Sürdürülebilir yeşil bina sertifika sistemleri kapsamında geliştirilecek iyileştirmelerin bina enerji performansına etkisi : Babaeski Bahçekent konutları örneği
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Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Sınırsız bir kaynak olarak düşünülen doğa insanlık tarafından hızla tüketilmektedir. Sanayileşme ve kentleşme ile birlikte geleneksel yapım teknikleri ile yapılan binalar artmaya başlamıştır. Bu durum çevre sorunlarının artmasına sebep olmuştur. Çevreye verilen zararın azaltılması ve kaynakların verimli, etkin kullanılması gerekliliği sürdürülebilirlik ilkesini ortaya çıkarmıştır. İnşaat sektöründe doğa ile uyumlu, çevre dostu, doğal kaynakları ve enerjiyi verimli kullanabilen ekolojik yapıları tasarlama arayışı önem kazanmıştır. Sürdürülebilir binalar, enerjiyi ve diğer doğal kaynakları en etkin şekilde kullanıp, verimli bir iç mekan ortamı oluşturup ve çevresel tahribatı en aza indirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Tasarımda arazi seçiminden, binanın konumu, kullanılan malzemelere kadar yapıdaki tüm ölçütler enerji performansını etkilemektedir. Enerji verimliliği açısından enerji tüketen tüm sistemlerin mimari ile bütünleşik olarak tasarlanması önemlidir. Bu doğrultuda birçok ülkede yeşil bina değerlendirme ölçütleri için puanlama yöntemleri ile binaların ne kadar ekonomik ve tasarruflu olduklarını belirleyen sertifika sistemleri geliştirmişlerdir. Yapılan pek çok araştırmada da söz konusu sertifika sistemlerinin kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada da öncelikle yeşil bina uygulamaları araştırılarak bunların binaların enerji performansına etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde tezin amacı, kapsamı ve sınırlılıkları, yöntemi açıklanmıştır. İkinci bölümünde sürdürülebilir inşaat projeleri ve yeşil binalar süreç, ekolojik yararları, yeşil bina sertifikasyon sistemleri bakımından ele alınmıştır. LEED Sertifikası üzerinde durulan üçüncü bölümde LEED yeşil bina sertifika sistemi incelenmiş ve LEED – EB O+M sistemi detaylıca açıklanmıştır. Yapılarda enerji etkinliğinin iyileştirilmesi başlıklı dördüncü bölümde de yapılarda yapılacak iyileştirmelerle enerji etkinliğine yapılan iyileştirmeler değerlendirilmiş ve mevcut binalarda yapılan iyileştirmeler değerlendirilmiştir. Son bölümde ise Babaeski Bahçekent Konutları örneği ele alınmıştır. Kırklareli Babaeski de bulunan Bahçekent konutları 10 blok 20 tripleks daireden oluşmaktadır. Ilıman-nemli iklim bölgesinde bulunan Bahçekent blokları iklim özelliklerinde göre değerlendirilmiş ve üzerlerinde iyileştirmeler yapılmıştır. Blokların mevcut durumları ve ilgili belediye tarafından onaylanan enerji kimlik belgeleri incelenmiştir. Bahçekent bloklarının mimari tasarım kriterleri açısından bina yönelimlerinin ideale yakın olduğu fakat binalar arasında yeterli mesafe bırakılmadığı görülmüştür. Bina yönlerinin ve açılarının farklı olmasına rağmen enerji kimlik belgeleri sonuçları aynı çıkmış ve tüketim sınıfları bakımından olumlu etkileri olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Daha sonra mevcut durumu üzerinde iyileştirmeler yapılarak enerji kimlik belgesinde enerji sınıfları düşük olan sistemlerin enerji sınıfları yükseltilmiştir. Böylelikle mevcut binalarda farklı enerji sistemleri üzerinde yapılan iyileştirmelerin binanın enerji performansı üzerindeki etkileri gösterilmiştir. Son olarak LEED sertifikası veren kuruluş olan AECO mühendislikten alınan bilgiler doğrultusunda Bahçekent blokları LEED sistemi üzerinden puanlandırılmıştır.
