showes the structure of M. Akif Ersoy's mind frankly, are seperoately examined. As for third section, the works derived profits from during this study is included the index section. This study named 'The systematical Dictionory of Safahat" aims that M. Akif s poems and ideas which are still being discussed today would be more undefendable. Key Words : Mehmet Akif Ersoy. Safahat. Dictionary. Word, Concept.
SUMMARY This study named " The Systematical Dictionary Of Safahat " includes three basic sections except the section of giving thanks. In the introductory section, the notable dictionories from Tanzimat till today are shortly examined with noticing importance of the studies of a dictionary in order to upgrade a language. And also, a short knowledge about M.Akif Ersoy's Safahat is presented. The second part is existed by the dictionory which includes all of the words and modifiers and also some of the concepts of Safahat, In this part, all of the Arabian and Persian words and modifiers are taken place with some Turkish words passing in which peage and line is stated was shown as an example. The concepts passing in Safahat showes the structure of M. Akif Ersoy's mind frankly, are seperoately examined. As for third section, the works derived profits from during this study is included the index section. This study named 'The systematical Dictionory of Safahat" aims that M. Akif s poems and ideas which are still being discussed today would be more undefendable. Key Words : Mehmet Akif Ersoy. Safahat. Dictionary. Word, Concept.
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Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature