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Öğe Evaluation of Dental Students’ Knowledge and Opinion About Learning with Virtual Reality(2021) Özveren, Neslihan; Sevinç, Büşra; Baltacı, EzgiPurpose: The purpose of this survey study is to learn the knowledge, opinions, and thoughts of dental students in our country on the use of VR-based dental simulators in education, and to raise awareness on this issue. Methods: Questions testing participants’ knowledge were based on the data frompeer-reviewed dental journals. The survey questions consisting of 25 questions were delivered online via Google Forms (Google Inc., USA) to students who had preclinical training in the dental faculty before the Covid-19 pandemic. The data obtained were evaluated using the descriptive statistics and Pearson chi-square test. Results: 422 of the 662 students in the study were female and 240 were male students. 82.3% of the study participants were studying at a state university. 74.6% of the participants in the study stated that they neededmore preclinical education. While 89.9% of the students participating in the survey stated that they do not have information about preclinical education with virtual reality, 97.4%stated that they have not used a VR-based dental simulator before. 85.5% of them stated that they feel positive about training in virtual environment with VR-based dental simulator and 86% of them prefer using both VR-based training and phantommodels in preclinical training. Conclusion: Dental students had overall positive attitudes towards VR-based dental simulator despite their lack of knowledge and experience. In our country having knowledge about VR-based dental simulators will increase awareness for the development of such technologies and their inclusion in dentistry education.Öğe Timing and Sequence Polymorphism of Primary Teeth Emergence in Children Living in Edirne, Turkey: A Cross-Sectional Study(2022) Kara, Sinem Batur; Özveren, NeslihanVariation in both the sequence and timing of primary tooth emergence across the different societies necessitates population-specific research. The aim of the present study is to determine median emergence times of primary teeth and the sequence polymorphism in Turkish children living in Edirne. Material and Methods: The research was performed on sample of 1315 children (684 boys and 631 girls) aged between 4-42 months, who were born and have been living in city of Edirne. Dental examination was carried out in family medicine centers by one investigator and primary teeth were assigned as ‘emerged’ when any part of it was appeared from the surface of gingiva. Median tooth emergence times were evaluated by probit regression analysis. Results: The first emerged teeth were mandibular central incisors with a median value of 6.9 months. The tooth emergence sequence was found as follows: mandibular central incisor, followed by maxillary central incisor, maxillary lateral incisors, a group with similar emergence timings; mandibular lateral incisor, mandibular and maxillary first molars, followed by canines and finally second molars in both arches. First molar and lateral incisor reverse sequence was found in 7% of girls in the maxilla, 5% of boys and 10% of girls in the mandible. 52-51 reverse sequence was found in 18% of boys and 9% of girls. 53-54 reverse sequence was detected in 6% of girls. Conclusion: The first standards of the timing and sequence of primary teeth emergence specific to children living in Edirne were provided.Öğe Trakya Bölgesi’ndeki Çocuk Hastalarda Görülen Dental Anomali Tipleri ve Prevalansları(2020) Özveren, Neslihan; Atay, Meltem TekbaşAmaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, Trakya Bölgesi’ndeki genel sağlık durumunda sendromu bulunmayan 6-15 yaş arası çocuk hastaların,dental anomali karakteristiklerini ve prevalanslarını saptamaktır. Gereçve Yöntemler: Bu kesitsel radyografik çalışma, çeşitli dental problemler nedeni ile tedavi olmak için 2015-2017 yılları arasında TrakyaÜniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesine başvuran, 6-15 yaş arası toplam 1.759 bireyin muayeneleri amacıyla rutin olarak alınmış olan panoramik röntgen filmleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Dental anomalilersayı, yapı, şekil ve pozisyon anomalileri başlıkları altında değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmaya, 3. molar dişler dâhil edilmemiştir. Bulgular: Çalışmada, dental anomali prevalansı %10,0 olarak bulunmuştur. Anomalisaptanan hastaların 88 (%50)’i kız, 88 (%50)’i erkek hastadır. En sıkkarşılaşılan anomali tipi, sayı anomalileri olup, bunlar içinde hipodonti%5,17’lik görülme sıklığı ile en yüksek yüzdelere sahip anomali olaraksaptanmıştır. Hipodontiyi sırasıyla %1,76 ve %1,59 oranları ile hiperdonti ve taurodontizm izlemektedir. Dental anomali sayısının maksillada daha sık olduğu saptanmıştır ve cinsiyetler arasında anomalileraçısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık izlenmemiştir(p<0,001; p>0,05). Sonuç: Çalışmanın bulgularına göre Trakya Bölgesi’ndeki çocuk hastalarda en sık görülen diş anomalisi hipodonti olup,en sık diş eksikliği görülen alt 2. premolar olmuştur. Dental anomalilerin sıklığı ve tipi, popülasyonlar arasında değişmektedir ve dental anomalilerin yaygınlığında ırksal faktörlerin rolü bulunmaktadır. Dijitalpanoramik radyografi, dental anomalilerin saptanması için yararlı birteşhis yöntemidir. Ayrıca çocuk hastalarda, dental anomalilerin erkenteşhisiyle tedavi planlamasının yapılması, ileri yaşlarda görülebilecekdental problemlerin önlenebilmesi açısından önemlidir.