Dimetilsülfoksit ve Metilprednizolon'un deneysel karaciğer sıcak iskemisinde koruyucu etkisinin değerlendirilmesinde elektron mikroskopi ve hepatobiliyer sintigrafinin karşılaştırılması
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Trakya Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Bu çalışmada, deneysel olarak Pringle manevrasının uygulanması ile karaciğerde oluşan iskemi-reperfüzyon hasarında dimethylsülfoksidenin (DMSO) ve metilprednizolonun koruyucu etkilerinin belirlenmesinde elektron mikroskopisi ve hepatobiliyer sintigrafıyi karşılaştırdık. Bu çalışma için 24 adet tavşan A: Kontrol (Sham laparotomi), B: Pringle, C:1g/kg DMSO(%90'lık) + Pringle, D: 30mg/kg Metilprednizolon + Pringle gruplarına aynldı. A grubu kontrol olarak alındı ve sadece laparotomi yapıldı., B grubuna sadece pringle manevrası uygulandı. C grubuna pringle manevrası öncesi inferior venakavaya 1g/kg DMSO(%90'lık ); D grubuna 30mg/kg Metilprednizolon verildi. B, C ve D gruplarında pringle manevrasının 30. dakikasında klemp açıldı ve 5 dakika sonra elektron mikroskopisi için biopsi alındı. Bundan 15 dakika sonra HBS yapıldı. Sintigrafide 37MBq Tc-99m IDA kulak venin den bolus halinde enjekte edilerek 60 dakika boyunca birer dakikalık dinamik görüntüler alındı. Alınan dinamik görüntülerde aktivitenin karaciğer tutulumunun pik zamanı (KcPz) ve karaciğer aktivitesinin yarılanma zamanı (KcT-ıc) hesaplandı. B,C ve D grubunun KcPz ve KcT-ıc değerleri A grubuna göre anlamlı derecede uzamıştı Gruplar karşılaştırdığında ise B ve C gruplarının KcPz ve KcTı/2 değerlerinde anlamlı bir farkın olduğu görüldü. D grubu ile B grubu karşılaştırıldığında KcTı/2 37değerlerinde farkın anlamlı olduğu fakat KcPz değerlerinde ise farkın anlamsız olduğu görüldü. D ve C gruplarının KcPz ve KcTıa değerlerine göre farkın anlamsız olduğu görüldü. Elektron mikroskopisi incelemesinde sadece sıcak iskemi oluşturulan B grupunda iskemiye bağlı olarak hepatositlerde, sinüzoidlerde belirgin dejeneratif değişiklikler saptandı. DMSO verilen C grupunda iskemi grubuna göre reversibl değişikliklerin azaldığı D grupunda ise reversibl değişikliklerin nadir olarak izlendiği görüldü. Sonuç olarak; hepatobiliyer sintigrafinin pringle manevrası sonrası karaciğerde oluşan iskemik reperfüzyon hasarının belirlenmesinde ve koruyucu ajanların klinik karşılaştırmasında elektron mikroskopisi standart alındığında kolaylıkla uygulanabilecek bir yöntem olduğu kanısına vanldı. Koruyucu ajan olarak DMSO'nun etkisinin metilprednizolondan daha fazla olduğu tespit edildi. 38
SUMMARY COMPARISON OF ELECTRONMICROSCOPY AND HEPATOBILIARY SCINTIGRAPY ABOUT THE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF DIMETHYLSULPHOXIDE AND METHYLPREDNIZOLONE IN THE EXPERIMENTALY MADE LIVER HOT ISCHEMIA We compared the roles of the electron microscopy and hepatobiliary scintigraphy for detecting the protective effects of dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) and methylprednizolone in the ischemia- reperfusion damage occurring after the application of Pringle maneouver. Twenty four rabbits were divided into four groups. A: Control group (Sham laparatomy), B Pringle maneouver group, C: 1 gr/kg DMSO (%90)+ Pringle maneouver group, D: 30 mg/kg methylprednizolone + Pringle maneouver. Group A was considered as the control group and only laparotomy was applied. Only Pringle maneouver was applied on group B, before Pringle maneouver group C was given 1 gr/kg DMSO (%90) while group D was applied 30 mg/kg methylprednizolone. In B,C, and D groups after 30 minutes from the beginning of Pringle maneouver, the clamp was opened and five minutes later a biopsy sample for electron microscopy was taken. After 15 minutes hepatobiliary scintigraphy was giving, 37 MBqTc-99 M HIDA intravenously injection