Hidroponik yöntemlerle aşılı köklü asma fidanı üretimi
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Trakya Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET Doktora Tezi HİDROPONİK YÖNTEMLERLE AŞILI KÖKLÜ ASMA FİDANI ÜRETİMİ Hazırlayan: Elman BAHAR TRAKYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ TEKİRDA? ZİRAAT FAKÜLTESİ BAHÇE BİTKİLERİ BÖLÜMÜ Araştırma Görevlisi TRAKYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ BAHÇE BİTKİLERİ ANABİLİM DALI Danışman: Prof. Dr. Salih ÇELİK 1996, Sayfa: 232 Jüri: Prof. Dr. Salih ÇELİK Prof. Dr. Yılmaz FİDAN Prof. Dr. Hasan ÇELİK Bu araştırma Trakya Üniversitesi Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi'nde Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü'ne ait araştırma alanında kurulan hidroponik sistemde ve Tekirdağ Bağcılık Araştırma Enstitüsü'nün fidanlık koşullarında 1993-1994 yıllarında hidroponik kültürde fidan üretim imkanlarını araştırmak ve fidanlara dikim ortam ve sıklıklarının etkilerini saptamak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Denemede bitkisel meteryal olarak ülkemizin standart üzüm çeşitlerinden Alphonse Lavallee, Cardinal ve Yapıncak'tan alınan kalemler ile Kober 5BB, 1103P ve S04 Amerikan asma anaçlarından alınan çelikler kullanılmıştır. Hidroponik sistemde; aralarında 1 m mesafe bulunan genişlikleri 55 cm, derinlikleri 30-45 cm ve uzunlukları 15 m olan tabanları beton, yanları ahşap, içleri polietilenle izole edilmiş 4 adet kanal, toplama ve besleme tankı olmak üzere iki adet tank, boru ve bağlantı elemanları, sirkülasyon pompası, ısıtıcılar, kumanda sistemi ve mistleme ünitesi kullanılmıştır. Köklendirme ortamı olarak besin çözeltisi ve tarım perlitikullanılmış ve besin çözeltisi, 25 °C sıcaklıkta olacak şekilde 1/2 saat aralıkla sisteme sürekli verilmiştir. Aşılı çelikler hidroponik sistemde her iki ortama da 10x10 cm ve 10x5 cm aralık ve mesafelerle dikilmiş ve paraleli (kontrol) fidanlık koşullarında 120x10 cm sıklıkla kurulmuştur. Çalışma sonucunda; hidroponik sistemde köklendirme ortamı olarak kullanılan perlit ortamından olumlu sonuçlar alınmasına karşın, besin çözeltisi ortamından her iki yılda da olumlu sonuç alınamamıştır. Hidroponik sistemde perlit ortamındaki 10x10 cm'lik dikim sıklığında fidanların gelişmeleri, köklenme ve kök gelişimleri, sürgünlerin gelişme ve odunlaşmaları, sürgünlerde karbonhidrat birikimleri, randıman ve birinci sınıf fidan randımanları, fidanlık koşullarında üretilenlere göre daha iyi sonuçlar vermiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hidroponik kültür.fidanlık, aşılı asma fidanı, perlit, besin çözeltisi, dikim sıklığı
VI SUMMARY Ph. D. Thesis GRAFTED ROOTED VINE PRODUCTION BY USING HYDROPONICS METHODS Elman BAHAR THRACE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE Research Assistant THRACE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES, DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Salih ÇELİK 1996, Page: 232 Jury: Prof. Dr. Salih ÇELİK Prof. Dr. Yılmaz FİDAN Prof. Dr. Hasan ÇELİK This research was made to investigate the possibilities of grafted vine production with hydroponics system which was established in the experimental field of Thrace University, Tekirdağ Agricultural Faculty Departement of Horticulture and under the nursery of Tekirdağ Viticulture Research Institute in 1993-1994. Three standart grapes varieties (Alphonse Lavallee, Cardinal and Yapıncak) and rootstocks (5BB, 1103P and S04) were used in this experiment. In hydroponics system, four channels isolated by polyethylen were used. Their dept were 30-45 cm, with 55 cm and length 15 m, they are made of concrete and their sides were wooden, the channels were placed 1 m apart, two tanks, one of them as a liquid feed tank and the other as a stamp tank were used. There were also pipes and acessories, circulation pomp, heaters, control panel and misting unit. Nutrient solutions temperature was 25 °C and circulated intermitently once in every half an hour. Grafted cuttings wereVII planted as 10x10 cm and 10x5 cm in both media. The control which was under the nursery conditions was planted as 120x10 cm. According to the results, altough perlite used as a rooting medium gave positive results, the nutrient solution medium did not give good results in both years. Grafted vines growth, rooting and root development, shoots growth and hardening, carbohydrate accumulation of shoots, the rate of grafted vine and first grade rooted vine were much better when planting was made by 10x10 cm in the perlite medium than the produced under the nursery conditions. Key Words: Hydroponics methods, nursery, grafted vine, perlite, nutrient solution, graft density
VI SUMMARY Ph. D. Thesis GRAFTED ROOTED VINE PRODUCTION BY USING HYDROPONICS METHODS Elman BAHAR THRACE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE Research Assistant THRACE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES, DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Salih ÇELİK 1996, Page: 232 Jury: Prof. Dr. Salih ÇELİK Prof. Dr. Yılmaz FİDAN Prof. Dr. Hasan ÇELİK This research was made to investigate the possibilities of grafted vine production with hydroponics system which was established in the experimental field of Thrace University, Tekirdağ Agricultural Faculty Departement of Horticulture and under the nursery of Tekirdağ Viticulture Research Institute in 1993-1994. Three standart grapes varieties (Alphonse Lavallee, Cardinal and Yapıncak) and rootstocks (5BB, 1103P and S04) were used in this experiment. In hydroponics system, four channels isolated by polyethylen were used. Their dept were 30-45 cm, with 55 cm and length 15 m, they are made of concrete and their sides were wooden, the channels were placed 1 m apart, two tanks, one of them as a liquid feed tank and the other as a stamp tank were used. There were also pipes and acessories, circulation pomp, heaters, control panel and misting unit. Nutrient solutions temperature was 25 °C and circulated intermitently once in every half an hour. Grafted cuttings wereVII planted as 10x10 cm and 10x5 cm in both media. The control which was under the nursery conditions was planted as 120x10 cm. According to the results, altough perlite used as a rooting medium gave positive results, the nutrient solution medium did not give good results in both years. Grafted vines growth, rooting and root development, shoots growth and hardening, carbohydrate accumulation of shoots, the rate of grafted vine and first grade rooted vine were much better when planting was made by 10x10 cm in the perlite medium than the produced under the nursery conditions. Key Words: Hydroponics methods, nursery, grafted vine, perlite, nutrient solution, graft density
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture