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Öğe Ağır doğumsal pitozlu olguların onarımında superior tabanlı fleple (frontal kas ilerletme) frontal askı yönteminin değerlendirilmesinde (otojen fasya ile) klinik yaklaşımımız(2006) Bozkurt, Mehmet; Benlier, Erol; Külahçı, YalçınBlefaroptoz birçok değişik nedene bağlı olarak gelişen ve farklı şiddette kendini gösteren üst göz kapağının anormal düşüklüğüdür. Bugüne kadar birçok cerrahi onarım tekniği tanımlanmıştır. Cerrahi girişiminde ana belirleyici etken ptozis derecesi ve kapak işlevinin miktarıdır. Ağır ptozlarda frontial askı yöntemi birçok cerrahlar tarafından kabul gören cerrahi yöntemdir. Yine aynı şekilde frontal kas ilerletme ağır kongenital ptozlarda başarıyla kullanılmaktadır. Bu klinik çalışmamızda, ağır kongenital ptozu olan 15 olgumuzun (13'ü ekek 2'si bayan ortlama yaş 25+1.2 ) sonuçlarını superior tabanlı flep (frontal kas ilerletme) ve üç bantlı frontal askı yöntemi (tribant fiksasyonu) kullanılarak her iki tekniğin avantaj ve dezavantajları tartışılmaktadırÖğe An Alternative Frontalis Suspension Technique Triband Suspension-A Modified Garcia's Procedure(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011) Benlier, Erol; Bozkurt, Mehmet; Kulahci, Yalcin; Kapi, Emin; Sahin, CihanBlepharoptosis surgery is one of the most common oculoplastic procedures, and the aim is to clear the visual axis. Many surgical techniques for the correction of ptosis have been described and performed, but the operative approach is based on the extent of eyelid excursion, the amount of levator function, and the degree of ptosis. In this study, the frontalis sling procedure with triband suspension was performed on 32 eyelids of 23 patients. All the patients had visual loss because of blepharoptosis with only 0 to 3 mm of measurable levator function. Postoperatively, the palpebral fissure was increased in all the patients. The purpose of this study was to report the use of a modified frontalis sling procedure for congenital ptosis patients with minimal to no levator function. In conclusion, this modified frontalis sling technique if used maximizes the frontalis muscle, creating sufficient eyelid elevation, with stable effect over time.Öğe An alternative procedure for conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy - Supratrochlear artery-based island flap combined with buccal mucosal graft(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008) Benlier, Erol; Bozkurt, Mehmet; Kulahci, YalcinReconstruction of the total canalicular obstruction with destroyed medial canthal area is a challenging procedure for ophthalmic, plastic, and reconstructive surgeons. In the case presented, a supratrochlear artery-based island flap combined with a buccal mucosal graft was used for reconstruction of the medial canthal area. The medial canthal area was scarred significantly and demonstrated a medial ectropion and complete canalicular obstruction. To our knowledge, it is the first time for combined reconstruction of the medial canthal area and lacrimal drainage system in 1 stage, with island median forehead flap based on supratrochlear artery and buccal mucosal graft. During the 2-year follow-up period, no complication was encountered and the patient healed uneventfully.Öğe Anthropometric Breast Measurement: A Study of 385 Turkish Female Students(Sage Publications Inc, 2010) Avsar, Dilek K.; Aygit, Ahmet C.; Benlier, Erol; Top, Husamettin; Taskinalp, OguzBackground: Anthropometric measurements and proportions of the human body have made a significant contribution to the science of aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. Objective: The present study was performed to measure anthropometric breast values in Turkish female students and compare them with those of women in other nations. Methods: The study included 385 female undergraduate student volunteers between the ages of 18 and 26 years with no physical or developmental deformity and with a body mass index between 20 and 26. A total of 19 parameters were measured in a standing position. The parameters measured were body weight, height, shoulder width, upper chest width, middle chest width, lower chest width, waist width, hip width, clavicle-nipple length, sternal notch-nipple length, nipple-nipple length, upper arm length, medial mammary radius, lateral mammary radius, nipple-inframammary fold length, nipple diameter, areola diameter, nipple projection, and mammary projection. Breast volume, breast ptosis, and retracted nipple rates were also assessed. Results: The mean breast volume was