Trabekülektomi sonrasında refraktif değişkenlerin incelenmesi
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Trakya Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı'nda Şubat 2004-Haziran 2005 arasında trabekülektomi ameliyatı uygulanan 30 hastanın 32 gözü prospektif olarak incelendi. Olguların tümüne preoperatif, postoperatif 1. ve 3. ayda görme keskinliği, biyomikroskopi, keratometri, göz içi basıncı ölçümü, korneal topografı ve biyometri muayeneleri rutin olarak uygulanarak postoperatif dönemde göz küresindeki değişimler ve bunların kliniğe yansıması incelendi. Trabekülektomi sonrası kornea kalınlığının nazal kadranda her kontrolde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı azaldığı, ön kamara derinliğinin 3. ayda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı azaldığı, ön arka aksiyel uzunluğunun her kontrolde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı azaldığı, santral dikey meridyendeki keratometri ölçümünün her kontrolde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı arttığı ve ön kamara hacminin 1. ay ile 3. ay arasındaki azalmasının istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu saptandı. Göz içi basıncı değişimi ile ön arka aksiyel uzunluk değişimi arasında postoperatif 1. ve 3. ayda, ön kamara hacmi değişimi arasında ise 1. ayda, ön kamara derinliği değişimi ile ön kamara hacmi değişimi arasında postoperatif 1. ve 3. ayda pozitif korelasyon olduğu bulundu. Sonuç olarak trabekülektomi ameliyatı sonrası, başka oküler patolojisi olmayan hastalarda, göz küresinin ön arka aksiyel uzunluğundaki, ön kamara derinliğindeki ve keratometrik değerlerdeki değişimler neticesinde gelişebilecek refraktif değişikliklerin ameliyatın olası bir sonucu olabileceği bilinmeli, refraksiyon kusuru tashih edilmeli ve hastanın görmesinde postoperatif 1. aya kadar değişimlerin olabileceği açıklanmalıdır, ön arka aksiyel uzunluk değişimlerinin, katarakt 49cerrahisinde kullanılan göz içi lensinin diyoptrisini etkileyeceğini düşünerek, trabekülektomi ameliyatı sonrasında en az bir ay geçmeden katarakt ameliyatı planlanmamalıdır. Anahtar kelimeler: Trabekülektomi, kornea kalınlığı, aksiyel uzunluk, ön kamara derinliği, ön kamara hacmi. 50
EXAMINATION OF REFRACTIVE VARIABLES AFTER TRABECULECTOMY SUMMARY 32 eyes of the 30 patients, who had undergone trabeculectomy operation, were examined prospectively between February 2004-June 2005 at the Trakya University School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology. Visual acuity, biomicroscopy, keratometry, intraocular pressure, corneal topography and biometry examinations were performed for all patients, before the surgery, at month 1 and month 3 visits after the surgery. In addition, postoperative changes in the eye and the reflection to the clinical outcome were examined. After trabeculectomy; the decrease in the corneal thickness of the nasal quadrant which was statistically significant for all visits, a decrease in the anterior chamber depth which was significant in the postoperative third month visit, a decrease in the anterior-posterior axial length which was statistically significant for all visits, an increase in the keratometry measurement of the central vertical meridian which was statistically significant for all visits and a decrease in the anterior chamber volume measurements which was statistically significant between the postoperative first and third months were found in the postoperative measurements. It was demonstrated that there was a positive correlation between intraocular pressure changes and anterior-posterior axial length changes in the postoperative first and third months and in the anterior chamber volume changes in the first postoperative month. Also, a positive correlation was observed between anterior 51chamber depth changes and anterior chamber volume changes in the postoperative first and third months. To conclude, after trabeculectomy operation, refractive changes for those patients, as a result of anterior posterior axial length of globe, anterior chamber depth and keratometric measurement changes, who have no other ocular pathology, should be thought as normal result of surgery and refraction correction should be done considering this fact. In addition to this, changes which might occure in visual acuity postoperatively, have to be explained to the patients prior to surgery. As the changes in anterior-posterior axial length will eventually affect intraocular lens dioptric measurements for cataract surgery, it should not be planned for at least a month following trabeculectomy. Key words: Trabeculectomy, corneal thickness, axial length, anterior chamber depth, anterior chamber volume. 52
EXAMINATION OF REFRACTIVE VARIABLES AFTER TRABECULECTOMY SUMMARY 32 eyes of the 30 patients, who had undergone trabeculectomy operation, were examined prospectively between February 2004-June 2005 at the Trakya University School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology. Visual acuity, biomicroscopy, keratometry, intraocular pressure, corneal topography and biometry examinations were performed for all patients, before the surgery, at month 1 and month 3 visits after the surgery. In addition, postoperative changes in the eye and the reflection to the clinical outcome were examined. After trabeculectomy; the decrease in the corneal thickness of the nasal quadrant which was statistically significant for all visits, a decrease in the anterior chamber depth which was significant in the postoperative third month visit, a decrease in the anterior-posterior axial length which was statistically significant for all visits, an increase in the keratometry measurement of the central vertical meridian which was statistically significant for all visits and a decrease in the anterior chamber volume measurements which was statistically significant between the postoperative first and third months were found in the postoperative measurements. It was demonstrated that there was a positive correlation between intraocular pressure changes and anterior-posterior axial length changes in the postoperative first and third months and in the anterior chamber volume changes in the first postoperative month. Also, a positive correlation was observed between anterior 51chamber depth changes and anterior chamber volume changes in the postoperative first and third months. To conclude, after trabeculectomy operation, refractive changes for those patients, as a result of anterior posterior axial length of globe, anterior chamber depth and keratometric measurement changes, who have no other ocular pathology, should be thought as normal result of surgery and refraction correction should be done considering this fact. In addition to this, changes which might occure in visual acuity postoperatively, have to be explained to the patients prior to surgery. As the changes in anterior-posterior axial length will eventually affect intraocular lens dioptric measurements for cataract surgery, it should not be planned for at least a month following trabeculectomy. Key words: Trabeculectomy, corneal thickness, axial length, anterior chamber depth, anterior chamber volume. 52
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Tıpta Uzmanlık
Tıpta Uzmanlık
Anahtar Kelimeler
Göz Hastalıkları, Eye Diseases