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Öğe 99mTc sestamibi muscle scintigraphy to assess the response to neuromuscular electrical stimulation of normal quadriceps femoris muscle(Springer-Verlag, 2001) Pekindil, Y; Sankaya, A; Birtane, M; Pekindil, G; Salan, A[Abstract Not Available]Öğe 99mTc(V)-DMSA scintigraphy in monitoring the response of bone disease to vitamin D3 therapy in renal osteodystrophy(Springer, 2002) Sarikaya, A; Sen, S; Hacimahmutoglu, S; Pekindil, GRenal osteodystrophy (ROD) is a common and serious complication for uremic patients and patients are treated with 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D-3. The bone scanning agent Tc-99m-phosphate has also been used to evaluate in ROD but it is not clear that bone scintigraphy has a role in the follow-up of treatment. In this study Tc-99m(V)-DMSA scintigraphy was performed in eleven patients [age 40.7 +/- 17.3 (mean +/- SD) yr] with ROD before and after vitamin D-3 therapy. Images were obtained after hemodialysis performed following tracer injection to maintain normal blood levels of the radiopharmaceutical and to reduce soft tissue activity. Lumbar vertebra-to-soft tissue uptake ratios (LUR) were quantified with the planar Tc-99m(V)-DMSA images. Alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone levels after treatment had significantly decreased compared with pre-therapy. In all patients there was visually decreased uptake in bone structures after treatment. After treatment the mean LUR ratio was significantly lower than those of before treatment (3.59 +/- 2.63 vs. 1.65 +/- 0.62; p = 0.01). LUR values were correlated with pre-therapy alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone. These findings indicate that Tc-99m(V)-DMSA scintigraphy is sensitive in evaluating the response of ROD to vitamin D-3 therapy.Öğe 99mTc-sestamibi muscle scintigraphy to assess the response to neuromuscular electrical stimulation of normal quadriceps femoris muscle(Japanese Society Nuclear Medicine, 2001) Pekindil, Y; Sarikaya, A; Birtane, M; Pekindil, G; Salan, AObjectives: Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is widely used for improving muscle strength by simultaneous contraction in the prevention of muscle atrophy. Although there exist many clinical methods for evaluating the therapeutic response of muscles, Tc-99m-sestamibi which is a skeletal muscle perfusion and metabolism agent has not previously been used for this purpose. The aim of our work was to ascertain whether Tc-99m-sestamibi muscle scintigraphy is useful in the monitoring of therapeutic response to NMES in healthy women. Methods: The study included 16 women aged between 21 and 45, with a mean age of 32.7 +/- 6.4. Both quadriceps femoris muscles (QFM) of each patient were studied. After randomization to remove the effect of the dominant side, one QFM of each patient was subjected to the NMES procedure for a period of 20 days. NMES was performed with an alternating biphasic rectangular current, from a computed electrical stimulator daily for 23 minutes. After measurement of skinfold thickness over the thigh, pre- and post-NMES girth measurements were assessed in centimeters. Sixty minutes after injections of 555 MBq Tc-99m-sestamibi, static images of the thigh were obtained for 5 minutes. The thigh-to-knee uptake ratio was calculated by semiquantitative analysis and normalized to body surface area (NUR = normalized uptake ratio). Results: The difference between the pre and post NMES NUR values was Significant (1.76 +/- 0.31 versus 2.25 +/- 0.38, p = 0.0000). The percentage (%) increase in NUR values also well correlated with the % increase in thigh girth measurements (r = 0.89, p = 0.0000). Conclusion: These results indicated that Tc-99m-sestamibi muscle scintigraphy as a new tool may be useful in evaluating therapeutic response to NMES.Öğe Accumulation of Tc-99m HIG in brucellosis(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1998) Sarikaya, A; Cermik, TF; Otkun, M; Ogutlu, A; Pekindil, G; Berkarda, S[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Atypical tuberculosis of the spine(Yonsei Univ College Medicine, 2000) Yalniz, E; Pekindil, G; Aktas, SSpinal tuberculosis characteristically involves the paradiscal area of vertebral bodies with a narrowing of che disc space. In this study, we reported four atypical forms of Pott's disease, including one hundred and eighty-four patients treated between 1985 and 1998. Two cases presented with noncontiguous multilevel involvement, where one case had transverse process involvement alone and the other had involvement of the neural arch. Atypical tuberculosis of the spine was found in 2.1% of the patients.