determined to be 407.2 +/- 263.6 cc. The mean values of the right and left breast volumes were calculated as 415.2 +/- 264.5 cc and 399.1 +/- 265.5 cc, respectively; the right breast volume was significantly greater than the left breast volume (P < .001). The ideal external view of the breasts with equal volume for both sides and no ptosis was observed in 35.1% of the volunteers. The percentage of women with unilateral or bilateral retracted nipple was 2.6%. Conclusions: The results of the present study will help in comparing the anthropometric breast values of young Turkish women with those of women in other countries. They may also be useful either in planning aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery or in designing breast augmentation accessories and clothing.Öğe Carnitine or dimethyl sulfoxide, or both, for the treatment of anthracycline extravasation in rats(Informa Healthcare, 2013) Uzunoglu, Sernaz; Cosar, Rusen; Cicin, Irfan; Ibis, Kamuran; Demiralay, Ebru; Benlier, Erol; Erdogan, BulentThis study aimed to compare the efficacy of topical dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), intralesional and systemic carnitine as monotherapy and in combination against ulceration in rats induced by intradermal doxorubicin extravasation. Sixty-nine 3-month-old male Wistar albino rats, weighing between 200-225 g, were used in this study. Rats were applied monotherapy or a combination of topical DMSO, intraperitoneal or intralesional carnitine. Control groups received saline or no drug. The necrotic area was measured and extravasated neutrophil leukocytes were counted in healthy tissue adjacent to necrotic areas. Monotherapy with topical and systemic carnitine did not significantly reduce the size of necrotic areas. However, topical DMSO had reduced necrotic areas and inflammatory cells significantly and the addition of systemic carnitine to topical DMSO had increased the efficacy. DMSO is an effective, safe, and easy-to-apply treatment for doxorubicin-induced extravasation. Further clinical studies are needed to evaluate the use of carnitine in combination with DMSO.Öğe COVID-19 Pandemisinin Birinci Yılında Trakya Bölgesi’ndeki Maksillofasyal Travmaların Analizi(2021) Dağdelen, Dağhan; Benlier, ErolAmaç: Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından 11 Mart 2020’de Koronavirüs hastalığı-2019 için pandemi ilan edilmesinin ardından, ülkemizde de sağlık hizmet sunumunda bazı değişlikler yaşandı. Bu değişiklikler, mevcut sağlık çalışanı sayısının ve ortaya koydukları iş gücünün, sağlık otoritesi tarafından pandeminin yönetiminde kullanılmak üzere başka alanlara kaydırılmasını da kapsamaktaydı. Bu koşullar beraberinde pandemi harici sağlık hizmetlerinin sunumunda bazı ihtiyaçları da doğurdu. Bu ihtiyaçlar için pratik çözümler ortaya çıktı. Bunların arasında uzaktan konsültasyon da yer almaktadır. Çalışmamızda pandemi sürecinde oluşturduğumuz uzaktan konsültasyon yaklaşımını paylaşmayı, pandeminin birinci yılındaki maksillofasyal travma (MFT) olgularını analiz etmeyi ve 1 yıl önceki MFT olguları ile karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: 11 Mart 2020 tarihinden 11 Mart 2021 tarihine kadar olan süreçte, yönetilen MFT olguları ve tedavileri geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Bir önceki yılın aynı tarihler arasındaki verileri ile kıyaslandı. Pandemi ve pandemi öncesi olmak üzere iki grup oluşturuldu. Gruplar, demografik özellikleri, travmanın etkilediği yüz bölgesi, uygulanan onarımın acil veya elektif olarak gerçekleştirilmesi, başvuru anından ameliyata kadar geçen süre, operasyon sonrası komplikasyonlar yönünden karşılaştırıldı. İstatistiksel olarak p<0,05 anlamlılık düzeyinde değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Gruplar arasında yaş, etiyoloji, etkilenen yüz bölgesi, onarımların acil-elektif dağılımı ve komplikasyonlar yönünden anlamlı fark saptanmadı (p>0,05). Uzaktan konsültasyon yaklaşımının kullanıldığı pandemi grubunda başvurudan ameliyata kadar geçen süre pandemi öncesi gruba göre kısaydı (p<0,001). Sonuç: Uzaktan konsültasyon kapsamında yönetilen olgularda, hastanın başvuru anından ameliyata kadar geçen süresi anlamlı olarak kısalmıştır. Teletıp, MFT olgularını yönetiminde kolaylaştırıcı bir araç olarak kullanılabilir.