Beyaz sıçanlara farklı farmasotik form ve kombinasyonlarda verilen Siklosporin-A'nın böbrek korteksi üzerine etkilerinin ışık ve elektron mikroskopik düzeylerde incelenmesi
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50 ÖZET Siklosporin-A; T hücrelerinin aracılık ettiği immun reaksiyonlar üzerine spesifik etkisi nedeniyle, organ transplantasyonlarında ve diğer immun sistem hastalıklarında kullanılan güçlü bir immunsupressif ajandır. İlacın en önemli yan etkilerinden birisi nefrotoksisitesidir. Bu çalışmada; farklı form ve kombinasyonlarda uygulanan Siklosporin-A'nın böbrek korteksi üzerine etkilerinin ışık ve elektron mikroskopik düzeyde karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Sprague-Dawley cinsi 23 dişi rat, 4 deney grubuna bölündü: I. grup kontrol olarak ayrılırken, II. gruba ilacın oral, IH. gruba intravenöz, IV. gruba ise intravenöz formuyla birlikte prednizolon 2,5 ay süre ile verildi. Alman renal korteks biyopsi materyalleri, ışık ve elektron mikroskopik gözlemler için işlemlendirildi. Tüm deney gruplarında öncelikle arteriol ve kapilerler ile birlikte proksimal tübüllerin etkilendiği, ardından diğer tübüler yapı ve Malpighi cisimciklerinde morfolojik değişikliklerin ortaya çıktığı görüldü. Tübülde; düz endoplazmik retikulumda dilatasyon, mitokondrilerde şişme ve kristalarında silinme, çok sayıda ve farklı büyüklüklerde lizozomlar, vakuolizasyon, hücreler arası açılmalar ve bazal membranlarda kalınlaşma gözlendi. Malpighi cisimciklerinde glomerül bazal membranı kalınlaşmış ve içerisinde elektron yoğun madde birikmişti; endotel hücrelerinde ve podositlerde dejeneratif değişikliklere, mesangial sahada artışa ve yer yer madde birikimine rastlanıyordu. Bu değişiklik alanları infiltrasyon bölgeleri olarak başlayıp, ardından aktif epitelyal hücrelerin çoğalması ve yeni tübüler yapıların oluşumu ile proliferasyon sahalarına dönüşüyordu.51 Tüm bu değişiklikler, intravenöz formun verildiği grupta; oral formun verildiği gruba oranla daha belirgindi. Tedaviye steroidin eklenmesi ile; bu yapısal değişikliklere daha seyrek rastlandığı gibi, değişiklik bölgelerinin sayı ve çaplan da azalmış idi. n. ve IH. grupta medulla-korteks bölgesinde yer alan infiltrasyon ve proliferasyon alanları; IV. grupta korteksin orta bölgelerine doğru kaymıştı. Bu nedenle; hastalığa bağlı olarak, uzun süreli ve düşük doz tedavilerde ilacın oral formunun tercih edilmesi, veya intravenöz formun kullanılması gerektiği durumlarda tedaviye steroid eklenmesinin; Siklosporin-A'nın böbrek korteksi üzerine oluşturacağı hasarı azaltacağı kanısındayız.
52 SUMMARY Cyclosporin-A is a potent immunosupressive agent which is used in organ transplantations and in other immunologically mediated diseases because of its unique action on T-cell mediated immune reactions. Nephrotoxicity is one of the most important side effects of this drug. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the different forms and combinations of this drug on renal cortex at light and electron microscope level. Twenty-three Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups: First group was control. Second and third groups had daily intraperitoneal injections of oral and intravenous form of Cyclosporin-A alone respectively, while fourth group had intravenous form of Cyclosporin-A in combination with Prednisolone for 2,5 months. Renal cortical biopsy specimens were prepared for light and electron microscopic examinations. The damages on arterioles, capillaries and proximal tubules were firstly seen. Subsequently, other tubular structures and Malpighian corpuscles were effected. There were dilatation of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrial swelling and disruption of the cristae, lysosomal changes in size and number, vacuolization, enlargement of the lateral intercellular spaces and thickening of the basement membranes in the tubular structures. In the Malpighian corpuscles, the glomerular basement membranes were thickened and electron dense materials were deposited inside them, the endothelial cells and the podocytes were degenerated, there were also expansion and deposits in the mesangial area.53 These changes were beginning as infiltration areas which were changed into proliferative regions by proliferation of active epithelial cells and formation of new tubular structures. All these changes were more prominent in the group which were given the intravenous form of Cyclosporin-A than the group which were given oral form of it. These structural changes were rare and also the size and number of this regions were decreased after combining the therapy with prednisolone. Infiltration and proliferation regions were in cortico-medullar junction in the second and third groups, while they were displaced to the mid-cortical area in the fourth group. We conclude that, according to the nature of the diseases, either oral form of this drug should be preferred or combined therapy of intravenous form with steroid should be used in long term and low-dose treatments in order to minimize the damage of Cyclosporin-A on renal cortical structures.
52 SUMMARY Cyclosporin-A is a potent immunosupressive agent which is used in organ transplantations and in other immunologically mediated diseases because of its unique action on T-cell mediated immune reactions. Nephrotoxicity is one of the most important side effects of this drug. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the different forms and combinations of this drug on renal cortex at light and electron microscope level. Twenty-three Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups: First group was control. Second and third groups had daily intraperitoneal injections of oral and intravenous form of Cyclosporin-A alone respectively, while fourth group had intravenous form of Cyclosporin-A in combination with Prednisolone for 2,5 months. Renal cortical biopsy specimens were prepared for light and electron microscopic examinations. The damages on arterioles, capillaries and proximal tubules were firstly seen. Subsequently, other tubular structures and Malpighian corpuscles were effected. There were dilatation of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrial swelling and disruption of the cristae, lysosomal changes in size and number, vacuolization, enlargement of the lateral intercellular spaces and thickening of the basement membranes in the tubular structures. In the Malpighian corpuscles, the glomerular basement membranes were thickened and electron dense materials were deposited inside them, the endothelial cells and the podocytes were degenerated, there were also expansion and deposits in the mesangial area.53 These changes were beginning as infiltration areas which were changed into proliferative regions by proliferation of active epithelial cells and formation of new tubular structures. All these changes were more prominent in the group which were given the intravenous form of Cyclosporin-A than the group which were given oral form of it. These structural changes were rare and also the size and number of this regions were decreased after combining the therapy with prednisolone. Infiltration and proliferation regions were in cortico-medullar junction in the second and third groups, while they were displaced to the mid-cortical area in the fourth group. We conclude that, according to the nature of the diseases, either oral form of this drug should be preferred or combined therapy of intravenous form with steroid should be used in long term and low-dose treatments in order to minimize the damage of Cyclosporin-A on renal cortical structures.
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