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Öğe An analytical method for determining the temperature dependent moisture diffusivities of pumpkin seeds during drying process(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2007) Can, AhmetThis paper presents an analytical method, which determines the moisture diffusion coefficients for the natural and forced convection hot air drying of pumpkin seeds and their temperature dependence. In order to obtain scientific data, the pumpkin seed drying process was investigated under both natural and forced hot air convection regimes. This paper presents the experimental results in which the drying air was heated by solar energy. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Binalarda atık ısı kullanılması ve optimal termik otomatik kontrolu(2002) Can, AhmetDünya nüfusu sürekli yükselirken ve ülkeler biraz daha çok endüstrileşirken, enerjiye gereksinim, bütün sektörlerde, örneğin konut, ticari, endüstri ve taşıma gibi alanlarda en belirleyici bölümü oluşturmaktadır. Bu sebepten, konut sektöründe enerji korunumu konusuna ilgi, özellikle binalarda, son yirmi yılda oldukça yükselmiştir. Mevcut araştırma, binalarda ve termik konforda atık enerji kullanımı ile meşgul olmaktadır. Bu yönü ile makale, binalar içindeki üç önemli hareket noktasından oluşmaktadır. Bunlar, atık ısı kullanımı, atık suyun kullanımı ve değişik hacimsel debilere sahip su sıcaklığının optimal termik otomatik kontrolüdür. Bu bakış açısı içinde, otomatik kontrol ünitelerini pratik olarak test için, deneysel bir tesisatın tasarımı yapılmış ve kurulmuştur: Optimal sıcaklıkların gerçekleştirilmesi için ve değişik bölümler içindeki hacimsel debi ihtiyacının PID otomatik kontrollü yapılmıştır. Çünkü, pratikte binalarda, örneğin, mutfakta, banyoda ve diğer, değişik uygulamalar için genel olarak değişik hacimsel debiler kullanılmaktadır. Su hacimsel debisinin ve sıcaklığının optimal otomatik kontrolü, enerji tasarrufu gerçekleştirmek için, esası oluşturmaktadır. Binalardaki atık su ısısını kullanmak ve optimal bir termik otomatik kontrolü sağlamak için, orijinal tasarlanmış bir teknik yöntem ve bunun laboratuar modeli kurulmuştur. Burada, bu model yardımıyla yapılmış deneysel çalışmalar ve sonuçları tanıtılmaktadır.Öğe Energy and exergy analysis of a parallel and counter-flow heat exchangers using measured data(Assoc Mechanical Engineers Technicians Slovenia, 2007) Galovic, Antun; Zivic, Marija; Can, AhmetThis paper presents an energy and exergy analysis of a parallel and counter-flow recuperative heat exchangers using experimental data. An experimental rig was constructed to measure the inlet and outlet temperatures and the mass flow rates of streams. The analytical model was developed to obtain a non-dimensional relationship between the destroyed exergy and exchanged heat-flow rate as a function of the non-dimensional parameters of a heat exchanger: the ratio of inlet absolute temperatures, pi(T), the ratio of the heat-capacity rates, pi(3), and the number of heat-transfer units, pi(2). The effectiveness of the heat exchange is also calculated for each case. The results are shown in appropriate non-dimensional diagrams. (c) 2007 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.Öğe Experimental investigation of a solar energy heating system under the climatic conditions of Edirne(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2008) Karacavus, Berrin; Can, AhmetSeasonal storage of solar energy to supply the heat requirement of buildings in Edirne (41 degrees 39'54 '' N) has been examined experimentally. Solar energy has been stored in a cylindrical underground storage unit. Measurement values have been recorded per hour by means of a computerized recorder between July 2005 and May 2006. Monthly average temperature values of the heat storage unit and the surrounding ground have been calculated through the measurement results. The transient heat transfer which takes place between the heat storage unit and the surrounding ground has been calculated by means of the QuickField finite-element analysis program. It has been determined that the most significant deviations between the theoretical and the experimental temperature values turn out to be in question during the heating period. The annual solar fraction of the solar energy heating system has been determined as 53% for space heating and 85% for domestic water heating. