Uluslararası İlişkilerde Yeni Perspektif: Astropolitiğe Giriş
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Trakya Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
1957 yılındaSputnik I isimli Sovyet uydusunun başarıyla uzaya gönderilmesinin ardındanbaşlayan “Uzay Çağı”, uluslararası ilişkilerde yeni bir dönemin başlamasınavesile olmuştur. Yumuşak güç anlayışının ön plana çıktığı bu dönemdeteknolojinin önemi daha iyi anlaşılmış ve elektronik bilgisayar sistemleri,radar, uydu, balistik füze, roket, atom bombası, nükleer silah vb icatlarbirbirini izlemiştir. Uzay teknolojisi, devletler açısından hem prestij hem debilgi kaynağı olarak görülmeye başlamıştır. Uluslararası ilişkilerde meydanagelen bu yeniliği açıklama hususunda ise jeopolitik teorilerin yetersiz kaldığıgözlenmiştir. Bu bağlamda dış uzayın jeopolitiği olarak geliştirilenastropolitik, sürekli gelişen ve değişen teknolojilerin stratejik olarak uzayaaktarılmasını küresel perspektifte ele almaya çalışmaktadır. Bu çalışma ileuluslararası ilişkilerdeki uzay çalışmaları gelişmelerinin astropolitikperspektiften analizi amaçlanmaktadır.
The “Space Age”, which started in 1957 after successfully sending Sovietsatellite of Sputnik I to space, has been conduced to the beginning of a newera in international relations. The concept of soft power was at the forefrontof this period and the importance of technology was better understood, and thenvarious inventions followed each other, such as; electronic computer systems,radar, satellite, ballistic missile, rocket, atomic bomb etc. Space technologyhas begun to be seen as both prestige and source of information in terms ofstates. Geopolitical theories were observed to be inadequate in explaining thisnew era which has taken place in international relations. In this context,astropolitics developed as the geopolitics of outer space that seeks to addressthe strategic transfer of evolving and changing technologies continuously tospace in a global perspective. This study aims to analyze the developments ofspace studies in international relations from the astropolitical perspective.
The “Space Age”, which started in 1957 after successfully sending Sovietsatellite of Sputnik I to space, has been conduced to the beginning of a newera in international relations. The concept of soft power was at the forefrontof this period and the importance of technology was better understood, and thenvarious inventions followed each other, such as; electronic computer systems,radar, satellite, ballistic missile, rocket, atomic bomb etc. Space technologyhas begun to be seen as both prestige and source of information in terms ofstates. Geopolitical theories were observed to be inadequate in explaining thisnew era which has taken place in international relations. In this context,astropolitics developed as the geopolitics of outer space that seeks to addressthe strategic transfer of evolving and changing technologies continuously tospace in a global perspective. This study aims to analyze the developments ofspace studies in international relations from the astropolitical perspective.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Uluslararası İlişkiler, Uzay, Uzay Çalışmaları, Jeopolitik, Astropolitik, International Relations, Space, Space Studies, Geopolitics, Astropolitics
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