Elma ve armutlarda aşı parsellerine dikilen anaçların gövdesine uygulanan değişik budama uzunluğunun tutma oranı ve vejatatif gelişme üzerine etkileri
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Trakya Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma, Trakya üniversitesi Tekirdağ Ziraat Fa kültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü Deneme Alanı'nda. 1992 yılın- 3a, aşı parsellerine dikilen anaçların gövdesine uygulanan ieğ'isik budama uzunluklarının tutma oranı ve vegetatif geliş me üzerine etkilerini saptamak amacı ile yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla. MM 106 yarı bodur klon anacı,,,elma ve armut çöğürleri kullanılmış ve üç değişik uzunlukta budanarak aşı parsellerine dikilmişlerdir. Her uç budama tipi uygulanan anaçlar budama uzunluklar ı- un etkileri yönünden karşılaştırılmış ve elde edilen veri-.ere gore incelenen özellikler yönünden dikim budaması >larak toprak üstü organları 35 cm üzerinden ve toprak altı »rganları 10 cm altından olmak üzere uzun budama uygulaması 'apılmış olan anaçların vegetatif gelişme ve tutma oranları iğ'er uygulamalardan daha avantajlı bulunmuştur. ANAHTAR KELîMELER:dikim budaması, toprak üstü organların bu danması, çöğür dikimi, değişik budama u- zunluŞu < kısa. orta, uzun budama >, aşı par sellerine dikim, aşıya gelme kalınlığı.
This study was carried out on the detention ratio of different pruning lenghts and on the affects of vegetative growing of stems of rootstocks which are planted on pruning parcels at Trakya University, Department of Horticulture in Tekirdağ Agriculture Faculty. With this aim, half dwarf clone rootstocks ( MM 106 ), apple and pear thorny bushes are used and these are pruned in three different lenghts and planted in grafting parcels. Each three pruning type applicated to the rootstocks and they are compared with the lenghts of pruning and according to the date's; planting pruning of up soil organs pruned longer than 35 cm and pruning of roots under the soil pruned shorter than 10 cm and with this long pruning application, the vegetative growing and the detention ratio of these rootstocks had were advantage to the other applications. KEY WORDS: planting pruning, pruning of up soil organs, planting of thorny bushes, different lenght of pruning (short.middle, long pruning), planting to grafting parcels, thickness of graf table.
This study was carried out on the detention ratio of different pruning lenghts and on the affects of vegetative growing of stems of rootstocks which are planted on pruning parcels at Trakya University, Department of Horticulture in Tekirdağ Agriculture Faculty. With this aim, half dwarf clone rootstocks ( MM 106 ), apple and pear thorny bushes are used and these are pruned in three different lenghts and planted in grafting parcels. Each three pruning type applicated to the rootstocks and they are compared with the lenghts of pruning and according to the date's; planting pruning of up soil organs pruned longer than 35 cm and pruning of roots under the soil pruned shorter than 10 cm and with this long pruning application, the vegetative growing and the detention ratio of these rootstocks had were advantage to the other applications. KEY WORDS: planting pruning, pruning of up soil organs, planting of thorny bushes, different lenght of pruning (short.middle, long pruning), planting to grafting parcels, thickness of graf table.
Yüksek Lisans
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture