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Öğe Assessment of Ecologic Quality in Terms of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Sediment and Fish on Sakarya River and Dam Lakes, Turkey(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2020) Kose, Esengul; Emiroglu, Ozgur; Cicek, Arzu; Aksu, Sadi; Baskurt, Sercan; Tokatli, Cem; Sahin, MerveSakarya River with a length of 824 km is one of the most important lothic ecosystems of Turkey. Sariyar, Gokcekaya and Yenice Dams were constructed on the Sararya River for the purpose of electric supply and utility water for agricultural and fishery activities. In this study, sediment samples were collected from 14 stations selected on areas seasonally (2015-2016). Also, cyprinidae species (Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782), Capoeta baliki) (Turan, 21 Kottelat, Ekmekci & Imamoglu 2006) were caught from Dam Lakes and Sakarya River. Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb levels in sediment samples and in tissues (liver, gill and muscle) of fish were analyzed in samples by Analytic Jena ContrAA 700 (high-resolution continuum source atomic absorption spectrometer). The data observed were evaluated with national and international quality criteria. According to the data in the study results, heavy metal accumulations in the gill and liver of fish were determined higher than muscle. Zn levels in muscle of C. gibelio caught from Yenice Dam Lake were higher than the permissible limit stated by Turkish legislation and FAO. Also, Cr and Ni levels in sediment samples especially during rainy seasons were higher to dry seasons and Cr and Ni levels were detected higher than sediment quality guidelines.Öğe MERİÇ NEHRİ DELTASI (EDİRNE) BALIKLARINDA TOKSİK METALLERİN BİYOLOJİK BİRİKİMLERİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI(2016) Uğurluoğlu, Alper; Yön, Merve Şahin; Emiroğlu, Özgür; Aksu, Sadi; Başkurt, Sercan; Tokatlı, Cem; Baştatlı, YasinMeriç Nehri Deltası, ülkemizin Trakya Bölgesi'nin en önemli sucul ekosistemidir ve havzada yürütülen yoğun tarımsal faaliyetlerden ve özellikle Ergene Nehri'nden kaynaklanan önemli derecede organik ve inorganik kirliliğe maruz kalmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, sistemin en önemli biyotik öğeleri olan balıkların içerdiği toksik metal seviyelerinin belirlenmesi ve değerlendirilmesidir Bu amaç için, Gala Gölü ve Meriç Nehri'nden yakalanan Cyprinus carpio, Silurus glanis, Scardinius erythrophthalmus, Esox lucius, Carassius gibelio, Perca fluviatilis, Sander lucioperca, Squalius orpheus balık türlerinin kas, solungaç ve karaciğer dokularında kadmiyum (Cd), kurşun (Pb), arsenic (As), bor (B), krom (Cr), nikel (Ni), çinko (Zn) ve bakır (Cu) biyobirikimlerinin tespit edilmiş ve elde edilen sonuçlar balık ve insan sağlığı açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmamız sonucunda elde edilen verilere göre, Gala Gölü ve Meriç Nehri balıklarının kas, solungaç ve karaciğer dokularında tespit edilen toksik element biyobirikimlerinin oldukça yüksek olduğu ve genel olarak kas dokularında tespit edilen kadmiyum, kurşun, nikel ve krom seviyelerinin insani tüketim sınırlarının oldukça üzerinde olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Öğe Sediment Quality Assessment in Porsuk Stream Basin (Turkey) from a Multi-Statistical Perspective(Hard, 2018) Kose, Esengul; Emiroglu, Ozgur; Cicek, Arzu; Tokatli, Cem; Baskurt, Sercan; Aksu, SadiPorsuk Stream Basin is a significant aquatic habitat located in the middle of the Aegean and Central Anatolian Regions of Turkey. Similar to may aquatic habitats, it is exposed to intensive agricultural, domestic, and industrial pollution. The aim of this study was to determine the toxic element levels in Porsuk Stream Basin sediment and evaluate the detected data using a multi-statistical technique. For this purpose, sediment samples were collected from 18 stations selected on the basin (three of them located on Porsuk Dam Lake) in summer 2015, and zinc, copper, lead, cadmium, nickel, and chromium accumulations in sediment samples were determined. All the detected data were compared with the consensus-based threshold effect concentrations (TEC), and factor analysis (FA) also was applied to detected data in order to evaluate the contamination grades in the basin. According to detected data, although Cu, Pb, and Cd concentrations were detected below the limit values, Zn, Cr, and Ni concentrations exceeded the limit values in general. According to results of FA, 3 factors - industrial, agricultural, and lead - explained 81.56% of the total variance.Öğe Spatio-temporal Sediment Quality Risk Assessment by Using Ecological and Statistical Indicators: A Review of the Upper Sakarya River, Türkiye(Springer, 2023) Kose, Esengul; Cicek, Arzu; Aksu, Sadi; Tokatli, Cem; Emiroglu, OzgurIn this study, heavy metal accumulation levels (Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, As) in biotic [Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782), Squalius pursakensis (Hanko 1925)] and abiotic (sediments) components in a significant freshwater ecosystem in Turkiye were investigated on the basis of seasonal variations using geographic information systems (GIS) and some ecotoxicological risk assessment indices [PLI (pollution load index), PERI (potential ecological risk index), Igeo (geo accumulation index), CF (contamination factor) and BRI (Biological Risk Index)]. GIS-based maps were utilized to depict the distribution of ecotoxicological risk assessment indices to provide a visual explanation by using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) as an estimation method. Samples were collected seasonally from 12 stations selected on the Upper Sakarya River Basin, which is one of the longest fluvial ecosystems in Turkiye. As a result of applied indices, cadmium was found as the most hazardous heavy metal in terms of PERI and CF, nickel was found as the most hazardous heavy metal in terms of BRI and arsenic was found as the most hazardous heavy metal in terms of Igeo. As a result of applied PCI, 2 statistically significant factors explained 81.31% of the total variance. It was also determined that levels of almost all the investigated heavy metals (except Zn) in muscle tissues of fishes were under the permissible limits of Turkish legislation and the FAO.