Karışık misellerde surfaktant etkileşimi
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Trakya Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Sodyum dodesil sülfat (SDS) ve polioksietilen 23 lauril eter (Brij 35) sulu çözeltilerinin ve bunların O.IM NaCl'lu çözeltilerinin karıştırılmasıyla oluşan karışık misel çözeltilerini incelemek amacıyla yüzey gerilimleri ve iletkenlikleri ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen kritik misel konsantrasyonlarını kullanmak suretiyle karışık miselin bileşimi tayin edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Karışık misel bileşiminin tayini için Gibbs-Duhem denklemine dayanarak, surfaktant çözeltisi içinde meydana gelen monomer-misel dengesinden faydalanarak geliştirilen bir yöntem kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, ayrıca tek ve karışık surfaktant sistemlerinin bağıl viskoziteleri elektroviskoz etkiyi incelemek amacıyla ölçülmüştür. Elektroviskoz etki üzerine NaCl gibi elektrolitlerin etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışılan sistemler sodyum dodesil sülfat (SDS) ve setiltrimetil amonyumbro- mür(C7>LÖ)'ün her ikisinin polioksietilen lauril eterle (Brij serisi « = 4,10 ve 23) olan karışımlarıdır. Surfaktant sistemlerin sulu çözeltilerinin bağıl viskoziteleri 30 °C ve 40 °C 'da Ubbelohde (Schott-Gerete) tipi viskozimetre kullanılarak ölçülmüştür. Çözeltilerin yoğunlukları da Paar DMA 38 densitometre kullanılarak ölçülmüştür.
SUMMARY The surface tensions and the conductivities of some mixed micelle solutions which are sodium dodecyl sulfate (5D5)-polyoxyethylene 23 lauryl ether (Brij 35) in water and its mixture with 0.1 M sodium chloride solution are measured to investigate mixed micelle solutions. By using the obtained critical micelle concentrations mixed micelle composition have been determined. The method developed to determine mixed micelle composition is that the use of the surfactant solution, together with Gibbs-Duhem equation. In this study, further the relative viscosity of single and mixed surfactant systems have been measured to investigate electroviscous effect. Effect of electrolyte, such as NaCl on the electroviscous effect were investigated. The binary systems studied are sodium dodesil sulfate (SDS) and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) and both of them mixture with lauryl polyoxyethylene ethers (CmPOEn, m = 16, n- 4,10 and 23). The relative viscosities of aqueous solutions of the binary surfactant systems were measured at 30 "C and 40 °C using an Ubbelohde type viscosimeter (Schott-Gerete). Densities of solutions were also measuring using a Paar DMA 38.
SUMMARY The surface tensions and the conductivities of some mixed micelle solutions which are sodium dodecyl sulfate (5D5)-polyoxyethylene 23 lauryl ether (Brij 35) in water and its mixture with 0.1 M sodium chloride solution are measured to investigate mixed micelle solutions. By using the obtained critical micelle concentrations mixed micelle composition have been determined. The method developed to determine mixed micelle composition is that the use of the surfactant solution, together with Gibbs-Duhem equation. In this study, further the relative viscosity of single and mixed surfactant systems have been measured to investigate electroviscous effect. Effect of electrolyte, such as NaCl on the electroviscous effect were investigated. The binary systems studied are sodium dodesil sulfate (SDS) and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) and both of them mixture with lauryl polyoxyethylene ethers (CmPOEn, m = 16, n- 4,10 and 23). The relative viscosities of aqueous solutions of the binary surfactant systems were measured at 30 "C and 40 °C using an Ubbelohde type viscosimeter (Schott-Gerete). Densities of solutions were also measuring using a Paar DMA 38.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry