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Öğe Mangafodipir trisodyum ile pankreas malign kitlelerinin değerlendirilmesi(2009) Argımak, Yasin; Temizöz, Osman; Tosun, Alptekin; Çakır, BilgeAmaç: Organ spesifik ajan olan mangafodipir trisodyum (Mn-DPDP) kullanılarak yapılan manyetik rezonans görüntülemenin pankreas malign kitlelerinin incelenmesinde tanısal etkinliğini incelemek. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Abdominal ultrasonografi ve bilgisayarlı tomografi bulguları ile pankreas tümörü düşünülen 17 hastanın (7 kadın, 10 erkek; ort. yaş 63.2±12; dağılım 36-80) manyetik rezonans görüntüleri, T1A SE, yağ baskılı T1A SE ve T1A GRE sekanslarının kullanımı ile sinyal-gürültü (S/N) ve kontrast-gürültü (C/N) oranları açısından Mn-DPDP uygulaması öncesi ve sonrası incelendi. Bulgular: Kontrast öncesi ve sonrası incelemelerde normal pankreasın S/N oranlarında artış T1A SE sekansta ortalama %22.81, yağ baskılı T1A SE sekansında %32.88 ve T1A GRE sekansında %20 olarak bulundu. Normal pankreas dokusu ve tümör kitlesi sinyal intensite değerlerinden hesaplanan C/N oranında ise yüzde artış T1A SE sekansı için ortalama %58.69, yağ baskılı T1A SE sekansta %125.41 ve T1A GRE sekansta %62.06 olarak saptandı. Ayrıca uygulanan sinyal intensite ölçümlerine göre her üç sekansta elde edilen kontrast öncesi ve sonrası C/N oranlarındaki artış istatistiksel olarak anlamlı idi (paired Student t testi p<0.0001). Sonuç: Kontrast madde olarak Mn-DPDP'nin kullanımı ile C/N oranlarındaki değişim pankreasın malign kitlelerinin incelenmesinde tanıya katkı sağlayabilir.Öğe Serebral anevrizma ve vasküler malformasyonların değerlendirilmesinde konvansiyonel ve kontrastlı MR anjiyografi teknikler(2005) Ünlü, Ercüment; Çakır, BilgeBu makalede, intrakranyal anevrizma ve arteryovenöz malformasyon, kavernöz anjiyom ve venöz anomaliler gibi intrakranyal vasküler malformasyonların konvansiyonel ve kontrastlı manyetik rezonans anjiyografi teknikleriyle tanınması ve bu tekniklerin belirtilen durumlarda avantaj ve dezavantajları değerlendirildi.Öğe Two-detector Computed Tomography Map of the Inferior Epigastric Vessels for Percutaneous Transabdominal Intervention Procedures(2014) Gençhellaç, Hakan; Dursun, Memduh; Temizöz, Osman; Çağlı, Bekir; Demir, Mustafa K.Background:It is crucial to know anatomic variations and the exact course of an inferior epigastric artery (IEA) to prevent any complica-tions during percutaneous abdominal interventions. Aims:The aim of this study was to map the inferior epigastric ves-sels using reconstructed two-detector computed tomography images and measure the distance from the inferior epigastric artery (IEA) to the midline to determine a safe route for percutaneous abdominal interventions. Study Design: Retrospective comparative study.Methods:Coronal reconstructed two-detector computed tomogra-phy images of 200 patients were evaluated to measure the distances between the IEA and midline at three levels (origin, middle, and dis-tal). Vein and artery arrangements were documented.Results:The most frequently encountered arrangement (41.5%) was a single vein and artery on both sides. Mean distances on the right and left sides were 4.01 and 4.47 cm at the umbilical level, 3.81 and 4.26 cm at the midlevel, and 5.62 and 5.51 cm at the origin level. On both sides, measurement differences between the three levels were highlysignificant (p<0.05). In addition, a total of 56 IEA bifurcations were depicted in all 200 patients. Thirteen of the 56 bifurcations occurredonly on the right side, 11 only on the left side, and 32 on both sides.Conclusion:It is important to be attentive to the IEA's course, at different midline levels, when attempting percutaneous interventions via an abdominal approach.Öğe A rare case of schwannoma arising from a diverticulum in the first portion of duodenum(2012) Gençhellaç, Hakan; Temizöz, Osman[Abtract Not Available]Öğe Three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography vs cardiac magnetic resonance in the assessment of planimetric mitral valve area in rheumatic mitral stenosis(WILEY, 2018) Uygur, Begum; Celik, Omer; Ustabasioglu, Fethi Emre; Akinci, Okan; Erturk, MehmetAimRheumatic heart disease is a common cause of valvular disease, especially in developing countries. Echocardiography is the gold standard investigation modality for cardiac valves. In rheumatic mitral stenosis (MS), three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (3D TEE) provides better alignment of the image plane at the mitral tips and more accurate and reproducible planimetric measurement of mitral valve area (MVA). Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is a new method that provides evaluation of cardiac anatomy and function noninvasively. Previous studies showed strong correlation between planimetric MVA measured by two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography and CMR. We aimed to compare the planimetric MVAs assessed by 3D TEE and CMR in rheumatic MS patients. To best of our knowledge, this is the first study that compares 3D TEE and CMR for the assessment of the planimetric MVA in rheumatic MS. MethodsWe retrospectively evaluated 28 rheumatic MS patients who underwent 3D TEE and ECG-gated CMR. 3D TEE planimetric MVAs were measured manually by multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) method and CMR planimetric MVAs were measured manually on short-axis cine images. Then, 3D TEE and CMR measurements were compared. ResultsA total of 28 patients' (mean age 4412, 82.1% female) planimetric 3D TEE MVAs (1.00 +/- 0.20cm(2)) and CMR MVAs (1.04 +/- 0.17cm(2)) were found to be highly correlated (P<0.0001, r: 0.744) with Pearson correlation analysis. Bland-Altman analysis showed strong agreement between two techniques. ConclusionFor the diagnosis and the follow-up of rheumatic MS, planimetric CMR MVA is an alternative noninvasive method which highly correlates with planimetric 3D TEE MVA.Öğe Brain atrophy and hypomyelination associated with Iatrogenic cushing syndrome in an infant(Iranian Child Neurology Soc, 2018) Dogan, Sumeyra; Dogan, Mehmet S.; Tutunculer, Filiz; Yapiciugurlar, Ozge; Genchellac, HakanProlonged use of topical corticosteroids, particularly in infants, albeit rare, may lead to Cushing syndrome. Central nervous system abnormalities including brain atrophy and delayed myelination on cranial magnetic resonance imaging has been reported in patients with corticosteroid treatment. We herein report a 5-month-old female infant referred to Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Edirne, Turkey with brain atrophy and myelination delay that might be due to iatrogenic Cushing syndrome caused by topical corticosteroid use.