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Öğe Do anthropometric characteristics of head and neck affect the craniocorpographic balance measurement?(2020) Çıkmaz, Selman; Uluçam, Enis; Yılmaz, Ali; Parlak, Muhammed; Karahan, Menekfle; Dönmez, Didem; Kayatekin, Ayşe Zeynep YılmazerObjectives: The present work aimed to study the relationship of some head and neck anthropometric characteristics withthe data obtained from balance analysis.Methods: Thirty healthy male volunteers participated in the study. The measurements obtained at the same time of day(10:00–12:00). Craniocorpography section of the CMS20P-2 (Zebris© Medical GmbH, Isny im Allgäu, Germany) was used formeasurements. The head length, head circumference, head width, neck circumference and neck width and length anterior-posteriordiameter were measured. As the balance values, the longitudinal deviation, lateral sway width, angular deviation, self-spin,longitudinal sway, lateral sway, angle of torticollis were evaluated. The relationships between data were compared statistically.Results: The head length showed moderate correlation with lateral sway width (r=-0.29), self-spin (r=-0.35) and lateral sway(r=0.28). A moderate positive relationship was found between the head length and longitudinal deviation. The correlation wasalso moderate between neck circumference, neck width and longitudinal sway. Neck circumference and neck width valuesshowed a moderate correlation with longitudinal sway (r=0.46 and r=0.36).Conclusion: The results of this showed that there is a moderate correlation between the balance and the head-neck characteristics.Öğe The effects of the communicating branch between medial and lateral plantar nerves on the innervations of the foot lumbrical muscles(Elsevier Science Bv, 2018) Bozer, Cuneyt; Uzmansel, Deniz; Donmez, Didem; Parlak, Muhammed; Beger, Orhan; Elvan, OzlemIntroduction: The communicating branches between the medial (MPN) and lateral (LPN) plantar nerves aren't frequently observed in relation to the innervation of the foot muscles in previous studies. In this study, the number and localization of the communicating branch on the innervations of foot muscles were evaluated to open a new sight considering the innervations of lumbrical muscles. Material and methods: 30 formalin-fixed feet (15 right-15 left feet), with an average age of 76 from the inventory of Trakya and Mersin University Anatomy Departments in 2015 were dissected. The innervations of the lumbricals and the communicating branches were revealed and then photographed. Results: In all feet, first lumbricals were observed to be innervated by MPN, while the remaining muscles were innervated by deep branches of LPN. In four cadaveric feet, communicating branches of MPN, LPN and deep branch of LPN were appeared but, in one of them, proximal to the branches of MPN and LPN to lumbricals, a communicating branch between MPN and deep branch of LPN were observed. Discussion: Data about the innervations of the lumbricals were found to be consistent with the previous studies. Taking into account the localization of the communicating branches between the MPN and LPN, it should be considered that nerve injuries during surgical procedures such as flexor tendon transfers, island flap surgery, treatment of hallux valgus or lesser toes deformity in the foot and ankle region may unexpectedly lead to different functional failures. (C) 2018 Anatomical Society of India. Published by Elsevier, a division of RELX India, Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Gait Pattern of a Female Patient With Frieberg’S Disease(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2017) Nalça, Seda; Arazlı, Haluk Nabi; Öztürk, Gülnur; Parlak, Muhammed; Uluçam, EnisAims: Frieberg’s disease is a chronic painful condition characterized by avascular necrosis of metatarsal head. With this case report, we aimed to analyze the gait pattern of a case presented with Frieberg’s disease. Case Report: A 20-year-old female patient (body weight: 50 kg, height: 1.64 m, body mass index: 18.5 kg/m2 ) with a known Frieberg’s disease during the last 6 years is presented. Her physical examinations showed no anatomical deformity of the foot such as hallux valgus or pes planus. The diagnosis of chronic stage Frieberg’s disease was verified by a conventional posteroanterior X-ray imaging of foot. Gait analysis was performed during a painless period after physical and medical therapy. The average pressure distribution during stance phase was altered due to longterm protective behavior. There was a larger foot rotation on the affected side compared to the intacted side. Conclusion: We considered that this gait pattern is not forced as in the primary pathologies or compensatory. Rather it may be accepted as volitional.