Normal ve hipospadiaslı çocukların prepisyumlarındaki yapısal ve moleküler genetik özelliklerin karşılaştırılması
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Trakya Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Hipospadias, üretral açıklığın penisin ventralinde, normalden proksimalde yerleşmesi, ventralde prepisyum kapanma defekti ve çeşitli derecelerde penil eğrilikle karakterize bir anomalidir. Etiyolojiye yönelik tartışmalar olmasına rağmen henüz net bir sonuç bildirilmemiştir. Dietilstilbestrol gibi sentetik östrojenler dahil, hormonal aktivasyon gösterebilen kimyasallara maruziyetin neden olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Hipospadias etiyolojisini araştırmak amacıyla Trakya Üniversitesi Çocuk Cerrahisi kliniğinde ameliyat olan 26 hipospadias ve 26 sünnet hastasından elde edilen prepisyum örneklerinde TGFB, ESR1, AR, FGFR2 ve HOXA13 gen ekspresyonları, periferik damar ve sinir yoğunluklarıyla ganglion varlığı araştırıldı. Hipospadias grubunda ESR1 ekspresyonu artmış (p=0,013), AR ve FGFR2 ekspresyonları azalmış olarak bulundu (Sırasıyla p=0,027 ve p=0,003). TGFB ve HOXA13 ekspresyon düzeylerinde istatistiksel anlamlı fark saptanmadı (p>0,05). Doku örneklerinin immunohitokimyasal incelemesinde ganglion varlığı, periferik damar ve sinir yoğunlukları arasında istatistiksel anlamlı fark saptanmadı (p>0,05). Hipospadias grubunda artmış ESR1 düzeyleri, hipospadias oluşumunda östrojen maruziyetini ortaya koyarken, AR ekspresyonundaki azalma östrojen artışı ve androjen azlığı sonucunda eksternal genital organların gelişiminin hormon bağımlı fazda aksamaya uğradığını destekleyici niteliktedir. AR ile paralellik gösteren FGFR2 düzeylerindeki azalma da hem FGFR2 ekspresyonunun androjen kontrolünde olduğunun, hem de epitel-mezenkim etkileşimlerinde sinyal molekülü olan FGFR2’nin azalmasıyla sinyal yolağında anormallik gelişip üretral plate gelişimi ve tübülarizasyonunun defektif olmasına neden olduğunu düşündürmektedir. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre erkek dış genital yapıların gelişiminde cinsiyet hormon reseptörleri ve epitelizasyonda görevli FGF reseptörlerinin gen düzeyinde önemli görevler üstlendikleri, bu genlerin ifadesindeki aksaklıkların birbirini olumsuz yönde etkileyerek hipospadias gelişimine neden olabilecekleri söylenebilir. Bununla birlikte, yaş gruplarının ve hipospadias tiplerinin çeşitlilik gösterdiği, hasta sayısının arttırıldığı daha geniş kapsamlı çalışmalara ihtiyaç olduğu ve etiyolojiyi aydınlatmada faydalı olacağı düşüncesindeyiz.
Hypospadias is an anomaly characterized by the placement of the urethral opening in the ventral of the penis, proximal to the normal, prepitium closure defect in the ventral and various degrees of penile curvature. Although there are discussions about etiology, no clear results have been reported yet. It is believed that exposure to chemicals that may show hormonal activation, including synthetic estrogens such as diethylstilbestrol, may be caused. In order to investigate the etiology of hypospadias, the presence of TGFB, ESR1, AR, FGFR2 and HOXA13 gene expressions, peripheral vascular and nerve densities were investigated in the prepuce samples obtained from 26 hypospadias and 26 circumcised patients who were operated in Trakya University Pediatric Surgery clinic. ESR1 expression was increased in the hypospadias group (p = 0.013), and AR and FGFR2 expressions were decreased (p = 0.027 and p = 0.003, respectively). There was no statistically significant difference in TGFB and HOXA13 expression levels (p> 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the presence of ganglion, peripheral vascular and nerve densities in immunohytochemical examination of tissue samples (p> 0.05). Increased ESR1 levels in the hypospadias group reveal estrogen exposure in hypospadias formation, while the decrease in AR expression is supportive of the development of external genital organs in the hormone-dependent phase as a result of an increase in estrogen and androgen depletion. The decrease in FGFR2 levels parallel to AR suggests that both FGFR2 expression is under the control of androgens and that the signal molecule in the epithelial-mesenchyme interactions leads to defective urethral plate development and tublarization. According to the results of the study, it can be said that gender hormone receptors and FGF receptors involved in epithelialization play important roles in the development of male external genital structures at the gene level, and that the defects in the expression of these genes can negatively affect each other and cause the development of hypospadias. However, we think that more extensive studies are needed in which age groups and hypospadias types vary, the number of patients is increased, and it will be useful in clarifying the etiology.
Hypospadias is an anomaly characterized by the placement of the urethral opening in the ventral of the penis, proximal to the normal, prepitium closure defect in the ventral and various degrees of penile curvature. Although there are discussions about etiology, no clear results have been reported yet. It is believed that exposure to chemicals that may show hormonal activation, including synthetic estrogens such as diethylstilbestrol, may be caused. In order to investigate the etiology of hypospadias, the presence of TGFB, ESR1, AR, FGFR2 and HOXA13 gene expressions, peripheral vascular and nerve densities were investigated in the prepuce samples obtained from 26 hypospadias and 26 circumcised patients who were operated in Trakya University Pediatric Surgery clinic. ESR1 expression was increased in the hypospadias group (p = 0.013), and AR and FGFR2 expressions were decreased (p = 0.027 and p = 0.003, respectively). There was no statistically significant difference in TGFB and HOXA13 expression levels (p> 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the presence of ganglion, peripheral vascular and nerve densities in immunohytochemical examination of tissue samples (p> 0.05). Increased ESR1 levels in the hypospadias group reveal estrogen exposure in hypospadias formation, while the decrease in AR expression is supportive of the development of external genital organs in the hormone-dependent phase as a result of an increase in estrogen and androgen depletion. The decrease in FGFR2 levels parallel to AR suggests that both FGFR2 expression is under the control of androgens and that the signal molecule in the epithelial-mesenchyme interactions leads to defective urethral plate development and tublarization. According to the results of the study, it can be said that gender hormone receptors and FGF receptors involved in epithelialization play important roles in the development of male external genital structures at the gene level, and that the defects in the expression of these genes can negatively affect each other and cause the development of hypospadias. However, we think that more extensive studies are needed in which age groups and hypospadias types vary, the number of patients is increased, and it will be useful in clarifying the etiology.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hipospadias, FGFR2, ESR1, AR, Hypospadias