Considered as an unlimited resource, nature is rapidly consumed by humanity. With the industrialization and urbanization, buildings built with traditional construction techniques started to increase. This situation has led to an increase in environmental problems. The requirement to reduce the damage to the environment and to use resources efficiently and effectively has revealed the principle of sustainability. In the construction industry, the quest to design ecological structures that are compatible with nature, environmentally friendly, use natural resources and energy efficiently has gained importance. Sustainable buildings aim to use energy and other natural resources in the most efficient way, create an efficient indoor environment and minimize environmental damage. All criteria in the building, from the selection of the land to the location of the building and the materials used, affect the energy performance. In terms of energy efficiency, it is important that all energy consuming systems are designed in integration with the architecture. Accordingly, they have developed scoring methods for green building evaluation criteria in many countries and certification systems that determine how economical and efficient buildings are. The use of certificate systems in our country has not yet become widespread. In many studies, it is seen that these certificate systems are used. In this study, first of all, green building applications were investigated and their effects on the energy performance of buildings were examined. In the first part of the study discussed the purpose, scope and limits, method and methodology of the thesis. In the second part of the study, sustainable construction projects and green buildings are discussed in terms of process, ecological benefits, green building certification systems. At the end of the third, which focuses on LEED Certificate, the LEED green building certification system is examined and the LEED - EB O+M system is explained in detail. In the fourth chapter, titled "Improving energy efficiency in buildings," improvements made to energy efficiency with improvements to be made in buildings were evaluated, and improvements made in existing buildings were evaluated. In the last part, the example of Babaeski Bahçekent residences are discussed. Bahçekent residences in Kırklareli Babaeski consist of 10 blocks and 20 triplex flats. Bahçekent blocks, located in the temperate-humid climate zone, were evaluated according to their climatic characteristics and improvements were made on them. The current status of the blocks and the energy identity documents approved by the relevant municipality were examined. It has been observed that the building orientations of Bahçekent blocks are close to ideal in terms of architectural design criteria, but there is not enough distance between the buildings. Although the building directions and angles are different, the results of the energy identity certificates are the same and it has been determined that they have positive effects in terms of consumption classes. Then, the energy classes of the systems with low energy classes in the energy identity certificate were increased by making improvements on the current situation. Thus, the effects of improvements made on different energy systems in existing buildings on the energy performance of the building are shown. Finally, Bahçekent blocks were scored over the LEED system in line with the information received from AECO engineering, the organization that issued the LEED certificate
Considered as an unlimited resource, nature is rapidly consumed by humanity. With the industrialization and urbanization, buildings built with traditional construction techniques started to increase. This situation has led to an increase in environmental problems. The requirement to reduce the damage to the environment and to use resources efficiently and effectively has revealed the principle of sustainability. In the construction industry, the quest to design ecological structures that are compatible with nature, environmentally friendly, use natural resources and energy efficiently has gained importance. Sustainable buildings aim to use energy and other natural resources in the most efficient way, create an efficient indoor environment and minimize environmental damage. All criteria in the building, from the selection of the land to the location of the building and the materials used, affect the energy performance. In terms of energy efficiency, it is important that all energy consuming systems are designed in integration with the architecture. Accordingly, they have developed scoring methods for green building evaluation criteria in many countries and certification systems that determine how economical and efficient buildings are. The use of certificate systems in our country has not yet become widespread. In many studies, it is seen that these certificate systems are used. In this study, first of all, green building applications were investigated and their effects on the energy performance of buildings were examined. In the first part of the study discussed the purpose, scope and limits, method and methodology of the thesis. In the second part of the study, sustainable construction projects and green buildings are discussed in terms of process, ecological benefits, green building certification systems. At the end of the third, which focuses on LEED Certificate, the LEED green building certification system is examined and the LEED - EB O+M system is explained in detail. In the fourth chapter, titled "Improving energy efficiency in buildings," improvements made to energy efficiency with improvements to be made in buildings were evaluated, and improvements made in existing buildings were evaluated. In the last part, the example of Babaeski Bahçekent residences are discussed. Bahçekent residences in Kırklareli Babaeski consist of 10 blocks and 20 triplex flats. Bahçekent blocks, located in the temperate-humid climate zone, were evaluated according to their climatic characteristics and improvements were made on them. The current status of the blocks and the energy identity documents approved by the relevant municipality were examined. It has been observed that the building orientations of Bahçekent blocks are close to ideal in terms of architectural design criteria, but there is not enough distance between the buildings. Although the building directions and angles are different, the results of the energy identity certificates are the same and it has been determined that they have positive effects in terms of consumption classes. Then, the energy classes of the systems with low energy classes in the energy identity certificate were increased by making improvements on the current situation. Thus, the effects of improvements made on different energy systems in existing buildings on the energy performance of the building are shown. Finally, Bahçekent blocks were scored over the LEED system in line with the information received from AECO engineering, the organization that issued the LEED certificate
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sürdürülebilirlik, Yeşil bina, Yenilenebilir enerji, Sertifika sistemleri, Bahçekent konutları, Sustainability, Green building, Renewable energy, Certification systems, Bahçekent residences