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Öğe Electrophysiological Correlation and Gradation of Patients Prediagnosed With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2015) Demirci, Koray; Yıldız, Ege Miray; Karahan, Ercan; Kandemir, Yonca; Sönmez, Hilal; Tekataş, AslanAims: In this study, it is aimed to detect electrophysiological correlation of patients who were referred to TrakyaUniversity Medical Research Center Neurology Clinics Electromyography (EMG) lab in 2014 with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) pre-diagnosis and grade them based on electrophysiological features.Methods: Electromyography (EMG) records of 174 patients who were sent to electromyography lab in 2014 withCarpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) pre diagnosis were scanned retrospectively. Patients were recorded with the data of gender and age. Correlation between pre diagnosis and electrophysiological diagnosis were reported statistically by using Kappa and McNemar tests. Patients were classified based on sex using Chi-square test. Number and percentages, arithmetic mean± standard deviation, median (minimum-maximum) were used as descriptive analysis. Results: Out of all electrophysiological diagnosis, 62 patients (35.6%) were consistent with pre diagnosis when 112(64.4%) were inconsistent. Out of patients who were diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) according to their electromyography (EMG) findings, 31 patients (48.4%) had mild syndrome.Conclusion: A big inconsistency between pre diagnosis and electromyography (EMG) results was detected. It isimportant to make a more careful and detailed examination to fix this problemÖğe The Evaluation and Interpretation of the Most Common Intervertebral Discs in Cervical Hernias: a Retrospective Study(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2016) İşkan, Nur Gülce; Kurt, Cansu; Akşar, Aslıhan; Tekataş, AslanAims: In this study it is aimed to determine the most common intervertebral discs in cervical hernias and to discuss the possible causes of prevalence.Methods:The data of 110 patients who were diagnosed with cervical disc hernia in Trakya University Health Center for Medical Research Neurology Clinics EMG lab in between 2012 and 2015 was analyzed retrospectively by looking at the age, gender and herniated intervertebral disc. Chi- Square test was used to determine the frequency of the cervical disc hernia in intervertebral discs in both genders. Independent Samples T Test was used to determine the correlation between prevalence of herniated intervertebral discs, age and gender. Arithmetic mean ± standard deviation, number and percentages, median (minimum-maximum) were used as descriptive analysis.Results: Out of 110 patients, there were 60 males (52.3%) and 50 females (48.7%) with the mean age of 50.43 ±12.67, the youngest patient was 26 and the oldest was 82. The most involved disc was found to be C5-C6 (15 males with a percentage of 25% and 23 females with a percentage of 46%). Conclusion:The most common intervertebral disc in cervical hernia was detected as C5-C6. It may be because of the maximal extension and flexion, functional overloading and micro traumas which affect C5-C6 segmentÖğe Examining the Etiology of Patients Diagnosed With Polyneuropathy According to Subtypes(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2015) Yeşil, Elif; Karaca, Yiğit; Tekataş, AslanAims: In this study, the aim is to classify the patients who were diagnosed with polyneuropathy in Trakya University Health Services Research and Application Center Neurology Polyclinics EMG Lab between years 2014 and 2015, relevant to their subtypes (axonal, sensorial and sensorimotor), and to investigate the causes and their relation to each subtype.Methods: The reports of 144 patients diagnosed with polyneuropathy in between 2014 and 2015 were scannedretrospectively. The patients were represented with age, gender, polyneuropathy type and etiologic inference. The correlation between the diagnosis of polyneuropathy and its underlying etiology was analyzed with the SPSS software and presented statistically. Patients were categorized in accordance to their polyneuropathy types by chi-square test. As descriptive statistics, numbers and percentages, arithmetic mean ± standard deviation and median (minimum-maximum) values were provided.Results: It is seen that the patients whose application is related to diabetes, cancer, chemotherapy, dysproteinemia,AIDS, B12 vitamin insufficiency and pyridoxine intoxication have a higher rate of polyneuropathy. Meanwhile, no significant difference among the causes of the three polyneuropathy types was found.Conclusion: Thorough and attentive investigation on the etiology of patients who were diagnosed with polyneuropathy can lead to pre-diagnosisÖğe A Fahr’S Disease Case Presenting With Dementia(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2015) Akşar, Aslıhan; Yılmaz, Jülide; Tanrıkulu, Hazel; Tekataş, AslanAims: Fahr’s disease is characterized by a bilateral striopallidodentate calcinosis, related to various neurologic and psychiatric disorders. It is a rare disease which can occur both sporadically or hereditarily. While the clinical symptoms related to calcifications include parkinsonism, dystonia, tremor, chorea, ataxia, dementia and mood disorders, some asymptomatic cases have also been reported. With this study, an overall view of Fahr’s disease is aimed, by investigating the 65-year-old patient considering her clinical, endocrinological and radiologic aspects, also utilizing the available literature Case report: A 65-year-old female patient with a six-year history of forgetfullness and 3-months history of walking difficulty, unbalance and general reduction of spontaneous movement complaints was hospitalized with parkinsonism pre-diagnosis. Laboratory results indicated primary hyperparathyroidism. CT scans also revealed diffuse bilateral intracranial calcifications. The diagnosis of Fahr’s disease was confirmed after clinical investigations and exclusion of other diseases which cause intracranial calcifications. Conclusion: This case implies the importance of keeping Fahr’s disease in consideration in cases with primary degenerative dementia in the foreground and indistinct motor dysfunctions adding subtly to the symptoms, and manifestation of hypocalcaemia.Öğe Tam Düzeltme Yapılmamış Fallot Tetralojili Olguda Akut İskemik İnme(2014) Tekataş, Aslan; Kehaya, Sezgin; Çağlı, Bekir; Akdemir, Vedat; Aynacı, Özer; Doğru, Yüce; Aksu, FeyzaFallot Tetralojisi (FT) en sık gözlenen konjenital siyanotik kalp hastalığıdır.FT temel olarak ventriküler septal defekt, sağ ventrikül çıkış yolu obstriksiyonu,pulmoner stenoz ve sağ ventrikül hipertrofisini içermekle beraberayrıca dekstropoze aorta (ata binen aorta), atrial septal defekt ve korenerarter anomalileri gibi ek malformasyonlar da eşlik edebilir. Hastalara yaşamınilk haftasında pulmoner arter ile subklavian arter arasında paliatifolarak anastamoz yapılıp ve major cerrahiyi kaldırabilecek durumageldikten sonra total düzeltme ameliyatı yapılır. Nörolojik tutulum olarakhastalarda atreriel veya venöz inme, senkop ve nöbetler ortaya çıkabilir.Genellikle klinik tablo serebral venöz tombozdur. İnme çocuklarda hiperviskositeve mikrostaz ile ilişkilendirilmiş iken erişkinlerde ise flebotomi,mikrositoz, hipertansiyon, diabetes mellitus ve ritim bozuklukları gibigeleneksel inme risk faktörleri ilişkilendirilmiştir. Erişkin yaşlarda düzeltilmemişFT'li hastalara nadiren rastlanır. Bu çalışmada tam düzeltmeoperasyonu geçirmeden 39 yaşına kadar yaşayabilen ve çoğunlukla beklenentablo olan venöz inmenin yerine arteriyel inme gelişen bir hasta olasıinme mekanizmaları literatür ışığında tartışılarak sunulmuştu.