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Öğe Her2 pozitif meme kanserli hastaların demografik, patolojik ve klinik özelliklerinin Ki-67 ile ilişkisi(Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2012) Erdoğan, Bülent; Çiçin, İrfanYüksek Ki-67 ve Her2 pozitifliği agresif ve kötü prognozlu meme kanserinin göstergesidir. Her2 negatif meme kanserlerinde olduğu gibi Ki-67'si düşük olan hastalar farklı özelliklere sahip olabilir. Bu çalışmayla Her2 pozitif meme kanserli hastaların demografik, patolojik ve klinik özelliklerinin Ki-67 ile ilişkisini tespit etmek amaçlanmıştır. Ocak 2000 Temmuz 20011 tarihleri arasında başvuran Her2 pozitif olan 79 hastanın demografik, patolojik ve klinik özellikleri incelendi. Ki-67 İmmünhistokimya ile çalışıldı. Ki-67 değeri %20 ve altında olan hastalar ile %20'den fazla olan hastalar karşılaştırıldı. Yaş, beden kitle indeksi, menarş yaşı, ilk doğum yaşı, çocuk sayısı, menopoz yaşı ve menopoz durumu ve hormon kullanımı iki grup arasında benzerdi. Tümör çapı, tutulan aksiller lenf nodu sayısı, kapsül dışı yayılım, grad, lenfovasküler ve perinöral invazyon varlığı yönünden iki grup arasında fark tespit edilmedi. Ki-67 düşük grup daha fazla hormon reseptör pozitif idi (p=0.029). Ki-67 indeksi yineleme ile ilişkili bulunmadı (p=0,912). Ki-67 indeksi yüksek hastalar daha fazla solid organ metastazı yaptığı görüldü (p=0.021). Sonuç olarak; Her2 pozitif hastalar Ki-67 düzeyine göre demografik ve patolojik özellikler yönünden farklılık göstermemektedir. Ki-67 düşük hastalar daha fazla hormon resptör pozitiftir ve lüminal tip meme kanserleriyle benzer metastaz özellikleri gösterir. Ayrıca Ki-67, Lüminal/Her2 grubu tanımlamada faydalı olabilir. Bu grup hastada Ki-67'nin prognostik önemini göstermek için daha uzun takip süreli çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Her 2, Ki-67, meme kanseriÖğe KRAS Mutation in Small Cell Lung Carcinoma and Extrapulmonary Small Cell Cancer(2016) Kodaz, Hilmi; Taştekin, Ebru; Erdoğan, Bülent; Hacıbekiroğlu, İlhan; Tozkır, Hilmi; Gürkan, Hakan; Çiçin, İrfanBackground: Lung cancer is one of the most lethal cancers. It is mainly classified into 2 groups: non-small cell lung can-cer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Extrapul-monary small cell carcinomas (EPSCC) are very rare. The Ras oncogene controls most of the cellular functions in the cell. Overall, 21.6% of human cancers contain a Kirsten Ras (KRAS) mutation. SCLC and EPSCC have several similar features but their clinical course is different.Aims: We investigated the KRAS mutation status in SCLC and EPSCC.Study design: Mutation research.Methods: Thirty-seven SCLC and 15 EPSCC patients were included in the study. The pathological diagnoses were confirmed by a second pathologist. KRAS analysis was performed in our medical genetic department. DNA isola-tion was performed with primary tumor tissue using the QIAamp DNA FFPE Tissue kit (Qiagen; Hilden, Germany) in all patients. The therascreen KRAS Pyro Kit 24 V1 (Qia-gen; Hilden, Germany) was used for KRAS analyses. Results: Thirty-four (91.9%) of the SCLC patients were male, while 11 (73.3%) of the EPSCC l patients were fe-male. SCLC was more common in males, and EPSCC in females (p=0.001). A KRAS mutation was found in 6 (16.2%) if SCLC patients. The most common mutation was Q61R (CAA>CGA). Among the 15 EPSCC patients, 2 had a KRAS mutation (13.3%). When KRAS mutant and wild type patients were compared in the SCLC group, no differ-ence was found for overall survival (p=0.6).Conclusion: In previous studies, the incidence of KRAS mutation in SCLC was 1-3%; however, it was 16.2% in our study. Therefore, there may be ethnic and geographical differences in the KRAS mutations of SCLC. As a result, KRAS mutation should not be excluded in SCLCÖğe Prognostic Effect of Albumin-Bilirubin Grade on Survival in Advance Gastric Cancer Patients with de-novo Liver Metastasis(2020) Küçükarda, Ahmet; Gökyer, Ali; Gökmen, İvo; Köstek, Osman; Hacıoglu, Muhammet Bekir; Uzunoğlu, Sernaz; Erdoğan, BülentObjective: We aimed to explore the prognostic effect of albumin-bilirubin scores on survival prior to the treatment of patientswith gastric cancer with de-novo liver metastasis. Material and Methods: Retrospective screening was conducted on 203 patients who werefollowed up in our clinic. Two different models have been developed to compare the effect of albumin and bilirubin alone based on the albumin-bilirubin score. Albumin and bilirubin values in Model 1 and albumin-bilirubin grade in Model 2 were included in multivariate analysis. Results: Median age of the patients was 63, and 78.8% of the study population was male. There were 57 (28.1%) patients in thealbumin-bilirubin grade 1 group, 95 (46.8%) patients inthe albumin-bilirubin grade 2 group, whereas, 51 (25.1%) patients in the albumin-bilirubin grade 3 group. Median progression-free survival accordingto albumin-bilirubin grades 1-2-3 was8.9 (6.1-11.6) months, 4.2 (2.8-5.5)months, and 0.9 (0.7-1.2) months, respectively (p<0.01). In univariate analysis, poor prognostic effects of high albumin-bilirubin grade werereflected in bothprogression-free survival and overall survival. Multivariate analyzes revealed that in model 1; albumin <3.5 gr/dL and bilirubin >1.2 gr/dL values were prognostic for both progression-free survival and overall survival. In model 2, albumin-bilirubin grade was an independent prognostic factor for progression-free survival and overall survival. {[H 3.45 (1.98-6.02)] in progression-free survival and [H 4.41(2.45-7.93)] in overall survival for albumin-bilirubin grade 3}. Conclusion: High albumin-bilirubin score (grade) is much more sensitive ascompared to low albumin and high bilirubin values alone in showing poor prognosis on progression-free survival and overall survival in patients with gastric cancer with liver metastasis.Öğe A small cell carcinoma in the testis associated with testicular teratoma(2014) Türkmen, Esma; Erdoğan, Bülent; Kodaz, Hilmi; Uzunoğlu, Sernaz[Abtract Not Available]