Öğe Static Postural Control Data Analysis in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis(Erciyes Univ Sch Medicine, 2023) Karahan, Menekse; Parlak, Muhammed; Kayatekin, Ayse Zeynep Yilmazer; Ulucam, Enis; Tastekin, NurettinObjective: The goal of our study was to determine how ankylosing spondylitis, a chronic inflammatory disease, affected patient's balance.Materials and Methods: Thirty-one healthy volunteers and thirty-five patients with ankylosing spondylitis and no comor-bidities affecting their balance participated in the study. Bipedal balance analysis was performed with the subjects' eyes open and closed in each group. The position of the center of pressure during the measurement was evaluated.Results: The mediolateral deviation of the center of pressure (p=0.035) and the total path length (p=0.042) were signifi-cantly higher in the patient group when measured with eyes open. PL was significantly longer in the patient group when measured with eyes closed (p=0.002).Conclusion: We observed that ankylosing spondylitis negatively affected the balance in patients. Since this disease usually occurs in the young population, it should be taken into consideration that balance impairment can complicate daily life, espe-cially in the professional world. Therefore, it can be useful to consider the balance disorder in the treatment, and the patients should be monitored for an extended period.Öğe Üç boyutlu hareket analiz yöntemi kulanılarak uzun dönem ankilozan spondilit’li hastaların yürüme analizlerinin normal bireyler ile karşılaştırılması(Trakya Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019) Parlak, Muhammed; Uluçam, EnisÇalışmamızın hedefi, ankilozan spondilit hastalarının uzaysal zamansal yürüme parametrelerinin, sağlıklı bireylere göre sapmalarını tespit etmek, bu doğrultuda standart bir ankilozan spondilit yürüme paterni elde etmektir. Yaş ortalamaları, sırasıyla 39,06 ve 39,04 olan, 50 ankilozan spondilit hastası ve 40 sağlıklı gönüllü ile yapılan çalışmamızda, yürüme analizleri, yer tepkime kuvveti ve basınç merkezi kelebek diyagramı verilerinin ölçümlerinde, iki adet Zebris FDM System Type FDM 1.5 kuvvet platformu kullanılmıştır. Analizler, yalınayak, gözler bir noktaya odaklanarak, iki kuvvet platformu üzerinden üç defa yürütülerek yapılmıştır. Ankilozan spondilit hastaları Trakya Tıp Fakültesi Fizik Tedavi Polikliniği tarafından takipli hastalardı. Bu hastalardan 21 kişi anti-TNF alfa tedavisi, 21 kişi steroid olmayan anti inflamatuar ilaç tedavisi, 1 kişi steroid olmayan anti inflamatuar ilaç ve salozoprin tedavisi almaktaydı. 7 kişi ise herhangi bir tedavi görmemekteydi. Üç boyutlu bilgisayarlı yürüme analizleri sonrasında, ankilozan spondilit hastaları ile sağlıklı normal bireylerden oluşan kontrol grubu kıyaslandığında, elde edilen uzaysal zamansal yürüme parametrelerinden adım genişliğinde artma, sağ-sol adım uzunluğu, çift adım uzunluğu, sağ yüklenme fazı ve sol tek destek fazı parametrelerinde azalma istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Geri kalan uzaysal zamansal parametrelerdeki farklılıklar istatiksel olarak anlamlı değildi. Ayrıca yer tepkime kuvveti’ne ait verilerde ve basınç merkezi kelebek diagramı verilerinde istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark ortaya çıkmamıştır. Adım genişliğinin artışı, literatürde ankilozan spondilit’li hastalarda var olan temkinli yürüyüş eğilimi ile uyumlu çıktı. Bundan başka, ankilozan spondilit hastalarının aldıkları ilaç tedavilerinin, ankilozan spondilit hastalarının kalça ve omurga tutulumlarının bu sonuçlarda etkili olduğunu düşünmekteyiz.