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Öğe On Value Groups and Residue Fields of Valued Function Fields(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2004) Öke, FigenIn this paper studying on value groups and residue fields of valued rational function fields and valued function fields of conics is purposed. Let F be a function field over K ; v be a valuation on K ; w be an extension of v to F ; kw, kv and Gw, Gv be residue fields and value groups of w and v respectively. If F is rational function field over K tlıen eitlıer kw/kv is an algebraic extension or kw is a simple transcendental extension of any finite extension of kv. If F is a function field of conic over K and chark v ot 2 then either kw/kv is an algebraic extension or kw is a regular function field of conics over any finite extension of kv. In the both case either Gw/Gv is a torsion grouporthere exists a subgroup G1 of Gw such that G1/Gv is a torsion group and Gw is the direct sum of G1 and an infinite cyclic group.Öğe Some Quasi-Cyclic Codes Over Gf(3) and Gf(7)(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2008) Çengellenmiş, Yasemin; İşcan, Hülya; Öke, FigenAny cyclic code with n=pm length can be put into quasi-cyclic form ,where p ? 1, p,m + ? Z . In this paper, some parameters of the Quasi-Cyclic codes over GF(3) and GF(7) are obtained by using the best known cyclic codes.Öğe Karşıt Yazın Türü Olarak Pop Yazını: Rolf Dıeüer Brınkmann Örneği(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2019) Asutay, Hikmet; Öztürk, BurcuThe pop-literature, that emerged with anti-war andspread to every country over time, has taken its place as a counter argument inthe world of literature with the great influence of communication means. Thepeople, who were tired after the war, needed innovations and this literaturetrend was supported especially by the young population of the country. Thefreedom was at the forefront in writings, writers and poets have created theirwork without any rule. This state of irregularity is most evident in poems. Thepop-literature items are very common in poems. It is important in terms ofexamining pop literature which includes the unqualified words, sometimes just aword, or words that evoke the period. Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, a representativeof pop literature in German literature who was not deeply explored today, haskept pop songs in his poems and ensured the emergence of samples of this genre.For this reason, this study is aimed at introducing novelty for the analysis ofpop literature texts. In the theoretical part of the study it was tried to beexamine the concept of pop literature. The absence of much work in poetry examinationsabout pop writing and Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, especially in our country, and thecurrently of pop typography elements, creates the starting point of the work.In the application section three poems of this poet were tried to beinvestigated in terms of form and content. The items, which are found in thesepoems, have been explained by using the interpretation technique. The purposeof this study is how and in what way Rolf Dieter Brinkmann was proposed by arepresentative of pop literature. In addition, Brinkmann regards poetry as aproduct of pop literature. It is expected that the work in this way also willsheds light on the work to be done in the future.Öğe A sheaf on the second spectrum of a module(Taylor & Francıs Inc, 2018) Ceken, Secil; Alkan, MustafaLet R be a commutative ring with identity and Spec(5)(M) denote the set all second submodules of an R-module M. In this paper, we construct and study a sheaf of modules, denoted by O(N, M), on Spec(5)(M) equipped with the dual Zariski topology of M, where N is an R-module. We give a characterization of the sections of the sheaf O(N, M) in terms of the ideal transform module. We present some interrelations between algebraic properties of N and the sections of O(N, M). We obtain some morphisms of sheaves induced by ring and module homomorphisms.