Öğe Bilateral retrosternal dislocation and hypertrophy of medial clavicular heads with compression to brachiocephalic vein(Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2003) Ege, T; Canbaz, S; Pekindil, G; Duran, EA 36-year-old woman with effort dyspnea for 2 years, venous congestion of the left arm for 6 months and who did not have a history of a thoracic trauma was hospitalized. Posterior bilateral dislocation of the sternoclavicular joints and compression of the brachiocephalic vein were diagnosed and conformed by computed tomography (CT). The joint could not be reduced because of the old dislocation and destruction of the joint in the operation. The heads of the clavicles were resected and the vein compression was eliminated. Six weeks later, venous congestion disappeared and the brachiocephalic vein was patent.Öğe Bilateral synchronous granulomatous orchitis: gray-scale and colour Doppler sonographic findings(Elsevier Sci Ireland Ltd, 1999) Pekindil, G; Atakan, IH; Kaya, E; Bilgi, S; Inci, OA 60-year-old man presented with impotence ultrasonography demonstrated bilateral irregular hypoechoic infiltration of testes and normal epididymis. Colour Doppler sonography showed only peripheral but no intralesional flow. Since the lesion was presumed as malignancy bilateral high inguinal orchiectomy was performed and bilateral idiopathic granulomatous orchitis was diagnosed. It was concluded that granulomatous orchitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of diffuse testicular hypoechoic involvement which showed only peripheral low-resistance flow on colour Doppler sonography, in the proper clinical setting. Although this may be a helpful sign in the differential diagnosis of diffuse testicular infiltrations, high inguinal exploration remains mandatory. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Degenerative lumbosacral transitional articulation atypical increased sacral uptake on planar bone scintigraphy(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002) Pekindil, G; Pekindil, Y; Sarikaya, A[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Doppler sonographic assessment of posttraumatic reflex sympathetic dystrophy(Wiley, 2003) Pekindil, G; Pekindil, Y; Sarikaya, AObjective. To reveal the arterial Doppler sonographic findings in cases of posttraumatic reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Methods. Eleven patients had hand reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and 9 had foot reflex sympathetic dystrophy. The duration of symptoms ranged from 1 to 28 weeks, and the history of fracture ranged from 6 to 48 weeks. Bilateral brachial or popliteal arteries proximal to injuries were evaluated by Doppler sonography with a 7.5-MHz linear transducer All patients also had triphasic bone scintigraphy and extremity thermography. Results. Two patients had monophasic waveforms and 4 had low-pulsatility triphasic waveforms on the affected limbs when compared with the asymptomatic limbs. All opposite asymptomatic limbs had normal triphasic waveforms in these 6 cases. Spectral analysis revealed a loss or decrease of a normal reversed flow component with a reduced pulsatility index on the affected limb. Fourteen other patients had symmetric triphasic waveforms. We observed that the patients who had stage 1 reflex sympathetic dystrophy and warm limbs with durations of symptoms of more than 2 weeks had positive Doppler sonographic findings, whereas all patients with stage 2 reflex sympathetic dystrophy and all with normal skin temperature, regardless of stage, had normal waveforms. Conclusions. Doppler sonography revealed loss of normal triphasic arterial waveforms in some of the cases of stage 1 disease, whereas many cases of stage 1 disease and all cases of stage 2 disease had normal findings. Therefore, we think that Doppler sonography cannot be used for the diagnosis of reflex sympathetic dystrophy but may help in assessing hemodynamic stages of the disease.Öğe Evaluation of hepatic venous pulsatility and portal venous velocity with doppler ultrasonography during the puerperium(Elsevier Sci Ireland Ltd, 1999) Pekindil, G; Varol, FG; Yüce, MA; Yardim, TObjective: The aim of this study is to evaluate pregnancy-induced changes of hepatic venous pulsatility and portal venous velocity in the puerperium and to determine if these changes disappeared by the end of the puerperium. Methods and material: Healthy normal volunteers (90) were examined on the 2nd and 7th days of puerperium and between the Gth and 8th weeks postpartum Doppler waveform patterns were obtained in the middle hepatic vein and main portal vein. The hepatic venous pulsatility was named as normal, damped or flat. Results: On the 2nd day postpartum, the hepatic vein pulsatility was shown as normal in 8 (26%), damped in 11 (37%) and flat in 11 (37%) cases. On the 7th day postpartum, 15 (50%) cases had normal, 9 (30%) cases had dampened, and 6 (20%) cases