Öğe Depressor Septi Nasi Modifications in Rhinoplasty: A Review of Anatomy and Surgical Techniques(Thieme Medical Publ Inc, 2014) Benlier, Erol; Balta, Serkan; Tas, SuleymanThe anatomy of the nasal muscles contributes a social harmony in aesthetic rhinoplasty because these muscles coordinate the nose and the upper lip while smiling. Sometimes this coordination can be interrupted by the hyperactivity or variations of these muscles and may result as a deformity because of their dynamic functions and relations with the nose. In our daily practice, we usually perform the rhinoplasty without considering the dynamic functions. When the patients recover the muscle functions after operation and start to use their mimics, such as smiling, the undamaged dynamic forces may start to rotate the tip of the nose inferiorly in a long-term period, correlated with their preoperative function. To avoid this unexpected rotation it is essential to remember preoperative examination of the smile patterns. To manage this functional part of rhinoplasty, we aimed to clarify the smiling patterns or deformities mainly focused on depressor septi nasi muscle in this article. This muscle creates downward movement of the nasal tip and shortens the upper lip during smiling. The overactivity of this muscle can aggravate the smiling deformity in some patients by a sharper nasolabial angle correlated with levator labii superioris alaeque nasi and orbicularis oris muscle activities. The article not only stresses the correction of this deformity, but also aims to guide their treatment alternatives for correlation of postoperative results and applicability in rhinoplasty.Öğe The Effect of Auricular Graft Donor Site on Morbidity and Cosmetic Appearance in Cartilage Tympanoplasties(Aves, 2020) Huseyinoglu, Aydin; Uzun, Cem; Koder, Ahmet; Yagiz, Recep; Benlier, Erol; Bulut, ErdoganOBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to compare the postoperative morbidity and cosmetic results between the use of the scapha and the use of the tragus as the auricular cartilage graft donor site in patients who had undergone cartilage tympanoplasty. The fascia graft was used as the control. MATERIALS and METHODS: The patient's visual symmetry, cosmetic satisfaction, and anthropometric measurements were studied to objectively evaluate the cosmetic condition. The formation of skin scar changes, pigmentation changes, and sensory changes as clinical criteria were compared. RESULTS: A total of 234 patients and their 257 operated ears were included in the study. Forty prospectively operated ears with preoperative findings were also included. All patients (100%) felt that their results were good, as indicated by the visual analog scale, and the anthropometric ear measurements used to reinforce the data showed no significant differences between the groups. A significant difference with respect to clinical sensory changes was found between the groups only in patients undergoing unilateral surgery via the retro auricular approach (p<0.05). There was no difference between the scapha and tragus groups with respect to scar formation or skin pigmentation change. CONCLUSION: Neither scapha nor tragus use for graft retrieval led to dissatisfaction or cosmetic problems in the postoperative period. Sensory changes in the skin on clinical evaluation were less common in patients in whom the scapha donor site was preferred than in cases in which the tragus was used.Öğe Effect of Lidocaine on Reducing Injury in a Rat Electrical Burn Model(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012) Benlier, Erol; Eskiocak, Sevgi; Puyan, Fulya Oz; Sikar, Emel Yurdakul; Kandulu, Huseyin; Omurlu, Imran Kurt; Top, HusamettinElectrical injuries induce progressive tissue loss. We evaluated the effect of lidocaine on tissue necrosis after electrical burn injuries. Forty-two male Wistar albino rats (250-300 g) were divided into 3 groups [Group A (n = 6), control group without an electrical burn injury; and Groups B (n = 18) and C (n = 18), electrical burn injury groups without and with lidocaine therapy, respectively]. Three separate analyses were performed at different time points on 6 of 18 rats from Groups B and C at each time point. Electrical burns were induced by applying 220 V AC between the left upper and right lower extremities for 10 seconds. Myeloperoxidase and malondialdehyde levels were measured in skin and muscle biopsy specimens after the first hour, fresh and dry weight differences in the amputated extremities were calculated after 24 hours, and live and necrotic tissue areas were measured at 7 days after burn injury. We found that lidocaine reduced edema, the number of neutrophils, and neutrophil damage in tissues. We conclude that lidocaine decreased the amount of necrotic tissue caused by electric injury.