Türk demokrasi hayatında değişim: Demokrat Parti örneği (1946-1957)
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Trakya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
1946-1950 yılları arasında Demokrat Parti'nin kurulması ve akabinde iktidara gelmesi, Türk Demokrasi Tarihinin dönüm noktasını teşkil eder. Demokrat Parti'nin kurulmasıyla beraber, özellikle II. Meşrutiyet tarafından oluşturulmaya çalışılan muhalefet anlayışı başarıya ulaşmıştı. Demokrat Parti'nin kendinden önce kurulan partilerden ayrılan en önemli yönü iktidara gelebilmiş olmasıdır. Yine Türk Demokrasi tarihinde ilk kez bir muhalefet partisi, herhangi bir otorite ya da gücü arkasına almaksızın halkın iradesiyle iktidara gelebilmeyi başarabilmişti. Türk Siyasi Hayatında Demokrat Parti'nin hâkim olduğu dönemde muhalefetle arasındaki diyalog ve ilişkiler kendilerinden sonra, hatta günümüze uzanan süreçte Türkiye'de iktidar-muhalefet ilişkilerinde belirleyici olmuştur. Bu düşünceden hareketle yola çıkılarak hazırlanan çalışmada, Demokrat Parti'nin Türk Siyasi ve Demokrasi hayatında getirdiği değişimi ortaya koyulmuş, ilk sistemli muhalefet oluşturma çabalarının, 1946 yılında Demokrat Parti'nin kurulması ile başlayan ve 1960 darbesine uzanan serüveni ele alınmıştır.
During the period from 1946-1950 and the subsequent establishment of the Democratic Party came to power, constitute a turning point in the History of Turkish Democracy. With the establishment of the Democratic Party, especially II. The success of the opposition are trying to establish the understanding reached by the Constitutional Monarchy. Allocated to the parties before him, founded the Democratic Party is able to come to power, the most important aspect. However, an opposition party for the first time on the Turkish Democracy, the will of the people, without any authority or power behind managed to get into power. Turkish Political Life in the opposition Democratic Party dominated relations between the diyolpg and after them, even from the present government-opposition relations in Turkey, were the determining factors in the process. With this in mind prepared on the basis of study, the changes introduced by the Democratic Party, the Turkish political life and democracy, manifested in the efforts to create the first systematic opposition, starting with the establishment of the Democratic Party in 1946 and 1960 from the adventure of the coup were discussed.
During the period from 1946-1950 and the subsequent establishment of the Democratic Party came to power, constitute a turning point in the History of Turkish Democracy. With the establishment of the Democratic Party, especially II. The success of the opposition are trying to establish the understanding reached by the Constitutional Monarchy. Allocated to the parties before him, founded the Democratic Party is able to come to power, the most important aspect. However, an opposition party for the first time on the Turkish Democracy, the will of the people, without any authority or power behind managed to get into power. Turkish Political Life in the opposition Democratic Party dominated relations between the diyolpg and after them, even from the present government-opposition relations in Turkey, were the determining factors in the process. With this in mind prepared on the basis of study, the changes introduced by the Democratic Party, the Turkish political life and democracy, manifested in the efforts to create the first systematic opposition, starting with the establishment of the Democratic Party in 1946 and 1960 from the adventure of the coup were discussed.
Yüksek Lisans Tezi
Anahtar Kelimeler
Demokrasi, CHP ve Muhalefet, Demokrat Parti, Adnan Menderes, Genel Seçimler, Adnan Menderes, Democracy, Democratic Party, General Election, CHP and Opposition