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Trakya Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Keman repertuvarı müzik tarihinin parlak sayfalarından biridir. Öyle ki, keman sanatı tarihi boyunca yeni çalım teknikleri geliştirilmiş, bunun yanı sıra hüner gerektiren virtüöz keman eserleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Bunlar keman sonatları, varyasyonları, konçertolardır. Bu eserler ayrıca çok farklı motif ve konulara adanmıştır. A. Vivaldi’nin dört mevsim keman konçertoları, Paganini’nin G. Rossini’nin “Musa” operasından esinlendiği dua konulu varyasyonları, avlanma ve savaş konulu keman kaprisleri (No. 9, 14, 17) vb. buna birer örneklerdir. Keman repertuvarında dünya bestecilerinin Doğu motiflerine ithaf edilmiş çok sayıda eserlerine de rastlanılmaktadır. Daha Barok dönemden itibaren bestecilerin bu motiflere müracaatı başlamıştır. Bu akım hep devam etmiş ve daha geniş repertuvarın oluşumuna neden olmuştur. Doğu müziğine büyük ilgi hem Avrupa hem de Rus besteciler tarafından artmaya başlamıştır. Doğu tutkusu W. A. Mozart’ın “Die Entführung aus dem Serail”, C. Saint-Saens’in “Samson et Dalilah”, J. Bizet’in “Jamele”, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov’un “Scheherazade”, Reinhold Glière’in “Shakh-Senem” ve birçok eserlerde görülmüştür. Bu motifler sadece büyük türlerde değil, küçük türlerdeki eserlerde de ele alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda Doğu motiflerini konu alan keman eserlerinden olan romans, süit vb. türler dikkat çekmektedir. Çalışmada Doğu motifleri üzerine P. Sarasate’nin “Romanza Andaluza”, C. Cui’nin “Orientale”, E. Bloch’un “Baal Shem” ve M. Ravel’in “Tzigane” gibi keman repertuvarının gözde eserlerinde dönem ve besteci stillerinin incelenmesi, eserlerin armonik yapısı açısından analizinin yapılması amaçlanmıştır.
Violin repertoires one of the brightestpages of music history. New playing techniques have been developed throughout the history of violin art, in addition to this, virtuoso violin works, which requirenew playing techniques, have emerged. These are violin sonatas, variations, concertos. These works are also dedicated to different motifs and themes. Among theexamples are A. Vivaldi’s Four Violin Concertos the four seasons, Paganini’s Prayer Variations from G. Rossini’s “Moses”, or the Violin Caprices about Hunting or War (No. 9, 14, 17) . In the violin literature, there are many works of world composers devoted to Eastern motifs. Since the Baroque period, composers began to apply these motifs. This tendency continued all the time and led to the formation of a wider repertoire. Great interest in Oriental music is growing from both European and Russian composers. Passion for the Orient W. A. Mozart’s “Die Entführung aus dem Serail”, C. Saint-Saens’ “Samson et Dalilah”, J. Bizet’s “Jamele”, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Scheherazade”, Reinhold Glière’s “Shakh-Senem” and has been seen many other works. These motives considered asnot only in large genres, but also in works of small genres. In this context, romance, suite and other works for violin attract attention.In this study, it is aimed to examine the period and composer styles in popular works of the violin repertoire composed on Eastern motifs such as “Romanza Andaluza” by P. Sarasate, “Orientale” by C. Cui, “Baal Shem” by E. Bloch and “Tzigane” by M. Ravel. These works were examined in terms of harmonic structure.
Violin repertoires one of the brightestpages of music history. New playing techniques have been developed throughout the history of violin art, in addition to this, virtuoso violin works, which requirenew playing techniques, have emerged. These are violin sonatas, variations, concertos. These works are also dedicated to different motifs and themes. Among theexamples are A. Vivaldi’s Four Violin Concertos the four seasons, Paganini’s Prayer Variations from G. Rossini’s “Moses”, or the Violin Caprices about Hunting or War (No. 9, 14, 17) . In the violin literature, there are many works of world composers devoted to Eastern motifs. Since the Baroque period, composers began to apply these motifs. This tendency continued all the time and led to the formation of a wider repertoire. Great interest in Oriental music is growing from both European and Russian composers. Passion for the Orient W. A. Mozart’s “Die Entführung aus dem Serail”, C. Saint-Saens’ “Samson et Dalilah”, J. Bizet’s “Jamele”, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Scheherazade”, Reinhold Glière’s “Shakh-Senem” and has been seen many other works. These motives considered asnot only in large genres, but also in works of small genres. In this context, romance, suite and other works for violin attract attention.In this study, it is aimed to examine the period and composer styles in popular works of the violin repertoire composed on Eastern motifs such as “Romanza Andaluza” by P. Sarasate, “Orientale” by C. Cui, “Baal Shem” by E. Bloch and “Tzigane” by M. Ravel. These works were examined in terms of harmonic structure.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Keman, Literatür, Eser, Doğu, Motif, Motif, Violin, Literature, Work, Eastern, Motif
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