Öğe Effect of Verapamil on Reduction of Peri-implant Capsular Thickness(Springer, 2009) Benlier, Erol; Unal, Yasin; Usta, Ufuk; Top, Husamettin; Aygit, Ahmet C.Silicone is a material commonly used in reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, but capsular formation is a very frequent complication of silicone implants. This study aimed to investigate whether verapamil, a calcium-channel blocker, can reduce the thickness of the peri-implant capsule in rats when it is instilled into the subcutaneous pockets. For this study, 60 female Wistar albino rats were used, and cubes of silicone blocks (10 x 10 x 5 mm) were crafted. The rats were divided into five groups of 12 each, and the groups were distinguished according to the use of silicone and artificially created hematoma relevant to administration of a single dose of 5 mg verapamil (Isoptin). The control group was left without silicone. In two of the four silicone groups, hematoma was artificially created around the silicone by a 1-ml injection of blood. The implants were removed 6 months later, and capsulectomy was performed. Under light microscopic examination, no severe inflammation was observed in any of the capsule tissues. Additionally, the thickness of the capsule was measured and found to be significantly reduced statistically in all the verapamil-treated groups, including the groups with the artificially created hematoma. In conclusion, based on the statistically significant data obtained in this study, subcutaneous verapamil administration may be a useful adjunct for preventing formation of capsular contracture after silicone implantations. This preliminary work in rats should be confirmed with larger mammals before carefully controlled clinical trials are considered.Öğe The Effects of Thermal Injury on Immature Rat Ear Cartilage(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010) Aygit, A. Cemal; Benlier, Erol; Top, Husamettin; Yalcin, Omer; Huseyinova, Gulara; Kanter, Mehmet; Cakir, BeyhanThe purpose of this study was to research regeneration and growing properties of an immature rat ear cartilage and its adjacent tissue after a thermal injury. Fifteen 30-day-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were used. Burn wounds were created by applying a heated plaque. All the rats, based on their tissue sampling day, were placed in two groups for histopathologic evaluation. In group I (n = 5), the burned right auricles were amputated on the first day, and the left auricles were amputated as a control at the same time. In group II (n = 10), the burned right auricles were amputated on the 30th day, and the left auricles were amputated as a control at the same time. Epithelization of skin was completed in period ranging between 12 and 15 days in all burned ears. The skin appendages were few throughout the affected area. Chondroid tissue regenerated from perichondrium and increased capillary vessels were observed. On the first day of the burn injury, electron microscopic findings were karyopyknosis, karyorrhexis, and karyolysis of the nucleus, and there were also signs of necrosis. New chondro-blasts were formed around the collagen fibrils in the scar tissue on the 30th day. CD-31 immunohistochemical staining showed increased capillary vessels in the burned ear. The peripheral nerve fibers decreased and regenerative signs of nerves were shown with the use of S-100 immunohistochemical staining. Differentiation of chondroblasts to chondrocytes occurs in the burned immature ear, and new cartilage tissue regenerates from perichondrium. In addition, regenerative signs of nerves appear. (J Burn Care Res 2010; 31: 803-808)Öğe Epidural needle for recipient site preparation in hair restoration surgery(Wiley, 2011) Zor, Fatih; Kulahci, Yalcin; Sever, Celalettin; Bayram, Yalcin; Benlier, Erol; Bozkurt, MehmetBackground The mini- and micro-grafting method is still one of the most current treatment methods for male pattern baldness and female androgenic alopecia. The preparation of the recipient area with 16G needle has been reported in the literature. However, during the insertion of grafts, the neighboring grafts tend to `pop out'. The study presents our experience in the hair implantation for recipient site preparation with 16G epidural needle. Methods The 16G epidural needle was used during preparation of the recipient field in eight patients. Approximately 500 micrografts were grafted in each patient to reconstruct the anterior hairline. Results During insertion of the micrografts, almost none of the previously inserted grafts tended to `pop out'. The anterior hairline of the patients was natural without obvious scarring. The mean follow-up period of these patients was 1.5 years. The amount of graft survival was found to be satisfactory. Conclusion According to the surgeon's clinical observations, application of this technique was found to be easier than standard needle techniques. It can be used by inexperienced surgeons. Use of epidural needle for recipient hole preparation works well in reducing the popping out, and the curved fashion of the holes reduced the angle of the hair follicle.