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe An Experimental Study on Solar Energy Storage(Urednistvo Casopisa Strojartvo, 2007) Can, Ahmet; Karacavus, Berrin; Buyruk, ErtanUsing solar energy for heating of buildings or Supplying hot water when needed by storing solar energy under ground was investigated experimentally. For this aim, a heating system was built to store solar energy in cylindrical water tank placed under ground via solar collector. In the present study it is obtained that energy saving was seen remarkably in Edirne in Turkey (41 degrees 39 ' 54 '' N) by storing solar energy to use it at other time considering that it would balance difference between consuming and generating energies. During the experimental study, temperature of heat storage unit and surrounding under ground were Measured. In the season of heat storage, efficiency of heat storage unit of cylindrical tank was obtained as 86-96% and it was determined that 89-100%, of total heat was obtained from the sun.Öğe Güneş enerjisinin duyulur ısı olarak depolanabilirliği(2006) Can, Ahmet; Karaçavuş, BerrinGüneş enerjisinin gece-gündüz değişimlerinden etkilenmeyecek şekilde toprak altında depolanarak sıcak su ihtiyacının karşılanması, deneysel olarak araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla toplayıcılarla absorplanan güneş enerjisinin, toprağın altına yerleştirilmiş silindırik ısı depolama ünitesine aktarıldığı ısıtma sistemi tesis edilmiştir. Türkiye'de Edirne ilinde ( 41° 39 ' 54'' N ) güneş enerjisinin depolanarak, enerji üretimi ve tüketimi arasındaki farkı dengeleyecek biçimde başka bir zaman diliminde kullanılması, bu yöntemin dikkate değer enerji tasarrufu sağlayacağını göstermiştir. Deneysel çalışma esnasında, güneş enerjisi depolama ünitesi ve çevresi toprak içinde sıcaklıklar ölçülmüştür. Sıcaklık ortalamalarının aylara göre değişimi verilmiştir.Öğe Numerical Study of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Extended Surfaces(Urednistvo Casopisa Strojartvo, 2007) Kaya, Derya; Buyruk, Ertan; Can, Ahmet; Fertelli, AhmetIn the present Study, effects on beat transfer of different type of extended surface placed oil a flat plate oil two dimensional rectangular cross-sections are investigated with conjugated heat transfer approach. Surface and air inlet temperature were fixed for the condition of turbulent flow. Effect of Reynolds number on heat transfer coefficient was investigated for triangular rib g geometry. Three type of extended surface geometries were used which are circular, rectangular and triangular in the present study. For these geometries, temperature Contours and local Nusselt number were obtained for Re = 500. Triangular extended geometry with groove was also investigated and temperature contour and local Nusselt number were shown.Öğe Sanayi ve şehir kaynaklı hava kirliliği ve önlemleri(1997) Eryener, Doğan; Can, AhmetModern yaşamın bir sonucu olarak hava kirliliği, öncelikle; katı, sıvı ve gaz yakıtların yakılmasından, endüstriyel üretim, ulaşım, ısı ve ışık elde etmek amacı ile gerçekleştirilen faaliyetlerden kaynaklanmaktadır. Çalışmanın, birinci bölümünde, hava kirliliği kavramı tanımlanmıştır, ikinci bölümünde, kaynak kısmına ait değişkenler göz önüne alınarak, hava kirliliğinin sebepleri açıklanmıştır. Üçüncü bölümünde, hava kalitesinin korunması ve standartlar ile birlikte, hava kirliliği ölçüm yöntemleri tanıtılmıştır. Çalışmanın dördüncü bölümünde önlemler ve beşinci bölümünde sonuç ve değerlendirme sunulmuştur.Öğe Theoretical and Experimental Study for the Drying Process of Glass Colour According to Mass Transfer Laws(Urednistvo Casopisa Strojartvo, 2010) Can, Ahmet; Kanturer, TamerA drying process is commonly used in industry. Textile, glass, ceramic, dye and food could be accepted as leading sectors where the drying process take parts. During the drying process the aim is to remove water or solvents from the structure of material which is needed to be dried. For most cases, drying occurs between production steps and the effectiveness of the drying is quite important for the coming steps of relevant production processes. Not only are the properties of material which are needed to be dried, but also the method of drying is important regarding both effectiveness of drying and energy cost. Today in industry, besides