from the ear veins. Sixty dynamic images were taken every minute during 39an hour. Liver activity uptake peak time ( LiPt) and liver activity half time (LİT1/2 ) were calculated. In B,C, and D groups LiPt and LİT1/2 were significantly longer then group A There was a significant difference in the LiPt and LiT^ values of B and C groups. Between D and B groups LİT1/2 values were significantly different while there was no significant difference in LiPt values D and C groups had no significant difference between LiPt and LİT1/2 values. In the electron microscopic investigation, only group B hepatocytes and sinusoids revealed apparent degenerative changes due to hot ischemia experimentally made compared with the ischemia group, DMSO given group C showed lesser reversible changes, reversible changes were rarely observed group D. As conclusion, we suggest that, when electron microscopy is considered as "gold standard", hepatobiliary scintigraphy is an easy and useful method to detect ischemic reperfusion damage. In liver occurring after the Pringle maneouver and in the clinical comparison of the protective agents. Protective effect of DMSO was determined to be more then methylprednizolone. 40
SUMMARY COMPARISON OF ELECTRONMICROSCOPY AND HEPATOBILIARY SCINTIGRAPY ABOUT THE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF DIMETHYLSULPHOXIDE AND METHYLPREDNIZOLONE IN THE EXPERIMENTALY MADE LIVER HOT ISCHEMIA We compared the roles of the electron microscopy and hepatobiliary scintigraphy for detecting the protective effects of dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) and methylprednizolone in the ischemia- reperfusion damage occurring after the application of Pringle maneouver. Twenty four rabbits were divided into four groups. A: Control group (Sham laparatomy), B Pringle maneouver group, C: 1 gr/kg DMSO (%90)+ Pringle maneouver group, D: 30 mg/kg methylprednizolone + Pringle maneouver. Group A was considered as the control group and only laparotomy was applied. Only Pringle maneouver was applied on group B, before Pringle maneouver group C was given 1 gr/kg DMSO (%90) while group D was applied 30 mg/kg methylprednizolone. In B,C, and D groups after 30 minutes from the beginning of Pringle maneouver, the clamp was opened and five minutes later a biopsy sample for electron microscopy was taken. After 15 minutes hepatobiliary scintigraphy was giving, 37 MBqTc-99 M HIDA intravenously injection from the ear veins. Sixty dynamic images were taken every minute during 39an hour. Liver activity uptake peak time ( LiPt) and liver activity half time (LİT1/2 ) were calculated. In B,C, and D groups LiPt and LİT1/2 were significantly longer then group A There was a significant difference in the LiPt and LiT^ values of B and C groups. Between D and B groups LİT1/2 values were significantly different while there was no significant difference in LiPt values D and C groups had no significant difference between LiPt and LİT1/2 values. In the electron microscopic investigation, only group B hepatocytes and sinusoids revealed apparent degenerative changes due to hot ischemia experimentally made compared with the ischemia group, DMSO given group C showed lesser reversible changes, reversible changes were rarely observed group D. As conclusion, we suggest that, when electron microscopy is considered as "gold standard", hepatobiliary scintigraphy is an easy and useful method to detect ischemic reperfusion damage. In liver occurring after the Pringle maneouver and in the clinical comparison of the protective agents. Protective effect of DMSO was determined to be more then methylprednizolone. 40
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Tıpta Uzmanlık
Tıpta Uzmanlık
Anahtar Kelimeler
Genel Cerrahi, General Surgery