Öğe Evaluation of prefabrication of high-density porous polyethylene implants (HDPPIs) by pathology, microangiography and bone scintigraphy(Soc Nuclear Medicine Inc, 2009) Top, Husamettin; Sarikaya, Ali; Benlier, Erol; Yalcin, Omer; Unal, Yasin; Aygit, Cemal[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Fucoidin, a neutrophil rolling inhibitor, reduces damage in a rat electrical burn injury model(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2011) Benlier, Erol; Eskiocak, Sevgi; Puyan, Fulya Oz; Kandulu, Huseyin; Unal, Yasin; Top, Husamettin; Aygit, Ahmet CemalBackground: Electrical injuries induce progressive tissue loss caused by free oxygen radicals released from neutrophil aggregates. Fucoidin, a potent inhibitor of L-selectin function, reduces the aggregation of neutrophils. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of fucoidin on tissue damage in rat electrical burn injury model. Methods: Forty-two male Wistar albino rats (250-300 g) were divided into 3 groups (Group A (n = 6), control group without electrical burn injury; Groups B (n = 18) and C (n = 18), electrical burn injury groups without and with fucoidin therapy, respectively). Three separate analyses were performed at different time points on 6 out of 18 mice from Group B and C at each time point. Biochemistry (myeloperoxidase and malondialdehyde levels) and histopathology (number of neutrophils) of the skin and muscle biopsies at 1st hour; tissue edema (ratio of wet weight/dry weight of extremities) at 24th hour; and necrotic areas at 7th day after electrical injury were evaluated. The electrical burn was induced by exposing rats to 220 V AC between their left upper extremity and right lower extremity for 10 s. Fucoidin was administered as 25 mg/kg intravenous bolus injection at 15 mm after electrical burn injury. Results: Myeloperoxidase and malondialdehyde levels, number of neutrophils, tissue edema, and necrotic area were significantly less in fucoidin-applied rats than the group without fucoidin therapy. Conclusions: Fucoidin inhibits tissue damage induced by electrical burn injury in rats by reducing necrotic area, edema and number of neutrophils. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.Öğe Isolated uveitis: A rare complication of electrical injury(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008) Benlier, Erol; Top, Husamettin; Kandulu, Huseyin; Yurdakul, Emel[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Microvascular anastomosis with minimal suture and arista: An experimental study(Thieme Medical Publ Inc, 2007) Benlier, Erol; Top, Husamettin; Aygit, A. Cernal; Usta, Ufuk; Unal, YasinBackground: The conventional technique of microvascular anastomosis may cause trauma to the vessel wall. In addition, the technique is difficult for beginners and is time consuming. The duration of ischemia is an important limiting factor for muscle transfer. In the case of multiple-digit replantations, fatigue developed in the surgeon may also result in suboptimal results. This study was performed to establish an easier and shorter method of microvascular anastomosis using the Arista hemostatic agent. Methods: In this study, 20 carotid arteries obtained from rats were equally divided into two groups. The arteries were then divided and repaired using three simple interrupted stay sutures with Arista powder. Evaluations were performed using the following three methods: (1) clamping time during the vessel anastomosis, (2) patency test (after 1 hour, 24 hours, and 28 days), and (3) light microscopic findings. Results: The clamping time in the conventional suture anastomosis group was 21 4 minutes, whereas that of the minimal suture in the Arista group was 12 2 minutes; the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P <.001). There was no significant difference between the patency rates of the two groups (P=.474). It was observed that the Arista group showed qualitatively less perivascular foreign-body giant cell reaction than the control group. There was no evidence of vascular mural fibrinold necrosis, indicating that Arista was nontoxic for the vessel walls. Conclusions: The Arista-assisted microvascular anastomosis is an alternative to the conventional suture only method because it reduces the anastomosis time significantly and does not cause narrowing of the vessel wall. We believe that this technique has the potential for improving the performance of microvascular anastomosis in clinical practice.