the importance of first investment cost of systems the running costs of the systems, have a highly increasing importance. It is well-known that the energy cost is a considerable part of running costs. In this study, concerning the above mentioned reasons, we aim to create a mathematical way to optimise the drying process concerning effectiveness of drying and energy cost. Basically the drying process is a mass transfer phenomenon. In this study, by means of mathematical statements of mass transfer phenomenon, the drying speed of a liquid with well-known physical properties has been calculated in a theoretical way and the calculations have been tested by experimental ways. The results obtained from both mathematical and experimental ways have been evaluated. A new method is reached by means of a combination of theoretical calculation and experimental studies to determine the partial pressure of liquids whose physical properties are not well-known. At the end, experimental studies have been done to understand the drying properties of glass colours and results have been evaluated.Öğe THE THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL STUDY ABOUT INCREASING THE CAPACITY OF AUTOCLAVE HEAT EXCHANGER(Turkish Soc Thermal Sciences Technology, 2010) Can, Ahmet; Kanturer, TamerLamination process is the last step of the automobile windshield production which is carried out at the autoclave cabin by high pressure and temperature. First, raising of the temperature and pressure takes place. Then by means of cooling and air releasing the process is completed. In order to shorten the autoclave cycle time, the elements and operating parameters causing the variability in the autoclave cycle times has been analyzed according to the heat transfer laws. Design changes based on mentioned scientific analysis were evaluated as comparison. The best design was manufactured and implemented. The operating parameters of the autoclave were monitored both before and after the implementation of design changes. The implemented theoretical and practical study prove that decreasing the cooling time of autoclave 20% without loss of product quality is possible and can be repeated.Öğe Thermal and economical analysis of an underground seasonal storage heating system in Thrace(Elsevier Science Sa, 2009) Karacavus, Berrin; Can, AhmetEconomical analysis of the solar heating system with seasonal storage, which was established in Edirne (41 degrees 39 ' 54 '' N) in order to provide the heat requirement of buildings, has been fulfilled. Optimum collector area for the heating system has been determined. Total heat requirement of 69% has been met by means of heating system concerning the space heating and domestic water heating. In the accordance with the results of the economical analysis. the payback time of the heating system has been determined as 19-20 years. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe Thermically Evaluation and Modelling of Friction Welding(Urednistvo Casopisa Strojartvo, 2009) Can, Ahmet; Sahin, Mumin; Kucuk, MahmutWelding technique is a method used in order to join various materials in manufacturing methods. Friction welding in the technique is one of the various application methods. The method has been in widespread use since 1950. The most important advantages of the method are its easy application, the savings on materials and energy. In the process, heat is generated by conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy at the interfaces of the components during rotation under pressure. In this study, the relationship between mechanical and heat energy was carried out mathematically. AISI 1040 medium carbon steel, which is the example material, was used in the experiments and the models. The total heat energy, the heat loss and the temperature field in joints which depend on the welding time were examined on friction welding of various parts having various geometries. The examination was carried out using Quick-Field program due to the harmony with the experimental results and its easy application. As a result, different data were evaluated for obtaining material properties and operating conditions, and the obtained results were compared with previous studies. Then, the most suitable conditions for time, material and energy were acknowledged on the future applications of friction welding.