had still flat pattern. The majority of the cases (60%) displayed normal hepatic venous pulsatility in the 6th and 8th weeks of puerperium, whereas 23% had still dampened and 17%, had flat patterns. There was a trend toward normal pulsatility with increasing puerperal age. The mean portal venous velocity was still higher than the non-pregnant levels and did not showed significant alterations during puerperium. Conclusion: This study emphasised that, since pregnancy-induced alterations in hepatic venous pulsatility and portal venous velocity had not completely returned to normal in most cases until the end of the puerperium. these physiological changes should be considered whenever hepatic and portal systems are interpreted with Doppler sonography during the puerperal period. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Evaluation of leg muscle perfusion by 99mTc sestamibi scintigraphy in patients with unileteral chronic venous insufficiency and acute deep venous thrombosis(Springer, 2004) Pekindil, G; Sarikaya, A; Ege, T; Salihoglu, S[Abstract Not Available]Öğe The evaluation of the median nerve in subclinical hypothyroidism by high-resolution sonography(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005) Arikan, E; Pekindil, G; Guldiken, S; Pekindil, YThe aim of this study is to evaluate whether subclinical hypothyroidism causes any alteration of the median nerve diameters by using sonography, and whether L-thyroxine treatment can improve the median nerve dimensions. Twenty-two female patients with subclinical hypothyroidism participated in this study. All patients were asked for the manifestations of carpal tunnel syndrome. They were examined and nerve conduction tests were performed. Right and left median nerve measurements (major and minor axis and cross-sectional area) were determined in all patients by high-resolution sonography before and after euthyroidism was achieved with L-thyroxine treatment. All sonographic measurements were within normal limits in 18 of 22 cases. Four patients had increased the measurements of the median nerve, but only 2 cases of 4 had increased cross-sectional area of median nerve and one of them had clinical symptoms simulating carpal tunnel syndrome. None of them has positive clinical signs of carpal tunnel syndrome. Nerve conduction velocities did not indicate carpal tunnel syndrome in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. L-thyroxine treatment significantly decreased the mean cross-sectional area, minor and major axes of the right and left median nerves. Clinical symptoms were gradually improved. There was no correlation between the measurement of median nerve and thyroid hormones, thyroid-stimulating hormone, body mass index, and age. The duration of treatment with L-T-4 and dose did not correlate with the measurement of the median nerve. This study shows that subclinical hypothyroidism causes some alterations in the median nerve diameters in a few patients. L-Thyroxine replacement in subclinical hypothyroidism decreases the measurements of the median nerve.Öğe The fetal stomach circumference abdominal circumference ratio: A possible parameter in assessing fetal stomach size(Yonsei Univ College Medicine, 1998) Pekindil, G; Varol, F; Yuce, MA; Yardim, TNonvisualized, dilated or even a small fetal stomach can be associated with a variety of anomalies and poor fetal outcome. Therefore, we attempted to evaluate the stomach circumference (SC) / abdominal circumference (AC) ratio to assess normal limits of fetal stomach size. A total of 363 fetuses ranging from 15 to 39 weeks' gestation were prospectively evaluated with ultrasonography. The SC was measured from a plane that is perpendicular to the fetal longitudinal axis at the level where the largest axial circumference of the stomach was obtained using a digitizer. The AC was also measured at the same section and the ratio was calculated by dividing the SC by the AC and multiplying by 100. The SC increased linearly from 15 to 24 weeks and showed fluctuations in size thereafter to 39 weeks. A strong correlation was noted between gestational age and both SC (r: 0.842, P < 0.0001) and AC (r: 0.975, P < 0.0001). The SC/AC ratio was normally distributed with a mean of 20.4 +/- 3.9% and ranged between 14.8% and 27.03% throughout pregnancy (r: 0.021, P > 0.05). Although the fetal stomach is a dynamically changing organ, the SC/AC ratio can be considered as a potentially useful parameter in assessing fetal stomach size.