Öğe A new approach on reconstruction of frontonasal encephalomeningocele assisted with Medpor(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008) Emsen, Ilteris Murat; Benlier, ErolThe frontoethmoidal encephalomeningocele, which is a congenital brain herniation through skull defect at the frontoethmoidal region, is a common problem in Southeast Asia. Patients usually present with perinasal mass(es), and its pressure affects facial structures resulting to conditions such as telecanthus, medial canthal dystopia, long nose, and elevated medial eyebrows. Currently 1-stage surgical correction is widely accepted. Facial incision is routinely made for accessing the facial structures, removing the mass as well as resecting the covering skin which is usually expanded and redundant. Resultant facial scar is usually extensive and becomes a stigma of the disease even after a surgical correction. This study demonstrates the possibility of doing definitive surgery with minimal facial incision and bone defect reconstruction with the alloplastic material. In this study, we used the porous polyethylene implant for bone defect. This can be an alternative approach to autogenous reconstruction of frontoethmoidal encephalomeningocele.Öğe A New Way for Antihelixplasty in Prominent Ear Surgery: Modified Postauricular Fascial Flap(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2016) Tas, Suleyman; Benlier, ErolBackground Otoplasty procedures aim to reduce the concha-mastoid angle and recreate the antihelical fold. Here, we explained the modified postauricular fascial flap, described as a new way for recreating the antihelical fold, and reported the results of patients on whom this flap was used. Materials and Methods The defined technique was used on 24 patients (10 females and 14 males; age, 6-27 years; mean, 16.7 years) between June 2009 and July 2012, a total of 48 procedures in total (bilateral). Follow-up ranged from 1 to 3 years (mean, 1.5 years). At the preoperative and postoperative time points (1 and 12 months after surgery), all patients were measured for upper and middle helix-head distance and were photographed. The records were analyzed statistically using t test and analysis of variance. Results The procedure resulted in ears that were natural in appearance without any significant visible evidence of surgery. The operations resulted in no complications except 1 patient who developed a small skin ulcer on the left ear because of band pressure. When we compared the preoperative and postoperative upper and middle helix-head distance, there was a high significance statistically. Conclusions To introduce modified postauricular fascial flap, we used a simple and safe procedure to recreate an antihelical fold. This procedure led to several benefits, including a natural-in-appearance antihelical fold, prevention of suture extrusion and granuloma, as well as minimized risk for recurrence due to neochondrogenesis. This method may be used as a standard procedure for treating prominent ears surgically.Öğe Önkolda nekrotizan fasyit: Olgu sunumu ve literatür taraması(2006) Bozkurt, Mehmet; Zor, Fatih; Külahçı, Yalçın; Benlier, ErolNekrotizan fasiit yumuşak dokuların infeksiyon, lokal iskemi ve lokal defans sisteminin azalması sonucu oluşan ve bu kısır döngünün devam ederek doku nekrozuna yol açmasını ifade eden şiddetli bakteriyel infeksiyonudur. Genellikle yaşlılarda, öz bakımı problemli olan hastalarda ve immün sistem defekti olan kişilerde rastlanılan bir infeksiyondur. Nekrotizan fasiit olgularına lokalizasyon olarak en sık genital bölge ve abdomende rastlanılmakla birlikte burada sunulan olguda hem yaş hem de infeksiyonun lokalizasyonu çok rastlanılmayan bir özellik göstermektedir. Bu makalede, herhangi bir sistemik rahatsızlığı olmayan ancak kronikself-mutilasyon (jiletle kendini yaralama) nedeni ile yaralanma bölgesinde lokal immün sistem hasarı oluşmuş ve buna bağlı gelişen nekrotizan fasiit olgusu sunulmuştur.Öğe An Optimal Palpation Method to Locate the Pubic Tubercle(Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2022) Dagdelen, Daghan; Benlier, Erol[Abstract Not Available]