Öğe Increased Tc-99m MIBI uptake in atelectatic lung: A pitfall in scintigraphic evaluation of central bronchogenic carcinoma(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1998) Sarikaya, A; Pekindil, G; Gumuser, FG; Cermik, TF; Erkmen, N; Alemdar, A; Kaya, M[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Lumbosacral transitional vertebral articulation(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004) Pekindil, G; Sarikaya, A; Pekindil, Y; Gültekin, A; Kokino, SIt has been suggested that low back pain (LBP) may arise from lumbosacral transitional vertebral articulation (LSTVA) itself. It is known that bone scintigraphy is a valuable tool for the recognition of pain arising from bone and articular diseases. Therefore we aimed to show planar and SPELT bone scintigraphic findings of LSTVA and compare them with the LBP and X-ray findings. Twenty-eight patients (aged 20-63 years) in whom LSTVA had been identified radiographically were evaluated with planar bone scintigraphy, utilizing Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate; and single photon emission computed tomography (SPELT) bone scintigraphy. Eighteen patients had LBP whereas 10 had not. There were 25 type IIA, one type IIB and two type IIIA LSTV articulation. On planar images, normal or non-focal minimally increased uptake superimposed on the upper sacroiliac joint was seen in patients without degenerative changes regardless of LBP whereas SPELT showed non-focal mild increased uptake on the area medial to the upper sacroiliac joint. Planar scans showed normal to non-focal mild, and mild-to-moderately increased uptake whereas SPELT demonstrated focal mild-to-moderately and markedly increased uptake in patients with degenerative changes without LBP and with LBP, respectively. The X-ray results showed an association of LBP degenerative changes, and the SPELT results showed a focal, markedly increased, uptake. We conclude that this focal, markedly increased, uptake may show the metabolically active degenerative changes of LSTV articulation and may help to reveal the pain arising from LSTVA. Therefore we propose that bone scintigraphy may be considered for the evaluation of patients with LBP thought to arise from LSTV articulation. ((C) 2004 Lippincott Williams Wilkins).Öğe Magnetic resonance imaging in follow-up of treated clubfoot during childhood(Elsevier Sci Ireland Ltd, 2001) Pekindil, G; Aktas, S; Saridogan, K; Pekindil, YIn this study, we evaluated the short-term results of surgically treated clubfoot with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). T1- and T2-weighted MRI images with 4-mm slices in the standard anatomic sagittal, transverse, and coronal planes were obtained in seven cases of clubfoot aged 4-11 years (mean 5.6 years old). The mean follow-up period was 3.6 years (ranged between 2 and 6 years). Sagittal talocalcaneal angle, talar head and neck axis internal rotation, calcaneal axis internal rotation, transverse talar neck and head/calcaneus angle and posterior calcaneus external rotation were measured. Three cases with dorsal talonavicular subluxation and a case of calcaneocuboid luxation were demonstrated by MRI. It was concluded that MRI may help to understand results of surgically-treated clubfoot by revealing hindfoot articular relationships and many complications. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe A new cause of curvilinear renal calcification(Elsevier Sci Ireland Ltd, 2000) Atakan, IH; Pekindil, G; Alagöl, B; Inci, OAlthough many causes of curvilinear renal calcifications have been described, calcified hydrocalycosis mimicking hydatid cyst has not previously been reported. We report a case of hydrocalycosis which was appeared as a curvilinear calcified cystic lesion resulted from staghorn calculus associated with xanthogranolomatous pyelonephritis (XGPN) on intravenous pyelography (IVU) and computed tomography (CT). (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe A patient with Behcet's disease who presented with simultaneous cardiac tamponade and central nervous system involvement(Springer-Verlag, 2004) Çakir, N; Pamuk, ÖN; Pekindil, G; Dogutan, H[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Phlebectasia of left anterior jugular vein(Cambridge Univ Press, 1999) Uzun, C; Taskinalp, O; Koten, M; Adali, MK; Karasalihoglu, AR; Pekindil, GWe present a rare case of unilateral phlebectasia of the anterior jugular vein in a 56-year-old male patient whose complaint is a neck swelling that appears during talking. Although in this age group the most common cause of such a mass in the anterior aspect of the neck increasing in size during any type of straining or Valsalva manoeuvre is a laryngocele, phlebectasia of the anterior jugular vein should be considered in the differential diagnosis. Doppler ultrasound and computed tomography are the most useful and non-invasive methods to use for the investigation. Treatment should be conservative.Öğe Solid-appearing pelvic hydatic cyst: Transabdominal and transvaginal sonographic diagnosis(Parthenon Publishing Group, 1997) Pekindil, G; Tenekeci, N[Abstract Not Available]